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작성일 | 2009-03-08 06:34:35 KST | 조회 | 663 |
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[블루 포스트] 탱커들 다시 긴장하라...
That is a pretty good article. Yes, we do read WoW Insider (as well as similar sites).
While crushing blows did help provide tanking niches, we just think they were too random. Particularly on challenging content, whether the tank lived or died had an awful lot to do with the frequency or timing of crushing blows. The mechanic also tended to over-reward avoidance in order to "push them off the table."
The "new crushing blows" are less random. We can make sure they don't happen in chains and we can choose to broadcast warnings to the raid when warranted so that players can choose to blow their cooldowns.
The problems we have are that some classes have better cooldowns than others, which are exacerbated by having very high avoidance numbers even in the first tier of content. Avoidance just puts back in some of the random element we were trying to minimize by pulling crushing blows.
It's fine if DKs have higher avoidance and better cooldowns. It's fine if druids have larger heatlh pools. We just need to make sure those mechanics don't give them an overwhelming advantage on some content, particularly the most important content (which is generally the fights that provide the best rewards).
We understand every tank is worried about being marginalized or even replaced. It's a tall order to keep the tanking mechanics different but within some level of partiy, but that is also to some extent what designing this game is all about.
- Ghostcrawler
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