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작성자 TrollKing
작성일 2009-01-30 22:41:10 KST 조회 601
blizzcast 7 정보임 번역이필요하다능.

  • Blizzard viewed Wrath of the Lich King as a "Coming Home" expansion after testing the boundaries with The Burning Crusade.
  • Northrend was actually one of the first areas prototyped during World of Warcraft's original development, and that area eventually became a part of the Northrend you see now.
  • Death Knight was not the only hero class Blizzard speced out for the expansion.  They also came up with ideas for Necromancer (caster dps) and Rune Master classes (more of a melee, monk-type class).  Death Knight fit with the theme though, so they went with that.
  • There are around 140 people working on World of Warcraft's development.  About 10 of those work specifically on the game's lore and quests, including Lead World Designer -- Alex Afrasiabi.
  • Major lesson from TBC: Don’t dump the entire server into Hellfire Peninsula the second the expansion ships.
  • Phasing is pretty much entirely intended as a story telling technique, and will likely be used more in the future.
  • Wrath Gate, its quest chain, and the cinematic ends "Chapter 1" of Wrath of the Lich King.  Chapters 2 and 3 will be introduced in future patches.
  • Wrath of the Lich King isn't the "end of the road" as Arthas is but one villain in a pool of many.
  • Sargeras and Deathwing were used as examples of future villains, as they're both "still out there."
  • Blizzard is using Varian Wrynn to bring back the clash between the Horde and the Alliance.  Characters like Garosh Hellscream will also contribute to this.
  • Yog Saron could potentially be directly tied to the Scourge and Lich King, as well as the current plight with the five Dragonflights.
  • Yog Saron's story will not end in Northrend. (They seem to be building him up as the next major villain)
  • It's unlikely we'll ever seen Medivh introduced through new story elements, as he's been "played out," Metzen feels.
  • Medivh aside, Metzen really likes the story of the Order of Tirisfal and the Guardian concept, so this could be explored more in the future.
  • The next "Guardian" may not come from the human species.
  • The Order of the Ebon Blade's origin really took off with the Ashbringer comic series.
  • The Order of the Ebon Blade and its leaders may play a larger role post-Lich King, once Arthas is defeated.

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