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작성자 아이콘 트럴임
작성일 2015-11-09 17:46:16 KST 조회 982
소군단에서 살게무덤까지 진입 하나 보네요

Legion Pre-Expansion Patch 

  • The Broken Shore scenario picks up exactly where the cinematic leaves off.
  • There is a massive joint Horde and Alliance assault on the Tomb of Sargeras.
  • In the patch before Legion, there will be a demon invasion of our world, with invasions happening all over the world.
  • The forces of Azeroth decide that they need to launch a counterattack and cut off the corruption at its source.
  • Players will get on ships and arrive at a beach assault that has different stages. The stages are completed by the raid group as a whole, you are destroying Legion fortifications, killing demons, killing their major lieutenants and generals as you fight your way up the hill from the beach to the foot of the Tomb of Sargeras. When you get there, there will be some fateful and eventful things that they don't want to spoil yet, but you do not completely succeed at stopping the Legion invasion. All of this will be playable during the pre-expansion patch.
  • The Broken Shore scenario is flexible, scaling anywhere from 1 to 20 players, so when there aren't as many people starting later in the expansion it will wait for a few minutes and then start, maybe with additional NPCs to keep the epic feeling.
  • The pre expansion patch is on a similar timeline to previous expansions.
  • There will be a pre-release patch coming out a few weeks prior to the Broken Isles becoming accessible, which will include the invasion events.
  • Anyone who has pre-purchased Legion will be able to make their Demon Hunter and play through their starting experience during this patch.



월드이벤트로 악마들도 쳐들어오고


Challenge Mode Dungeons 

  • The difficulty of challenge mode dungeons should be able to scale endlessly, but there will be a cap on how high the loot goes.
  • For example, if a Tier 20 challenge mode dungeon is very hard to complete, they may cap the loot potential there, even if there are a couple of groups that can go a little higher. This is somewhat like how current challenge modes have a gold timer that is designed to be attainable by virtually any reasonably balanced group. Players can try for even faster times for prestige or leaderboard ranks, but there aren't any more rewards.
  • The goal is to have leaderboards for the new challenge mode dungeons, focused on the highest tier you clear rather than how fast you are doing it.
  • If you are a skilled fully Mythic geared player, you will be able to do a very high tier challenge mode dungeon and they want to give you a chance to get loot comparable to that.
  • Loot will be in a range of item levels, somewhat like what Mythic dungeons offer in Patch 6.2.3. While there is a chance to get items equal to the best ones from Mythic raids, that is not the default expectation.
  • This will complement high end raiders gameplay, not replace it. For players who do Normal difficulty raiding, but actually prefer a smaller group setting, this could replace raiding for them.
  • Each player will be able to get one keystone per week. There may be opportunities to get additional ones as a bonus, but one will be the baseline.
  • If you fail to beat a timer on a run that you have initiated, your keystone is depleted. The depleted keystone can still be used to start additional runs, but those runs won't give a loot chest at the end.
  • If you are trying Level 6 Halls of Valor and just barely fail, you will get a Level 6 quality reward chest for your group at the end of the run, but you now have a depleted Level 6 Halls of Valor keystone. You can try again and if you manage to beat the time, you will upgrade your keystone to a fresh empowered Level 7 keystone that will give you loot.
  • The team wants to avoid frustrations such as having a tank disconnect and being done for the week, but they didn't want players to take the same keystone and run the same dungeon over and over for all of the rewards.
  • The quality of the loot you get from the weekly jackpot is going to be significantly higher. There is a possibility of getting a lucky upgrade from the regular runs, but at some point your main goal will become the weekly chest.
  • There aren't going to be unique challenge mode armor sets, but it is likely that there will be Artifact appearances tied to the challenge mode dungeon system.


  • Raid sizes are staying the same, with Mythic at a fixed 20 player size.
  • Cross-realm Mythic raiding unlock time will depend on how long a tier is lasting and where things stand overall for the game.
  • By default, Mythic raids will remain closed to cross-realm raiding at release. Part of that is to preserve the server first races, as well as a sense of guild identity.
  • The idea of a top guild on a specific server is one of the few server specific things that remains and the team wants to make sure it stays and keeps a sense of prestige. At some point it will make sense to unlock cross-realm raiding.
  • The game will have two raid zones at launch and a number of content patches following that.
  • The team is talking about moving away from single monolithic raids that are very large and having a tier that has a couple of separate raid zones that complement each other.
  • Rather than having one 13 boss raid like Hellfire Citadel, what if there was a 6 boss raid and a 7 boss raid, somewhat like Serpentshrine and Tempest Keep. This would allow for more options, diverse environments, and flexibility.

Questing and Reputations 

  • There are going to be a wide variety of rewards from the world quests. Some examples include gold, experience, Artifact Power, crafting materials, things that benefit your class order, rare mounts, rare pets, and gear.
  • Doing organized raiding will be the most consistent source of high quality gear, followed by dungeons, followed by stuff in the outdoor world.
  • The world quests on your map will exist without picking up a quest from the emissaries in your class hall. You should be able to see how much time remains before they are gone. The emissary quests are just there to give you some structure.
  • You can do as many of the world quests as you want. At some point you will start clearing out your map and you will have to wait for new ones to appear.
  • The quests that offer more attractive rewards aren't going to appear as frequently as the smaller quests. Most players will pick and choose what is most exciting to them and leave the rest alone.
  • It shouldn't feel mandatory to clear out all of the world quests. The emissary quests help you to know when you have done enough.
  • In Legion, reputation is earned more like it is Tanaan and Mists of Pandaria. The team wants to get away from the more grindy kill reps where you just spend hours in a group AoEing things.
  • There may be one or two reputations that require grinding, something like the Timbermaw, but most will not be like that anymore.
  • The main way you will earn reputation is the emissary quests. You might get thousands of rep from the emissary quest, but individual world quests might give you 50 or 100, allowing you to work towards them faster if you want to.
  • Reputation rewards will be pretty standard, some convenience items, some cosmetic, some power items, while still avoiding the Mists of Pandaria model that required reputation and Valor. The items are likely just going to cost gold and be unlocked by reputations.
  • If two different level players attack a mob, it will almost exist in two states. A level 102 player would see a mob as level 102 and the level 106 player will see the mob as level 106. Most of the time when you are leveling you don't worry about actual numbers, just percentages. The mob will do more damage to the level 106 player than the level 102 player, but the percentage of health it takes off of both players will be the same. The goal is for you not to even notice it is there.
  • While the leveling zones will scale, you won't be able to join friends in the middle of the main quest line in another zone. The idea is for you to both progress through a zone at the same time, regardless of level.


  • The team is pretty far along with all of the Artifacts at this point. They are aware that some players that have a spec that they play that doesn't perfectly match what they want out of their Artifact. Frost Death Knights have asked for a choice between a 2H and a Runeblade. Choice is nice, but it would come at the expense of the identity of the Artifact.
  • You will be able to transmog your Artifact to look like something else, but you can't transmog something else to look like your Artifact.
  • In terms of transmogging to legendary items, a world where everyone has transmogged to Warglaives or Thunderfury isn't right. Those weapons were designed with an iconic look and to be rare. It is still an open question though.
  • Artifact fist weapons are definitely a concern. The team is making sure sheathing works better with them, as well as making them more visible with your combat casting animations.


  • The team knows that droughts in content are the worst thing for players, but their focus is on getting Legion done as soon as possible.
  • You won't be able to earn flying in Patch 7.0. The world is being built with flying in mind and players will definitely be able to fly later in Legion. Players can begin working on the flying achievement in 7.0 though.
  • It seems likely that another Heirloom upgrade level is coming in Legion, but they aren't sure if they will do it immediately in Patch 7.0.



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