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작성자 아이콘 트럴임
작성일 2015-11-07 21:11:02 KST 조회 1,187
공기비중 벨렌이 드디어 뭔가를 한다

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아이콘 트럴임 (2015-11-07 21:15:51 KST)
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센스 이미지
Wowpedia is a great resource for the team to see what they have done with characters in the past.
Sometimes if there is something very cool they will contradict the lore a little bit to do it.
It is very important to the team that every single designer gets to contribute to the story.
Most of the priests you would recognize are Alliance, so some new Horde priests are going to be added.
Alleria is tied to the Marksman artifact weapon, so you will see a little bit about where she has been through that experience.
In Draenor several characters promised to help fight the Burning Legion or visit Azeroth. The team wanted to limit how much of Draenor leaked out, as it was an alternative timeline, but they may appear in the future at some point.
Jaina will play a role in Legion, maybe not a huge role.
The events at the Broken Shore are devastating and are really going to shake things up. The Alliance and Horde will be reeling from that throughout the entire expansion.
Many of the major characters use multiple specs, so Thrall may be Elemental and Enhancement.

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