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작성자 아이콘 트럴임
작성일 2016-01-09 03:23:01 KST 조회 1,206
아즈샤라 관련 작은 스포

Azsuna - "Ten Thousand Years Ago" - The Council at Val'Sharah
Senegos: Ten thousand years ago, I found myself mixed up with a rebel alliance of sorts.
Senegos: This was during the pinnacle of Queen Azshara's power over the elves. Her abuse of magic had grown dangerously strong.
Senegos: We plotted to use the Tidestone of Golganneth against the queen.

Senegos: Cenarius. I can wield the Tidestone, but I must warn you: we risk destroying the entire Well of Eternity!
Cenarius: That, my friend, is precisely the plan.
Illidan: Fah! We need simply to do away with Queen Azshara herself, not the very source of our people's power.
Farondis: I agree. We are firing a cannon at sparrows.
Tyrande: We are fighting the greatest danger our world has ever seen!
Tyrande: Even now, Queen Azshara colludes with demons. She puts our world at risk.
Cenarius: Very well. Prince Farondis, you can secure the Tidestone of Golganneth?
Farondis: I shall have it arranged, Cenarius.

Azsuna - "The Fate of Nar'thalas" - Memory Scene
Attendant: Here it is, my Prince: The Tidestone of Golganneth, one of the seven Stones of Creation, and treasured relic of the kaldorei.
Farondis: Very good. Leave me.
* Attendant leaves.
Farondis: I'm sorry, Cenarius. I believed in your cause, but I couldn't bring myself to turn against...
* Azshara enters.
* Farondis kneels before Azshara.
Farondis: My queen.
Azshara: You've done me a great service today, Farondis.
Azshara: What a shame that you won't LIVE to reap the benefits of my gratitude.
Farondis: ...what?!
Azshara: This whole valley is filled with plotters and schemers.
Azshara: Cavorting with Cenarius behind my back? I will NOT tolerate dissent!
Azshara: You must all be taught a lesson.
* Azshara uses lightning to blow up the Tidestone.


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Deadlights (2016-01-09 08:53:40 KST)
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