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작성자 아이콘 도마닝
작성일 2011-07-02 14:48:36 KST 조회 512
미쿡글 옮겨놓기
- Damage from Blinkstorm lowered to 10/20/30/40 (+2% STR), down from 15/30/45/60 (+5% STR).
- Damage from Overdrive lowered and changed to 10/20/30/40 (+2% STR), down from 15/30/45/60 (+10% AGI).

The damage is reduced by a whopping 33% for both blinkstorm and overdrive! As if that is not enough, the bonus damage is decreased from 5% to 2% for blinkstorm.

Right now a level 4 blinkstorm will not wipe out the opposing creep, it will only bring them down to yellow. The only way to wipe out the creeps is to do both blinkstorm and overdrive at the same time, and I'm talking about both abilities at level 4. This made farming extremely difficult for our poor LZ.

In my opinion, he is no longer a carry. Lord Zyrkhan, the once almighty powerful character is now worse than an average Joe. I'm just saying.

It is a sad day today.
질칸 토론글

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아이콘 Lionel.Messi (2011-07-02 15:06:17 KST)
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이전 지르가 넘 사기였음. 너프먹어도 쌈
아이콘 츼명타 (2011-07-02 18:13:26 KST)
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아이콘 인간승맄 (2011-07-02 18:43:50 KST)
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아이콘 오후에 (2011-07-02 23:19:16 KST)
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