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작성자 아이콘 트럴임
작성일 2016-03-11 16:35:19 KST 조회 1,456
[스포]4기사단이 되는 두번째 인물은 아마

토라스 트롤베인인듯?


Stromgarde likely won't remain in the hands of the Forsaken for very long.

Upon the cliffs of Arathor, there stands a relic of ages past; its ancient stone walls witness to the rise and fall of kings and kingdoms.

It is there that you will find the tomb of Thoras Trollbane, the great warrior king of Stromgarde. King Trollbane was once a stalwart champion of humanity whose strength in battle was without rival.

He shall be even more powerful in undeath.

The fallen prince of Stromgarde holds the key to the tomb, a blade known as Trol'kalar. Go and seek him out.

I will grant the Ebon Blade access to my father's tomb. First though, I must ask a favor.

I have taken up the sword and banner of my father. I have reclaimed Stromgarde with its former citizens as my guard. Yet, one task remains.

Witherbark invaders have blockaded themselves in the former mage district of the city. My men have suffered heavy losses at their vile hands.

Cut them down to the last! Bring me their heads and I shall give you what you seek.

You have my word as the King of Stromgarde.

My family has fought the Witherbark trolls for generations... their presence in Arathi has always been a curse upon the land. I want to drive them out of Stromgarde for good!

Destroy their supplies and we shall give them no incentive to return. Blight their supplies... or whatever it is you death knights do to defile things. I care not.

Just make sure that it is done!

Galen Trollbane is a fool if he thinks that he can betray the Ebon Blade.

I have had enough of his games. The fallen prince wastes our time playing the king of a ruined throne, while heroes sacrifice their lives to save this world.

If Galen Trollbane will not open the tomb of his father, then we must take the sword and do it ourselves.

If he chooses to resist, so be it. 




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