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작성자 아이콘 Mhan142
작성일 2011-12-12 06:31:01 KST 조회 518
5.13 페치/ 후기

Changelog v5.13
Internal Version 2614

New Hero:
- Added Hybrid.MAAR.
- Added first person shooter mode (Type "-fps" to toggle). This is a graphic-intensive setting.
- Want a new angle on the game? Added Camera Flip. Type:
"-flip 0" for default settings.
"-flip 1" for 90 degrees.
"-flip 2" for 180 degrees.
"-flip 3" for 270 degrees.

- Spruced up difference between faction terrains.
- Added juke spots in large tree clusters.
- Added additional structures and sight blockers to improve dynamics at P.Top/Z.Bot T2 tower locations.

- Total team experience gained from hero kills buffed per assisting hero. Base Formula is characterized as 75% of experience required for the dying player to reach the next level.
0 Assists: 100% Base Exp (100% ea.)
1 Assists: 110% Base Exp (55% ea., up from 50% ea.)
2 Assists: 120% Base Exp (40% ea., up from 33.33% ea.)
3 Assists: 130% Base Exp (32.5% ea., up from 25% ea.)
4 Assists: 140% Base Exp (28% ea., up from 20% ea.)
- Assist minerals now varies based on number of assisting heroes, rather than a flat 75%/n for (n>0) assist. Killing player recieves full minerals regardless of assist count.
1 Assists: 60% Base Minerals (60% ea., down from 75% ea.)
2 Assists: 90% Base Minerals (45% ea., up from 37.5% ea.)
3 Assists: 120% Base Minerals (40% ea., up from 25% ea.)
4 Assists: 150% Base Minerals (37.5% ea., up from 18.75% ea.)
Unassisted Creep Kill: 200% Shared Base Minerals (40% ea.), up from 150% Shared Base Minerals (30% ea.)

- Base kill bounty increased to 200+10*LVL, up from 150+12*LVL.
- First Blood now grants 200 Minerals, up from 150.

- You can no longer use "-unstuck" while dead.

Barbed Plating
- Fixed bug causing Barbed Plating to occasionally not reflect damage.

- SCVs now have the same attack priority as normal creeps.
- Attack range reduced to 6.5, down from 7.5
- Garamond can no longer attack side shops to build up SCVs.
- Mk38-Turrets are now worth 24-28 minerals when killed.

- Gaseous Phage now deals 11/14/17/20 (+0.5% INT) damage per second, from 15/20/25/30 (+1% INT).

- Dark Matter damage reflect inceased to 10/14/18/22%, up from 6/10/14/18%.

- Raynor's Raiders damage increased to 10 damage per second, up from 7 damage per second.

- Flaming Stevie no longer has a collision radius.
- Flaming Stevie's placement can no longer be obstructed.
- Flaming Stevie's duration is no longer affected by Time Scale.

- Armageddon recharge time increased to 25 seconds, up from 20.
- Armageddon damage reduced to 120/200/280 (+5% INT) damage, down from 150/250/350 (+5% INT).

- Reduced damage of Infested Airborne Division to 8/12/16/20 (+0.5% INT), down from 10/15/20/25 (+1% INT).
- Infested Airborne Division now has 4/6/8/10 charges.
- Fixed bug causing eggs to have a collision radius before eggs actually impact the target location.

- Psionic Slam cooldown increased to 16 seconds, up from 13 seconds.

이번엔 뭔가 게념페치(짐 레이너 뺴고) Aemin님 상소문을 잘 읽은듯

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발도장 찍기
아이콘 reading (2011-12-12 06:47:43 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
마르 벌써나왔네..
아이콘 Mhan142 (2011-12-12 08:09:38 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
근대 마르 잘하려면 키보드가 부셔질 정도로 빨리 쳐야됨
근대 그럴려면 스킬을 다 익혀야 해서 어려움
닉네임: 암호:
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