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작성자 아이콘 R590
작성일 2010-07-21 15:35:25 KST 조회 518
12539패치후 접속 안되시는분 해결법

Hi guys,

We've made some changes to the login server, however these changes didn't quite stick. You will not be able to login without doing the following:

1. Navigate to the following folder in your beta install.
2. Open up your file with a text editing document.
3. Change the "set portal public-beta" line to "set portal public-test"
4. Save this change.

At this point you should be able to login normally.

**This folder will differ depending on which language you installed WoW Beta with. For example if you have a German install, the folder will be deDE.

If you still have issues with logging in please post here!

Thanks guys and sorry for the inconvenience.

1. 대격변 베타 폴더/data/koKR 폴더로 가서
2. 를 문서수정 가능한 프로그램으로 연다
3. "set portal public-beta" 부분을  "set portal public-test" 로 바꾼다
4. 저장후 접속한다


-와우메카에서 펌-

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