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작성자 Deadlights
작성일 2015-11-20 16:44:01 KST 조회 1,477
군단 베타 데이터마이닝 중에서

  • Blade in Twilight - You must stop the Twilight's Hammer from resurrecting an ancient evil.


Blade in Twilight 

  • The Twilight Camp - The Twilight's Hammer has set up a temporary camp up here. Investigate the camp for clues as to what is going on and where your ally is.
  • Raiding the Tomb Raiders - The cultists have entered a tomb complex at the bottom of the lake. The ritual must be happening in there.
  • The Desecrated Tomb - The cultists have breached the tomb of an ancient titan keeper! Slay the guards and open the way into the complex.
  • The Tomb of Tyr - Slaghammer wants to get further into the complex, but cultists bar the way in the next room. Enter the tomb room and deal with them.
  • Reconsecration - Cultists are dampening the holy wards of the tomb. Dispel their defenses and kill the ritualists to break the barrier.
  • Don't Fear the Reaper - The ritual has been thwarted but void energy remains! Defeat it!
  • Dark Passage - The way is open to the prison. Continue down the unsealed passage to whatever waits below.
  • Death to the Deacon - Farthing is trying to bring the killer of Tyr back to life! Stop him!
  • The Blade of the Black Empire - With Farthing dead the blade is now yours. Take it.
  • The True Death of Zakajz - The C'Thraxxi general could still be a threat in the future. The Blade must be used to drain all of its essence so Zakajz will be truly dead.


The Sword of Kings 

  • Culling the Cultists - Twilight cultists are camped near the entrance. Investigate what they are doing here.
  • The Ghost King - The ghost of Thoradin is being tortured by the cultists. Slay the ritualists and free him.
  • Thoradin's Folly - The ghost has much information. Follow Thoradin and listen to his tale.
  • The Tomb of Tyr - The broken seal beckons from the lake bottom. Enter the Tomb of Tyr.
  • Cleansing the Desecration - The prison entrance is blocked with corruption. Cleanse the tomb of the corrupting void tendrils.
  • The Root of the Corruption - The corrupter has finally appeared. Slay Soth'ozz and complete the cleansing of the tomb.
  • The Dark Passage - The way below is uncovered, make your way to the prison of Zakajz.
  • A Quick Execution - Zakajz is struggling to defend itself. Draw out the sword and perform the final blow!
  • To Kill a C'Thraxxi - Zakajz is awake but neither fully healed or fully in control of its mind. Fight it back into unconsciousness!
  • The Warbreaker - Zakajz has been defeated again, but it is not permanent. Take up Stromkar and deal the final true blow. 



C'Thraxxi(크트락시)는 종족 이름이고 Zakajz는 그 크트락시의 장군인 듯함. 티르를 죽인 장본인일지도

유물퀘 시나리오에서 황혼의 망치단이 이 크트락시 괴물을 부활시키려 하는데, 이를 저지하고 크트락시 괴물을 죽이나 봄.


아마 티르의 무덤과 티리스팔과 관련있는 사제나 전사 쪽이겠군여. 저기 위에 전쟁파괴자랑 검은 제국의 단도도 나오니






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