작성자 | TrollKing | ||
작성일 | 2009-02-13 14:53:45 KST | 조회 | 492 |
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Developing new content 블루포스트 번역점
Developing new content
A lot the of 1.X content was already partially developed by the time the original game shipped. When a patch was released in that era, development on the next patch was already under way. This isn't to say we're making it up as we go now. We have clear outlines and development schedules. Ever since the release of The Burning Crusade though, the next patch to come out is more or less developed from scratch. The actual internal development pace has changed very little over time. If anything, content is developed more quickly now than it was when the game began.
No offense intended, but that argument doesn' t make much sense at all. Either you completed the content or not... Unless you're saying you had a lot of partially created content that was abandoned that you went back to.
Art assets take quite a bit of time. If dungeon and model art for something like Dire Maul is mostly completed long before the patch is slated to go live, it's going to take a lot less time to prepare that dungeon. Ulduar's been virtually built from the ground up since the release of Wrath of the Lich King. A lot of new art is being fed into this dungeon.
Zarhym, doesn’t that somewhat contradict statements made by developers (Jeff Kaplan I believe it was) where it was said that they’re always “working two patches in advance”? Your statement seems to imply that only one patch is worked on at a time. Does working two patches in advance mean that they’re actually working on one while someone has a “cool idea” on paper for the other patch or does working on two patches at once mean that there’s actually designing and coding going on for two at the one time?
That's why I said we're not making it up as we go, and have pretty clear outlines far in advance. For instance, a lot of art and programming for Ulduar has been in progress since before Wrath was released, and is very much still in progress now. At the same time though, every day there is a more clear picture of what 3.2 and beyond will bring. We're always looking and developing in advance, but a lot more of the basic structures and art assets for many of the 1.X content patches were already fairly far into development by the time the preceding patch was released. (Source)
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