
서브 메뉴

작성자 아이콘Nios
작성일 2009-04-03 11:53:03 KST 조회 4,486
와우, 탈것 커스터마이징 기능

Under Development: P1mp My Mount! 


Tired of your mount looking like every other raptor, wolf, horse, kodo, or nightsaber out there? Want to spice it up with some armor plating, a few spikes or chains, or maybe even some flaming decals? Then Z to the A to the zzber (whew, that's a mouthful!) will be glad to welcome you to his shop where you can epic-ize your mount with some phat total pimpage!

Coming in a future content patch, we plan to bring you a new feature that will allow you to alter the color, the armor, or add decorations to your in-game mounts. Simply drop in to Zazzber's Local Fix-'Er-Up, pay a small fee, and leave your mount there overnight. The next morning, you'll pick up a mount that is uniquely yours!





The Epic Pimpage


The process of pimping your tired old mount is quite simple. Drop by Zazzber's local Fix-'Er-Up (available in Orgrimmar, Ironforge, and Dalaran with a very special PvP-oriented shop over in the phrigid lands of Wintergrasp) and talk to our resident mount pimp, Zazzber or his high-tech redneck assistant Janie Sue and, for a small fee, they'll overhaul your hauler, tricking your tired old vehicle out into something worthy of the Achievement "Pimp My Mount."

파일포켓 이미지


Still not convinced? Then check out some of our insanely satisfied customized-ers!


파일포켓 이미지

It used to be that whenever I rode my horse past the Exodar, the other draenei laughed at me. "Silly girl," they'd say, "get yourself a proper elekk!" But now, thanks to Z-dawg's ultimate pimpage, those other goat-heads all wish their mounts were half as fly as this guy!

파일포켓 이미지

The other trolls, mon, used to think I was strange for preferrin' my kodo to a raptor. But then my main man, Z, hooked me up with some upgrades to my sleek ride. I've got some shade even under the blazin' beach sun over in Stranglethorn and my kodo? He's pimpin' it out with his superfly hat! 




파일포켓 이미지

Maybe coming back from the dead changed me; I'll never know for sure. But all I know is that I've always loved my kitty-cat. Sure, the other death knights thought it was a little silly but now I fire up my cat's phat nitro-boosters and blast those death knights on dead horses out of this life!






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