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작성자 tonylog
작성일 2011-08-27 17:19:21 KST 조회 524
talents 해석

여러개가 있다는건 중첩이 가능하다는뜻인듯.(숫자만큼)

Mental Focus 1 +0.75% Spell Damage
Mental Focus 2 +0.75% Spell Damage

Hunter's Edge 1 +4% Damage against non heroic units.
Hunter's Edge 2 +4% Damage against non heroic units.

립몹에게 4% 추가데미지(스펠,평타)
Deadly Aim 1 +1% Crit Chance
Deadly Aim 2 +1% Crit Chance
Deadly Aim 3 +1% Crit Chance

1%크리티컬 확률(앞으로 추가될 아이템에 붙는 옵션같음)
Instinct 1 +1% Time Scale
Instinct 2 +1% Time Scale
Instinct 3 +1% Time Scale

+1% 타임스케일
Malice 1 Your critical strikes lower the target's armor by 25 for 6 seconds.
Malice 2 Your critical strikes lower the target's armor by 25 for 6 seconds.
Malice 3 Your critical strikes lower the target's armor by 25 for 6 seconds.

크리티컬을 띄울경우 상대의 방어력을 6초간 감소
Madness You gain +3% Weapon Damage for 5 seconds after using an ability.

스킬을 사용하면 5초간 공격력 3% 증가
Sharpened Steel 1 +2% Critical Strike Damage
Sharpened Steel 2 +2% Critical Strike Damage
Sharpened Steel 3 +2% Critical Strike Damage

크리티컬의 추가데미지+2%
Shrivel [Ability] Reduce a target's Spell Damage, Weapon Damage, and Movement Speed by 30% for 5

seconds. 5 minute cooldown.
(액티브타입)상대의 평타, 스킬데미지와 이동속도를 5초간 30% 감소시킴(쿨다운 5분)
Might 1 +1% Weapon Damage
Might 2 +1% Weapon Damage
Might 3 +1% Weapon Damage
Haste 1 +1% Time
Haste 2 +1% Time
+1% 시간(공이속 안줄어듬)
Disorienting Blow Your attacks have a 7% chance to reduce the target's movement speed by 50%
for 3 seconds.
평타가 7%확률로 상대의 이속을 3초간 50% 감소시킴(거터?)
Sprint [Ability] You deal 12% more damage, and gain +25% movement speed for 15 seconds.  5 minute
(액티브타입)평타,스킬데미지가 12% 증가되고 이동속도가 25% 증가합니다.쿨다운 5분
- Added the following talents to the Defensive tree:
Heat Resistant 1 +0.25% Spell Resistance
Heat Resistant 2 +0.25% Spell Resistance
Heat Resistant 3 +0.25% Spell Resistance
Reflex Training 1 2% Evasion
Reflex Training 2 2% Evasion
Reflex Training 3 2% Evasion
Artful Dodger On dodge, increase your movement speed by 10% for 6 seconds.
회피가 발동되면 6초간 이동속도 10% 증가
Enduring Pulse 1 +0.25 Health Regeneration
Enduring Pulse 2 +0.25 Health Regeneration
Enduring Pulse 3 +0.25 Health Regeneration
+ 0.25 피 회복
Hardened Steel 1 +50 Armor
Hardened Steel 2 +50 Armor
Hardened Steel 3 +50 Armor
Impunity Reduce all incoming damage by 2.
들어오는 모든 데미지 2 감소(해병립에게는 뎀지 0받네 올 ㅋ)
Fortitude 1 +25 Health
Fortitude 2 +25 Health
Fortitude 3 +25 Health
Evasion [Ability] 50% Evasion for 8 seconds.  5 minute cooldown.
(액티브타입)8초간 회피율 50% 증가. 쿨다운 5분
Resilience 1 0.25% Damage Resistance
Resilience 2 0.25% Damage Resistance
스킬,평타데미지 0.25%감소
Templar's Resolve 1 +0.75% Weapon Speed and Spell Damage
Templar's Resolve 2 +0.75% Weapon Speed and Spell Damage
Templar's Resolve 3 +0.75% Weapon Speed and Spell Damage
공속과 스킬데미지 각각 0.75% 증가
Counter 10% chance to counterattack when damaged by a physical attack, returning 100% of the damage.
10% 확률로 데미지를 100% 반사(바비드?)
Last Stand [Ability] You gain 30% of your maximum health for 20 seconds.  After the effect
expires, the health is lost.  5 minute cooldown.
피30% 회복, 20초후에 전부 잃음.쿨다운 5분
- Added the following talents to the Utility tree:
Energy Reserves 1 +20 Energy
Energy Reserves 2 +20 Energy
Ocular Implants 1 +1 Sight Radius
Ocular Implants 2 +1 Sight Radius
Commitment 1 Respawn time reduced by 7.5%
Commitment 2 Respawn time reduced by 7.5%
부활대기시간 7.5%감소
Regeneration 1 Recover 0.1% of your missing health and energy every 3 seconds.
Regeneration 2 Recover 0.1% of your missing health and energy every 3 seconds.
Regeneration 3 Recover 0.1% of your missing health and energy every 3 seconds.
3초마다 잃은 피와 마나를 0.1%만큼 회복
Brainstorm 1 +0.25 Energy Regeneration
Brainstorm 2 +0.25 Energy Regeneration
Brainstorm 3 +0.25 Energy Regeneration
Avarice You gain an additional 2 minerals every 10 seconds.
10초마다 2의 추가미네랄 받음(1시간이면 700원쯤 추가로 버는듯)
Gifted Pupil 1 +2% Experience Gain
Gifted Pupil 2 +2% Experience Gain
2% 추가경험치 획득
Swiftness 1 +1.5% Movement Speed
Swiftness 2 +1.5% Movement Speed
Flash [Ability] Teleport up to 8 units away.  5 minute cooldown.
8의 거리만큼 순간이동 가능.쿨다운 5분
Prodigy 1 +2% Time Scale
Prodigy 2 +2% Time Scale
Brain Surgeon 1 After using an ability, you gain +3% Time Scale for 2 seconds.
Brain Surgeon 2 After using an ability, you gain +3% Time Scale for 2 seconds.
스킬을 쓸때마다 2초간 타임스케일 3% 증가
Savvy 1 Each time you kill or assist a hero kill, you recover 10% health and energy.
Savvy 2 Each time you kill or assist a hero kill, you recover 10% health and energy.
킬/어시스트를 하면 피와 마나 10% 회복
Reboot [Ability] Reduce all cooldowns by 15 seconds.  5 minute cooldown.
모든 쿨다운 15초 감소.쿨다운 5분(좀비가 e-쿨다운채움-일어나서 궁-q-e-리붓-e-q 올 ㅋ)

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 Hagen (2011-08-27 17:26:45 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
밸런똥망이네 ㅡㅡ
아이콘 tonylog (2011-08-27 17:28:53 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
특정패시브가 너무 구림....1% 탐스켈같은거...
아이콘 츼명타 (2011-08-27 17:30:16 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이거 신케?
아이콘 tonylog (2011-08-27 17:34:00 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이번에 새로 추가되는 시스템인데, 누적경험치를 쌓아서 레벨을 올리면 저 패시브중 하나를 얻을수 있습니다.
아이콘 tonylog (2011-08-27 17:44:29 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
어....근데 added라는게 원래 있던 트리에 추가된건지 아니면 그냥 저게 추가된거라는뜻인지 모르겠넴...
아이콘 인간승맄 (2011-08-27 17:44:49 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
패시브가 너무 사기면 벨런스 파괴니깐
일부러 수치 낮춘거지
아이콘 도마닝 (2011-08-27 18:00:27 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아 롤에서 가져온거 엄청많네
이그저스트나 플래시 같은거
아이콘 그게모양 (2011-08-27 21:33:59 KST)
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센스 이미지
진짴ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 가져올게 없어서 게임 재미없게 만드는 플래시를 가져오다닠ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
케이크는거짓말 (2011-08-27 21:35:48 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
부활대기 15%감소...
시야 +2...
4%추가 경험치....

아이콘 LunaRuber (2011-08-28 09:45:17 KST)
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센스 이미지
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