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작성자 danihel
작성일 2011-09-04 23:34:36 KST 조회 837
KR players and metagame...

I hate to sound like an asshole (actually I'm an asshole), but I don't like to sound like one.

Anyways, I think KR players have a horrible understanding of the metagame, today really pissed me off with what I had to play (bot zerg as Zera).

I think even great English speakers like Tig, Feelya, AeMin, etc. don't know the word "metagame"

Metagame is like the big picture, not 1v1 play or 2v2 play, but 5v5 play. Metagame in SC2 ladder is how Terran plays vs. toss and zerg. The metagame for TvZ is usually 2rax opening to expand/quick tanks/marine micro. Metagame for TvT is usally Viking/Tank/positioning/drops. That is metagame.

What I want to say is that you guys don't understand the metagame for SOTIS. A team captain should do more than pick people. He should make a team composition and have a plan for the game. A team captain should make his team. For example, I say "Windnim play Drake", he says, "I don't want to". We need a Drake, especially if they have one. When I pick I know who is good at what. You all know I'm a Zera main, so you sometimes pick me if you know you have a Kerri or Cow main too (or you should).



Long and short lane. Long lane is the most difficult lane, top for toss and bot for zerg. Short is bot for toss and top for zerg.

Put weak combo short and strong long. Why?!?!

Let's make an example. Ok I'm Zerg, playing Zera, and top with cow. We are against Drake/Jackson. What we should do is not die. We will get denied. Middle is Zyrkhan. It is his job to come and help us. We will be pushed in, and fighting by our tower. If Zyrkhan runs by the river, it is VERY difficult to escape, we can usually kill 1, and easily both of them.

You put strong combo at long because they have the best chance at beating a gank, weak at long fails. If weak gets pushed in, middle has a hard time ganking because river is right next to the friendly tower, and going through jungle takes too much time and is dangerous. Zera sucks at long? Yeah, no shit, because the combo with Zera is usually weak and you will be pushed to your tower, and it is hard to gank them. Short lane pushed in is easy to gank.

I know a lot of you dislike me, playing with me, so on so fourth, but too many times I've been in a situation where we need a gank, but Zyrkhan or Boros at mid goes to long lane (Drake/Jackson) to help them. They don't need help! When I'm team captain, I win 85% of the time, because I make a team comp, understand the metagame, know my players, and have a plan.

Someone please translate this. NA players play like this, this is higher level play and common sense.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-09-04 23:37:49 KST)
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센스 이미지
metagame = 빌드 혹은 상성에서 유리한것 이쯤으로 갈수있겠는데
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-09-04 23:39:34 KST)
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그리고 결론은 센탑먹은놈은 랭젝을 견제좀 해달라
danihel (2011-09-04 23:43:32 KST)
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I think I'll have miro translate this tomorrow. I argue about this with him all the time, but you guys make HUGE metagame/team comp mistakes too much, and I'm tired of it.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
메호 (2011-09-04 23:44:46 KST)
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더럽게 잘난척하네 대충 좀 즐기면서 하지 왜 스트레스 받으면서 하나...?
프렙스 (2011-09-04 23:45:48 KST)
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다니엘 이 ㅎㄱ는 왜 한쿸 살면서 영어쓰고 ㅈㄹ임?
한쿸 왓으면 한쿸어 배워야지 ㅅㅂ
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-09-04 23:46:15 KST)
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뭐... 워낙 답답하신듯 ㅎ
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-09-04 23:46:39 KST)
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영어 강사예여

그래도 십새끼같은건 할줄알아여
danihel (2011-09-04 23:52:20 KST)
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If you're talking shit... go fuck yourself. Thanks!

If not, then I can't speak Korean. "Hangeul opsoyeo!"

I'll get someone to translate this tomorrow for all of you. Just wait a day. I'm sorry I can't speak Korean, I couldn't take Korean classes because my boss is a fucking asshole :<, but I really wanted to. I can read and understand a little (that's how I know you guys are talking shit about me, act nice to me in English, but are fake). Also I use bing translator.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-09-04 23:53:53 KST)
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님들 다니엘 까는거 들킴
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-04 23:55:33 KST)
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팀 캡틴은 사람 뽑을때 그 사람이 뭘 잘하는지 알고...
역할분담 , 계획이 잇어야한다(대충 이런듯)

metagame = 정석적인 게임 (밀리에서는 ?종족이 ?종족을 상대할때 보통은 이런식으로 한다)

Zeratul 은 긴 라인(저그진영에서의 밑 라인,플토진영에서의 윗 라인)에서 힘들다.
(이건 제라툴 유저로써 나도 동의하는 바)

긴 라인에는 강한 조합을 배치 , 짧은 라인에는 약한 조합을 배치해야 한다.


긴 라인의 경우 상대편이 센터에서 갱을 올 경우 약한 조합의 경우 살아남기가 굉장히 힘들고
짧은 라인의 경우에는 조합상 밀리더라도 우리편이 갱을 오기가 쉬워서 도움을 받을 수 있다.

게임을 하다보면 내가있는(제라툴) 라인에 도움이 필요한데
우리팀 센터에서 강한조합쪽으로 갱을 가는 상황이 많이 나온다
강한조합한테는 도움이 크게 필요없다.

대...대충 이런 내용인듯... 뭐 맞는말 같음;; ㅇ-ㅇ
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-04 23:56:29 KST)
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I like you Dan -fog- ^_^

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 도마닝 (2011-09-05 00:05:23 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
옳은말하네 근데 공방은 아니잖아 안될거야 우린
글고 다니엘 미쿡인입니다
cohcoRoar (2011-09-05 00:06:35 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
댄아 솔직히 말할게 니가번역알아서하겠지^^

1.넌 제라툴 하지마 너에 궁에같혀 죽은적이 한두번이아니야

E스킬로 아군 네명을 죽일땐 난 경악을 금치못했단다!
딴캐릭을알아봐 파일럿 심하게타는 캐릭말고 너가 맨드 사기 사기 거리지만 너가맨드
했을때 0킬15데스에 우린 놀랐단다!맨드도 하지마
넌 기본적인 센스가하나도없어!

그리고 기본적으로 넌 맵핑이 아예안되더라

2. 캡정할때 자꾸 옆에서bo! 하지마^^

물론 내가판비방이면 널 안끼지만 너가있으면 정신 사나와서 미치겠어

양키하나들어왔다고 사람들이 영어써대고 채팅하기바빠서 겜진행이안되

헐 그냥 결론은 그거야 fuck you

내가사랑하는 내친구 댄에게
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 00:08:22 KST)
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ignore cohcoroar he is asshole;;

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
CaitSith (2011-09-05 00:16:09 KST)
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오옹우옹 다읽었긔...
이런건 비방에서나 지적가능한거 아닐까...(흘려들으센)
그래도 재밌다.. 이런거..
공방은 라인상성같은거 우걱우걱 씹어먹는데...
비방은... 안해봐서 모르겄네. +_+
cohcoRoar (2011-09-05 00:16:27 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
니가 적어도 개념이 조금이라도 있는 인간이면 한국에서 겜 할거라면
기본적인 한국어라도 배워서 겜상에서 영어로 씨부렁 거리면서 열내지말고 한국어로해

그렇게안할거면 북미섭가서 하지 왜 말안통하는 여기서 영어로씨부렁거리면서 오더를 내리고 혼자 열내남?
cohcoRoar (2011-09-05 00:18:56 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
그리고 너가한 말이 맞긴한데 너자체 플레이가 민폐니깐 잘좀하자
내 사랑하는친구 Dan아?
danihel (2011-09-05 00:25:41 KST)
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I respect Cohco as a high tier SOTIS player, but not as a human being. He is great at SOTIS, but as a person, he is a piece of shit. I liked him at first, but after hearing nothing but him talking shit to me for no reason, I quickly got fucking sick and tired of him. Your English level is low Cohco, but when this is translated, maybe you can write something intelligent. Heard you were scouted by OGS, gj.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
danihel (2011-09-05 00:28:52 KST)
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All you are is PersonaRoar cohco, go fuck yourself.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
깡배추 (2011-09-05 00:32:03 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 나는 Cohco를 소티스플레이어로서는 존경하지만 인간으로서는 존경하지 않는다. 그는 소티스에서는 굉장하지만 한 사람으로 보면 그냥 쓰레기이다. 나는 처음에는 그를 좋아했지만 나를 이유없이 까는것을 듣고 난 이후에는 그에게 실망했고 피곤해졌다. Cohco 너의 영어실력은 낮다. 하지만 이것이 번역될때즘에는 아마 너도 무언가 지적인것을 쓸수 있을 것이다. 니가 OGS에서 스카웃받았다는 사실을 들었다. gj(무슨뜻이여)
CaitSith (2011-09-05 00:32:57 KST)
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ㄴ good job의 향기.
danihel (2011-09-05 00:37:37 KST)
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The "good job" was sincere. That's good that OGS is scouting him, even though I dislike him, it's nice to see a high level SOTIS player get into the SC2 pro scene.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
AeMin (2011-09-05 00:39:02 KST)
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영어한글댓글의 조합은 정말웃기긔 ㅋㅋㅋ;
danihel (2011-09-05 00:39:15 KST)
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Why is dimtis more translated to Korean than kimtis??? I made a post about this on, but the devs are fucking incompetent and don't give a shit.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 00:40:50 KST)
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dan. i think that OGS thing is JOKE.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 00:43:17 KST)
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ㄴ 이렇게 쓰는거 맞음? AeMin 님
AeMin (2011-09-05 00:43:49 KST)
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센스 이미지
no way he is scouted by ogs... even though i think he's good, if he was scouted into ogs fenrilprime would go into ogs quicker.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 00:45:15 KST)
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영어 어려워;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 아 어지럽다;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
danihel (2011-09-05 00:58:09 KST)
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miro told me he got scouted when we were drinking, I was surprised he played ladder because he spends so much time on SOTIS. Makes sense that it was just a troll.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
danihel (2011-09-05 01:01:04 KST)
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Actually I wish I Cohco wasn't such a dick to me from the start, I liked him at first. Now he's blocked on my account, because all he said was "fuck you dan". It's not that I think he's a bad player, he just talks way too much shit. A lot of Roar clan talk shit about me, and think I don't understand. Ing, Wind, those guys. Always fucking talking shit, why don't I speak in Spanish and fuck with you guys? How does that make you feel? Like shit assholes.

Either way, getting this translated tomorrow, just wait.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
AeMin (2011-09-05 01:03:33 KST)
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센스 이미지
I translated this already actually. Look at my newest thread. and the one above it (i think it's better lol)

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
cohcoRoar (2011-09-05 01:06:43 KST)
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뭐라는거야 아^^이새기가 약을먹었나 하다못해 구글 번역이라도 쳐해서 올리지 울렁거리네^^ㅗ
아이콘 WindRoar (2011-09-05 01:11:33 KST)
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아 웃겨서 로그인을 안할수가없네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ogs스카웃 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
조크! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ tv좀 보고 자려다가 보네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그리고 다니엘 생각은 좀 있는것 같네... 나한테 욕한 것도 진심이 아니였을지도 몰라
dan! sorry ............... me english level is low and 앞으로 다니엘 친하게 지내자.
내가 잘해줌! 그리고 한국어를 배워보는게 어떰..
(아 씨발 영어못해먹겠네 ㅋㅋ 누가 다니엘한테 전해주셈)
danihel (2011-09-05 01:12:44 KST)
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Thanks AeMin, I have never seen you in the SOTIS community, even though I have been in it for quite a while, but I respect you very much for doing the KR translation. KR needs that, and we can get SOOO many players. Thanks for your hard work, I don't speak Korean and your work will hurt me, but it will make KR SOTIS so much better.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
AeMin (2011-09-05 01:13:40 KST)
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ok... danihel ur problem win wind is at least solved

and he says you should learn korean lol

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
AeMin (2011-09-05 01:17:25 KST)
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센스 이미지
you memorized all siklls and items anyway right...? you just need to memorize how protoss and zerg spells in korean ㅇㅅㅇ

also the rune creeps.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
danihel (2011-09-05 01:51:34 KST)
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Rune creeps are not important for Zera play. All roar guys talk shit about me, but where is there Zera play? Zera is UP, but he's mine, and I play him. No one thanks me for saving them, no " " "^. I'm not a respected Zera player in KR, to you guys, its the only thing I can do. When I save ur asses, or when I get you kills, you don't give a fuck. When I get you killed... all you guys want to do is talk shit about the "waygook". I'm here for another year. should just fuckingjplay sudden attack and say nothing in chat to avoid racism. I raped at counter strike, sudden attack is nothing to me...

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
danihel (2011-09-05 02:03:18 KST)
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Wind and Ing talk a lot of trash about me, but are fake. They say nice shit in English, but they don't like me when they speak Hangook. Easy, just man up and say you guys don't like me/think I'm a shit player. Recently, I've learned guys like Ing, Wind and Dorothy just talk shit about me. Go fuck yourselves. Go play shit heores like Zeratul and Darpa. And do better than me. 20-6 for Darpa, no one cared about that, they only care about when our team loses and we all do badly.

If you guys only want to see shit, then you will. Am I a tier 1 player? No. Am I decent? I think so.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 02:24:12 KST)
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I'm the best zera player in KR

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 02:24:28 KST)
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ㄴ 자뻑성공 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
아이콘 WindRoar (2011-09-05 02:26:26 KST)
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머야 잘지내보자니까 왜 깜....
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 02:27:39 KST)
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AeMin 님이 모함을 한걸지도모름!! 는 개드립
AeMin (2011-09-05 02:30:02 KST)
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센스 이미지
누명씌워졋다! 는 유머

그나저나 로어클랜에서 악담을 너무 많이 해서 못믿는데요. 겉으로는 (영어로) 친하게 대하면서 한글로 뭐라뭐라 한다고.
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 02:31:00 KST)
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윈드님이 다니헬에 대해서 오해를 하고있었던거 같다고 앞으로 친하게 지내보자고 전해줘요 히히
아이콘 앙개 (2011-09-05 02:31:17 KST)
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당신은 우리의 영어 능력자;
아이콘 WindRoar (2011-09-05 02:49:56 KST)
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다니엘 난 코코와 다름... 이해해주셈...
cohcoRoar (2011-09-05 07:42:41 KST)
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아이콘 l46kok (2011-09-05 16:11:08 KST)
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Hey Daniel.

You probably don't know me, but I've had the honor of seeing you in person in May during the GSL Super Tournament when I was in Korea for the summer break. I respect you and tasteless for your considerate effort to bringing the best commentaries of SC2- be it GSL, MLG or any other event and I'm always thankful for being able to hear your insights for the game.

Ergo, I am going to criticize upon your actions a bit, because I actually care so please don't take it too hardly but try to at least give some considerations because I think what you are doing is not very professional, and I don't want others to look down upon you harshly, despite the fact that you may already consider yourself as an "asshole".

First of all, and I'm sure I'm stating the very obvious here, but you need to recognize that this is a Korean site. As you wouldn't expect people writing in Korean or any other foreign languages in English sites such as, you have to give some considerations to the users and should definitely not expect them to understand anything you are saying, with the exception of a few who actually studied English quite a bit.

So, in my opinion what should've actually been done is to find a capable translator and have the person translate your words into Korean. Due to practical considerations however, I know this isn't a very easy thing to do, but you need to at least try to find someone to do it for you. That is one of the ways to respect the viewers.

If that wasn't possible, then I think it is fair to ask one of the users to translate it for you, but in more of a mannered way. You can't just say "Someone please translate this. NA players play like this, this is higher level play and common sense." and expect someone to actually take their time translating a long article for you. In general, and this is especially true in Korean boards, but if you are to make criticisms and even if what you are saying is 100% correct, there are thousands of people that will just criticize back and not listen to you. In this case, it's even more important to recognize that because people who are capable of both languages will just look at what you said and go "O U THINK U SMART HUH? JUST CUZ U FROM US AND U PPL MADE SOTIS MEANS U DA BEST AT THIS GAME?" and just scoff it off. In my case, I simply refused to translate because what you have wrote can be considered offensive and I did not want this board to get into shits of mayhem and have people engage in a 4-chan styled argument. This may not be the most proper analogy, but there's a difference between telling a bronze player "I think if you practiced a bit more, you would soon become better" to "HEY U SUCK AT SC2 U BAD U NEEDZ PRACTICE". Koreans here are feeling the latter.

Second, you need to realize your position as a professional caster and re-think about your actions one more time. The probability of an action of this scale actually affecting your fame and your career in any near future is probably near zero, and I understand that it's ultimately your choice to take whatever actions as you'd like, but something as insignificant as this can damage your reputation, and you probably realize how much harder it is to build and maintain your reputation than to destroy it. You may think I'm taking things a bit overboard here, but before you post something, you should probably read it over again and try to eliminate any statements or claims made by you that can result in a heated argument, dragging your reputation down. There are probably a minority amount of users here who goes to both PlayXP and Teamliquid and you may find your entire posting here copied and pasted over at Teamliquid - You simply never know.

Third, I'm going to "hopefully" explain why Koreans suck at this game compared to the NA standards and why you shouldn't be expecting a high level play that you've experienced from the NA server. I need to make it clear that I'm not a hardcore SOTIS player, let alone "a" SOTIS player as I've only played the map about 6-7 times. However, I've played other AoS maps extensively, especially DOTA and I understand the mechanics and importance of laning and ganking, which you are discussing about so I feel somewhat qualified to explain the above phenomenon and that I understand your pain and frustrations when you have teammates that can't play for shit.

The concept of "AoS" is somewhat new to the Koreans. To be exact, the "Western-style AoS" has been none existent for a while and it's now being slowly assimilated into the gaming community in Korea. The only AoS most Koreans know how to play is a Warcraft 3 custom game known as "CHAOS" and if you've played it, you may know this already but the concepts and dynamics of the game in CHAOS is way different than western-style AoSes such as DOTA or SOTIS. When DOTA was first introduced in the western side, there weren't any clear set of strategies, be it laning, ganking or even the basic fundamentals of farming and denying. The Koreans are going through a very similar phase right now. In fact, if you compare the skill level of the players from last year to now, you would probably notice a huge difference.

Because of this fact, it's still premature to assume that players have a full grasp on how the team composition is critical for winning the games. Sure, some players are just simple assholes and would only want to play the heroes they like or they are used to, but those players aren't even worth your time because they will never change their ways and these kind of assholes exist in just about any other servers. For the other majority, which I hope are who you are trying to discern and trying to teach them about the metagame and the importance of team captain, but this is probably still not the proper time to force the knowledge into them yet as the SOTIS metagame in Korea side is still being developed and slowly being assimilated.

Even if assuming you are playing with people who understand the game very well and if they refuse to play certain core heroes for your team composition (The "assholes"), you need to let it go. People say AoS is a game of C&C - Collaboration and Communication. If you break that, then you are throwing away a game that may be even winnable just from breaking your team's harmony - another key aspect which a team leader should have in my opinion.

I know I've stated a lot of the obvious, which most of it you probably were aware of, but I'm telling you this because I don't want people to judge and criticize you harshly and then your reputation dragged down because of the momentarily anger and frustration you could not control. I really respect you as a professional commentator, I'm sure along with many others out there. That's why I'm actually taking the time to write this. Please consider what I had to say and reconsider of your actions.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
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