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작성자 아이콘 트럴임
작성일 2015-11-14 01:43:43 KST 조회 1,027
로어 블루포스트

Can I ask you a little lore question? What is the relation between mana, arcane and chi/life? Is mana any different from chi?
An upcoming book will detail these and other fundamental forces! Arcane is a fundamental power, "Mana" is just a measure of it. (DaveKosak)
"Chi" is a Pandaren term for "Spirit," the primal life force that shaman tap into. (DaveKosak)

Hi, . Like other Paladins, must Blood Knights have faith in the Light to use it, or CAN they just take it from the Sunwell? TY
technically they can take it but Liadrin has moved the blood knights away from that type of abuse of the Light. (Abrosiabi)

what about Illidan. You almost didn't say anything about him at the panels . What's his status? Is he hiding/plotting something
long storyline throughout whole expansion. Patience please (Abrosiabi)

Green dragons were immortal until the events of Cataclysm and the unmaking of Deathwing, as I understand it. (DaveKosak)
Slight error Mr. Kosak. All dragons were mortal before Cataclysm, just long lived. The Aspects, alone, were immortal
Yes! Thank you. (DaveKosak)

Hi, . Like other Paladins, must Blood Knights have faith in the Light to use it, or CAN they just take it from the Sunwell? TY
To wield the Light as a weapon takes intense focus and a VERY powerful belief. Power isn't stolen the way Warlocks take it (DaveKosak)
What? That directly conflicts with the BK's origin of stealing power from M'uru, and the AskCDev answer about it.
Question was about present day and Sunwell. (DaveKosak)

Any chance the habit of locking big lore moments behind mythic raidng can stop? Lore nerds are not Raiders and vice versa usually
Well, by definition raid fights and their result HAVE to be important for lore. LFR is there to ensure everyone can see it! (DaveKosak)
That said the Lore of Legion's Raids R making me 4 the first time want to seriously try Raids maybe I am contradicting myself lol
Flexible raiding makes it much easier to get involved. Find a fun guild - raiding is VERY fun! (DaveKosak) 



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