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작성자 아이콘 토스마레긔
작성일 2013-10-15 11:34:17 KST 조회 256
밸런스 패치나 보셈여
Hi guys,

We'd like to tweak the changes on the current balance test map a little bit this week.

Instead of doing the Revelation range buff, we'd like to try a change where units that are hit by Revelation can't remove it by simply burrowing or cloaking. Burrowing or cloaking will still hide the unit, but unburrowing/uncloaking will reveal it again.

We'd also like to try a lesser version of the Widow Mine nerf. Right now, we feel just straight downgrading to the 1.25 range is too big of a nerf. Therefore, we'd like to try a change where widow mines don't do full damage. Units within the 1.25 radius will take 100% damage like we're testing right now. From 1.25 to 1.75, units will take 50% or 25% of the full damage. This way, the total splash radius is the same as is on live, but the actual damage output is still nerfed.

Edit to clarify:

    Here's how we're intending the Widow Mine change to work:

  • Units inside a 1.25 radius take 100% damage. (40 damage)
  • From 1.25 to 1.5, units take 50%. (20 damage)
  • From 1.5 to 1.75, units take 25%. (10 damage)

The listed damage amounts are based on Sentinel Missile's splash damage amount, not the single target damage. Hope this clears things up.
대략 해석함
1. 계시를 패치함 (계시가 원래 계시 걸린상태에서 은폐하거나 버러우하면 풀리게되어있었는데, 그걸 패치해서 은폐하거나 버러우하면 계시 효과는 사라지되 은폐를 다시 풀거나 버러우를 풀면 여전히 계시가 걸린상태가되어 시야를 공유함)
2. 지뢰 너프를 하려고했는데 1.25 범위너프는 너무 심하다고 판단됨. 그래서 범위별 데미지를 다르게하여 1.25까진 100% 스플뎀지가 들어가고 1.25~1.5 까진 50% 1.5~1.75 까진 25%가 들어가게하며, 이건 당연히 스플뎀지를 말하는거고 원타겟 싱글뎀지에는 변화를 줄 생각이 없음.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 karsis (2013-10-15 11:36:58 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
흐음... 그나마 할수 있는 최소한의 지뢰 너프네요..

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