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작성자 아이콘 프레리닭
작성일 2014-12-11 10:10:32 KST 조회 547

e’re giving a heads up on adjustments being made based on player feedback over the amount of herbs used in recipes by Alchemy and Jewelcrafting. The adjustment will increase the amount of herbs an Alchemist needs and decrease the herb costs for Jewelcrafters.

Overview of Changes:

Combat potion recipes no longer requires Crescent Oil and meat/fish, and will require herbs instead.
Flask recipes will use more herbs, increasing the number of herbs needed from one type of herb to two.

Tier 1 gem recipes will require more ore and less herbs.
Tier 2 gem recipes will no longer require herbs and instead require a tier 1 gem.

In summary, these changes are not active yet. But once the change is active, Alchemists will need more herbs, and Jewelcrafting will need less.

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