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작성자 문성민님
작성일 2013-06-23 10:02:45 KST 조회 1,327
사신더블 질문입니다 !

토스전할때 사신더블이후에 2병영추가 하는게 정석으로 알고있는데요


이렇게하면 모광추찌르기에 너무 당하는거같더라구요 제가 못하는거일수도있지만..


그래서 사신더블이후에 바로 111 가는건 별로인가요? 모광추에 너무 당하는거같아서 ㅜㅜ


그리고 저그전 사신더블도 토스전 하는것처럼하면되나요

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 Titanium (2013-06-23 10:05:00 KST)
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센스 이미지
Build Order

10 – Supply Depot
12 – Barracks (*)
12 – Refinery (*)
15 – Orbital Command
15 – Reaper (constant Reaper production)
17 – Supply Depot
17 – Attempt Bunker pressure with scouting SCV at opponent’s natural expand
22 – @400 Mins, start 2nd Command Center
@150 Gas, start Reactor on Barracks, and Factory
@400 Mins, start 3rd Command Center in-base
@100% Factory, swap Factory onto Reactor (constant Hellion production), start Techlab on Barracks, and get 2nd Refinery
@100% Techlab, start Stim
Commit to a push with your first 2 Hellions (7:00ish if opponent has slow lings) or 6 hellions (8:00ish if opponent has ling speed) and your initial 3 Reapers.

토스전 (이영호식)
10 – Supply Depot
12 – Barracks
12 – Refinery
15 – Orbital Command
15 – Reaper
17 – After first 100 Gas is mined, stop mining all gas
17 – @100% Reaper, start Reactor on Barracks
You should now be at 0 Gas
17 – @400 Mins, start 2nd Command Center
18 – Supply Depot
20 – Bunker, and put 3 SCVs back in the Refinery
@100% Reactor, start Engineering Bay
@100% Engineering Bay, start +1 Infantry Attack
Benchmark: When you start +1 Attack (@5:10ish), you should have 20 SCVs, 1 Reaper, and 2 Marines
@100% 2nd Command Center, start Orbital Command and 2nd Barracks
@100 Gas, start Factory and 2 more Refineries
@100% 2nd Barracks, start Tech lab
@100% Tech lab, start Stimpack Research
@100% Factory, start Starport and Reactor on Factory
Can now start Marauder production
@100% +1 Infantry Attack, start +1 Infantry Armor
@100% Starport, swap off Starport onto Reactor and start Reactored Medivac production
Push out when your first 2 Medivacs pop (@9:20ish) with 2 Medivacs, 45 SCVs, around 20 Marines and 3 Marauders, (and a Reaper)
@200 Gas, start an Armory, Combat Shields, and a 3rd Command Center
Benchmark: When your Stimpack finishes (@9:50ish), you should have 4 Medivacs, 48 SCVs, and around 22 Marines and 3 Marauders

10 – Supply Depot
12 – Barracks
12 – Refinery
15 – Reaper
16 – Orbital Command
17 – After first 100 Gas is mined, stop mining all gas
17 – @100% Reaper, start Reactor on Barracks
17 – @400 Mins, start 2nd Command Center
18 – Supply Depot
19 – 2nd Barracks
20 – Bunker, and put 3 SCVs back in the Refinery
@100% 2nd Barracks, start Tech lab
@100% Tech lab, start Stimpack Research
@100 Gas, start Factory, Engineering Bay, and 2nd Refinery
@100% Engineering Bay, start +1 Infantry Attack and 3rd Refinery
@100% Factory, start Starport, Reactor on Factory, and 4th Refinery
Benchmark: When you start your Starport (@7:50ish), you should be at 35 SCVs and around 60 supply.
@100% Starport, swap off onto Factory’s Reactor, start 3 more Barracks, and start double Medivac production
@100% Stimpack, start Combat Shields Research and begin Marauder production
@100% 3rd Barracks, start Tech lab
@100% 4th/5th Barracks, start Tech lab and Reactor
@100% +1 Infantry Attack, start +1 Infantry Armor
Push out when your first 2 Medivacs pop (@9:45ish) with 2 Medivacs, 2 Marauders, around 28 Marines, Stimpack, Combat Shields, and +1 Attack.
파마산치즈 (2013-06-23 10:18:42 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
대체 이빌드는 어디가야 볼수있나요? 분석이 ㄷㄷ하네. 토스전 이신형식 생더블 운영도 좀 올려주실수 있나요?
아이콘 Titanium (2013-06-23 10:19:00 KST)
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센스 이미지
Build Order

10 – Supply Depot
14 – Command Center
15 – 1st Barracks
17 – 2nd Barracks
19 – @100% 1st Barracks, start 2 Orbital Commands and a Bunker at the front
26 – Supply Depot
27 – 3rd Barracks
28 – @100% Supply Depot, start 2 Refineries
@25 Gas, start Tech lab (still only Marine production)
@100% Tech lab, start Stimpack, Engineering Bay, and 3rd Refinery
@100% Engineering Bay, start +1 Infantry Attack
@100 Gas, start Factory
@75 Gas, start Reactor and Tech lab on other Barracks, and start 3rd Command Center
Benchmark: When you start the 3rd Command Center (@7:40ish), you should have 38 SCVs and around 14 Marines
@100% Factory, start Reactor on Factory, Starport, and 4th Refinery (begin Marauder production)
@100% Reactor, swap off Starport onto Reactor and start Combat Shields (begin double Medivac production)
@100% +1 Infantry Attack, start +1 Infantry Armor and 2 more Barracks
Push out with your first 2 Medivacs (@9:45ish) with 52 SCVs, around 20 Marines and 6 Marauders, 2 Medivacs, and Stim/+1 Attack
아이콘 Titanium (2013-06-23 10:19:20 KST)
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센스 이미지
위에는 생더블
파마산치즈 (2013-06-23 10:24:33 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄳ합니다 진짜 좋은사이트인듯.
아이콘 아다만태움 (2013-06-23 11:49:54 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
사신더블하고 정찰했을때 토스가 연결체 안지으면 2가스 파면서 111하는게 안전해요
댓글을 등록하려면 로그인 하셔야 합니다. 로그인 하시려면 [여기]를 클릭하십시오.
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