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작성자 (.)
작성일 2011-06-18 04:21:44 KST 조회 879
아이거 스킨하는건대 좀 해석하고 가르켜주실분..ㅜㅜ

"Step 1: Run "CUSTOMBG.reg". Select the MOD paste you want, copy and paste folders "Textures" and "UI" into the "Warcraft III" directory. To uninstall remove folders, "Textures" and "UI" in the "Warcraft III" directory or/and run "UNINSTALL.reg".

!! The next step is only for those who don't have a functioning background. !!

Step 2: Go into the folder "passo2". Move/copy the folder "UI" into the "Warcraft III" directory and replace the files.

- CUSTOMBG.reg: Insert one line to the game register that allow the archives in "Warcraft III" directory overrides the .mpq files.

Make Your background picture.

- The background picture is located under UI\Glues\MainMenu\MainMenu3d_exp\MainMenu.tga. To make your own background picture, you can simply replace this tga file with any other tga file. The picture will be stretched to fit the screen so any size will do, the higher resolution the better quality

- ABOUT "Step 2": The step 2 is necessary in certain cases because the 3D video-cards have a limit of the image size they can load.

- The wallpapers are in widescreen 16:10 resolution (ex.: 1440x900)


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아이콘 싸컨 (2011-06-18 09:29:08 KST)
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센스 이미지
Warcraft III MODs 이 프로그램 사용법같네요
그냥 제가 쓰는법 알려드릴게요

1.CUSTOMBG.reg 실행
2.Preview 16-10 폴더에서 본인이원하는 스킨을 찾습니다.
3.워크래프트폴더에있는 UI라는 폴더를 백업해놓습니다(오류예방)
4.Widescreen 16-10 폴더에서 자신이 2번에서 선택한 스킨폴더안에서 Textures과 UI폴더를 찾아서 복사한후 워크래프트 UI폴더안에 붙여넣으세요
5.4번에서 자신이선택한 스킨폴더안에있는 passo2 > UI > Glues폴더를 복사한후 워크래프트폴더안에있는 UI폴더에 붙여넣습니다
아이콘 싸컨 (2011-06-18 09:29:30 KST)
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저는 이렇게합니다
(.) (2011-06-18 11:03:33 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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