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작성자 아이콘 트럴임
작성일 2015-12-10 14:59:11 KST 조회 1,282
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King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind is dead. Warchief Vol'Jin of Orgrimmar is missing in action.

Any remaining heroes willing and able to defend our world should report to the Violet Citadel in Dalaran and speak to Archmage Khadgar and the Council of Six immediately!

Sylvanas and Varian fight the burning Legion on the Broken Shore. During this experience, Sylvanas delivers the killing arrow to Varian Wrynn.. 
But wait, there's more!

Alliance Storyline in Order:
It's a good thing I found you here! Greymane thinks we may have a lead to the whereabouts of Sylvanas! He's set up a camp near the base of the mountain. We've run into some troubles, though. It looks like the Horde may have homed in on our position. Greymane needs some help, and I think you're just the hero to help him! Here, take my gryphon, he'll get you there in no time. 

It is true that we may have a lead on Sylvanas, and I want nothing more than to get my hands on the Banshee Queen, but the situation here at Greywatch requires immediate attention. Recently our guards have been spotting activity in the nearby woods. Not long after, several of them have fallen victim to vicious plague attacks. It appears that the Forsaken have discovered our camp, and are planning on unleashing a plague upon it. Find and destroy their plague caches before we lose more good soldiers! 

We still have little knowledge of the Horde's activities in the region, but I'm hoping you can help change that. Lately the woods have been crawling with Sylvanas's agents. The few we have taken out have carried orders from her Dark Rangers, who are no doubt in command of her forces here. While you're on the hunt, keep an eye out for any scouting orders. They may help us pinpoint Sylvanas's objective in the area. 

This map points out the strategic locations of the Forsaken forces around Greywatch. A marker to the east indicates an apothecary camp where Dread-Riders are being supplied from. If you were to take out the apothecary in charge of creating this plague, it could stem the invasion and prevent the Dread-Riders from spreading the plague any further. 

We have her now! According to these reports, Sylvanas's forces are after something in Skold-Ashil - a vrykul town not far from here. We must make our way there and track her down. I had previously dispatched Commander Lorna Crowley and a detachment of Gilneas Brigade to scout the position. Meet up with him there and find out what Sylvanas is after. Meanwhile, I will muster the fleet to assault their outpost. We will have justice if I have to reduce their camp to rubble! 

It's obvious at this point that the Horde wants something in Skold-Ashil. Unfortunately we still don't know what they're after. We think the secret lies with the shieldmaidens here, so we need to find out more about them. Some early scouting revealed that they have a method of carving their shields to tell their stories. Go into the city and find as many of these shields as you can. With luck, we will find what Sylvanas seeks. 

Our course is now clear. We must enter the vault and prevent Sylvanas from obtaining the power to create more Val'kyr. The entrance is barred, which is likely what has kept her out so far, but you may have already uncovered the key to this barrier. You must become the next ascendant. Complete the rites as depicted on the shields and take down the barrier to the vault. I will send word to Greymane of our findings - he will wish to confront Sylvanas himself.Our course is now clear. We must enter the vault and prevent Sylvanas from obtaining the power to create more Val'kyr. 

The Banshee Queen is here! I'd recognize those tainted arrows anywhere. This is the moment we have been fighting for. Sylvanas will answer for her crimes against Varian Wrynn and the Alliance! To arms! 

Storyline in order:

It's a good thing I found you here. We need your help! Nathanos caught up with the dark rangers, who were sent forward aboard the Oblivion on a secret mission from Lady Sylvanas herself! Unfortunately the Alliance caught wind of our plan, and now Greymane is attacking the outpost! We could really use you over there, <name>. Just hop on Batsie and she'll take you to Dreadwake's Landing!

Our mission is Skold-Ashil will have to wait, <class> - for now, we have more pressing matters to attend to. I had just recently arrived with reinforcements for our assault when Greymane's ship sailed in and began barraging our walls. We deployed our siege weapons, but their ground forces quickly overwhelmed us. If you can get to those catapults and take out the dogs manning the cannons, it may give us the window we need to push the attack!

The situation has taken a dire turn, <name>. We were unprepared for Greymane's sudden assault, with only a token force left behind at Dreadwake's Landing, and we are paying the toll. The beach is now swarming with worgen infiltrators, and if the cannons breach our defenses, they will likely swarm in on us. We're spread too thin here to take the fight to them, but you could change that. Wipe them out.

It looks like the Gilnean infiltrators brought some heavy ordnance to the fight. It's likely they intend to use them on the walls of Dreadwake's Landing. If these could be rigged to Greymane's ship, it could make for a decisive end to his assault on the outpost.

Thanks to your initiative, <class>, the situation at Dreadwake's Landing is under control. We have no time to rest on our laurels, however - Sylvanas's mission must still be carried out. The dark rangers are heading up operations in Skold-Ashil from the tower overlooking the river junction. Seek them out there, and see if you can aid in completing this task.

Our goal lies within that vault, <class>. I don't have time to explain in detail - just know that it is vital to the Forsaken that we succeed. The shieldmaidens have proven tenacious in their defense, but I believe there may be another way in. A chosen few of their order are allowed entrance, and I need you to find out how. In the town I have seen intricately engraved shields which I believe are passed down from these champions. The scenes they depict may be the key to passing into the vault.

It would seem that the engravings depict a rite of ascension, which allows the shieldmaidens to enter the vault. I believe we can use this to our advantage. You must become the next ascendant. Go to the temple and perform the rites. Should you need to wade through the corpses of the shieldmaidens to do so, then so be it. Find me when you have completed this task, and we will take the vault for the Horde!

It seems that you are full of surprises, <name>. With the blessing of the Valkira queen, you have opened a path that will shape the destiny of Azeroth. I invite you to bear witness, for today a new day dawns on the Forsaken!

Sylvanas is now playing God by using the Queen of the Val'kyr to create more Val'kyr to raise more and powerful Undead. She will do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means sacrificing her people's life on the line and her allies. Sylvanas does not die in the last quest, instead you kill one of her Val'kyr: [URL=""]Genhylde[/URL] It seems Sylvanas MAY indeed be the FINAL Boss OF LEGION  



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