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작성자 아이콘 트럴임
작성일 2016-01-12 22:01:59 KST 조회 1,499



어떻게 살아났을까


이럼 세망치단 의회는 또 어떻게 되는거고


아니면 그냥 유령상태로 나오는건가


Magni Bronzebeard and The Ashbringer
Well if ain't the Highlord $Ghimself:herself;! I reckon' it's good for even the hardiest of us to take a moment and reflect now and again. I'm right fond of this spot. 
Take a seat with me for a moment, won't ye? 
The Ashbringer is a truly wondrous blade, ain't it? I remember forging it many years ago back in Ironforge - my finest work. 
If ye don't mind an old dwarf talkin' yer ear off, I'd like to share a piece of advice with ye that I've carried with me since I was a lad. 
We all come from the same earth and stone around us; Alliance and Horde, dwarf and gnome- as a leader, ye've got to see past the differences and unite yer people against the Legion. Azeroth depends on it. 
I'll give ye some time alone. Just somethin' to think about in the days ahead. 

Eitrigg and The Ashbringer
Throm-Ka, Highlord $p. I see we both value some peace and quiet now and again. 
Sit with me if you would - just for a few moments. 
Tirion was my brother by blood. We saved one another's lives many moons ago. He was a good man... an honorable man. 
He always thought highly of you - from what I hear from others his trust has not been misplaced. 
I have watched many lead their people down dark paths. Tirion often spoke of the Light that guided his hand and his people - let it guide you to greatness as well. 
I am not one for conversation - much remains to be done. May our paths cross again, $p. 

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 젖소왕가몬 (2016-01-12 22:19:25 KST)
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아이콘 WG완비탄 (2016-01-12 22:59:55 KST)
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이게 루머였다가 확정이 됐네요
Deadlights (2016-01-12 23:20:50 KST)
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이제 가로쉬님만 살아계시면
아이콘 일령 (2016-01-13 00:31:08 KST)
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