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작성자 NTsFeelYa
작성일 2011-09-05 02:45:06 KST 조회 317
Sup dan, plz read this thread.

Hello, Dan. i'm NTsFeelYa.

 There is alot of issues about u and meta-game(i know this word :). KR player is just suck at meta-game.

 Because they just focus on "HOW TO WIN". it means, even another lanes are gotta fucked, carries r cover that. (it will be current thinking way of korean who playing AOS).

 We already know about how to play meta-game and how to do team-fight, but this like, current thinking makes KR player be crazy for their not farming but killing.


KR player's way to playing.

-even there is fuckin combination on one lane, make other 2-lanes being strong-combination for checking enemy.


N/A player's way to playing

-make all lanes normaly which can against each enemy.


Hell yeah, that was my fault when I was give bot to u. but that time, i thought mandrake is carry, so i need many killing from short lane. and i thought zylikhan is the best ganker, therefore he gose to gank bot lane even if bot was weak comb.


You r the best zera player when i seen, but need to understand this shit for ur mentality.


ps. idk y roar ppl dont like u, but need those things. "patience, cs(creep score), just do ur best."

and WINDNIM said in ur thread, "sorry dan, lets get in touch"


thx for reading. there r a lot of errors on gram. XD



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발도장 찍기
아이콘 WindRoar (2011-09-05 02:51:44 KST)
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필야님 저도 영어 공부좀...시켜주셈
아이콘 NTsFeelYa (2011-09-05 02:53:00 KST)
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ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 영어 못함여 열심히 끄적였음
AeMin (2011-09-05 02:54:22 KST)
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센스 이미지
지르칸은 zyrkhan!!

anyway, all koreans ever think about is "hurry hurry" and me too o_o
Korhal_US (2011-09-05 07:42:08 KST)
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몇가지 고치자면..
"KR player is just suck at meta-game" => "KR players just suck at meta-game"

Because they just focus on "HOW TO WIN". it means, even another lanes are gotta fucked, carries r cover that. (it will be current thinking way of korean who playing AOS).
이건 이해가 안되네요..
It's because Koreans only focus on "how to win". Which means even if another lanes(?) get fucked, it gets carried over and covers ????.. 고치기도 애매하네요;

그리구 N/A는 미국에서 Not Available로 이해합니다.. 그냥 NA 아니면 America로...

미국계 한국인이 썼습니다.... 죄송하지만 미국인도 이해하기 힘드네요;
danihel (2011-09-05 13:22:09 KST)
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I don't know, sometimes you guys have good non standard team comps and lane assignments. Othertimes I know my team will lose when I see where the team captain puts heroes. I think team captains should do more than just pick players. They need to man up, make team comps and make lane assignments... have a plan. Sometimes people just make a team and let them do whatever they want. Sorry for raging to you guys.

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