
서브 메뉴

작성자 아이콘Nios
작성일 2008-11-01 16:31:46 KST 조회 7,622
워3 핵 유저 7,700명 시디키 차단

핵 프로그램 사용자 7,700명 이상이 30일 간 래더 플레이가 차단되었고(커스텀 게임은 가능), 향후 다시 핵 프로그램 사용이 검출되면 영구적으로 시디키가 차단될 것이라는 내용입니다. 앞으로 보다 공정한 배틀넷 게임 환경이 될 수 있도록 정책을 강화하겠다고 합니다.





Warcraft III Ban Policy Update


In an ongoing endeavor to ensure a fair and fun online experience for all Warcraft III players, we will be escalating our efforts to remove cheaters from We have identified and closed over 7,700 accounts which were found to be using third-party hacks. The CD keys associated with these accounts are now restricted from playing any ladder games for 30 days (custom games, however, are still available). Repeat offenders will have their accounts closed and their CD keys permanently banned from


Going forward, we will take a hard-line stance against cheating in all games, and we reserve the right to close the accounts and ban the CD keys of players who are caught cheating on


These changes are intended to promote fun and competitive play on in both ladder and custom games. Cheating ruins the game experience for legitimate players, and we will not tolerate it.

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  • 대표: 윤석재
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