World of Warcraft announced: IT'S ALIIIVE!
Patch 1.2.0: WOW is DYING.
Battlegrounds are added to the game: WoW is DYING.
Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza released: WoW is DYING.
World of Warcraft is featured in a question on the game show Jeopardy: Wow is DYING.
BC is announced, not released: WoW is DYING.
Gates of Ahn'Qiraj event begins: WOW is DYING.
Cross-Realm Battlegrounds: WOW is DYING.
PvP Arenas and Resilience: Wow is DYING.
Burning Crusade released: WoW is DYING.
Dishonorable kills removed from the game: WoW is DYING.
World of Warcraft gets to 10 million subscribers globally: World of Warcraft is DYING.
Achievements, Barbershop added to the game: WoW is DYING.
Wrath of the Lich King released: WoW is DYING DYING DYING DYING. (Pre-event was just complaints, no one said much about it dying.)
Dual Talent Specialization: WoW is DYING.
A player begins exploiting a accidentally given GM item named Martin's Fury, he gets multiple World First achievements for his guild and people begin complaining the game is now easy mode and weak. And of course DYING. (He is later banned from the game permanently.)
Instance Lock Extension: WoW is DYING.
Faction Change service offered: WoW is DYING.
Onyxia's Lair revamped to level 80: WoW is DYING.
Announcement that all World of Warcraft accounts must be merged with accounts: WoW is DYING.
Race Change service offered: WoW is DYING. But now you can DIE AS A BLOOD ELF.
WoW's Fith anniversary, also reaching somewhere over 11 million subscriptions: WoW is DYING.
Cross-Server Instance grouping: WoW is DYING.
The Lich King encounter is implemented: WoW is DYING.
The random battleground system is implemented, marks of honor removed: WoW is DYING.
Real ID is implemented: WoW is DYING.
Blizzard announces their intention to have Real ID names visible when posting on the official forums. Humongous feces-storm ensues. WoW is labelled dead a bit too.
TITAN is announced: Blizzard is now abandoning WoW since they realize it is DYING.
The first in-game events leading up into the Cataclysm expansion begin: WoW is DYING.
World of Warcraft reaches 12 million players: WoW IS DYIIIIING!
World of Warcraft Cataclysm cinematic trailer released during a football game between Dallas Cowboys/Minnesota Vikings. Where will you be when the Cataclysm begins?: Wow IS DYING.
Patch 4.0.3a The Shattering all of Azeroth is forever re-shaped, Old World content removed and revamped, previously unusable class-race combos released: WoW is DYING.
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm released, Worgen and goblins, Archeaology, Level cap to 85, no new world but multiple previously unreachable zones are now added: WoW is DYING.
Blizzard files complaints with the online service PayPal in an effort to make payment difficult for gold sellers: WoW is DYING.
Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub return as level 85 5-player heroics: WoW is DYING.
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest added, Firelands released: WoW is DYING.
Trial accounts no longer expire: WoW IS DYING.
Blizzard purges hackers, exploiters,known Gold Selling accounts, and multiple other illegal accounts from the playerbase to make gameplay more enjoyable,the subscription count dips by 600k approx in the process. Subscribers dip back down to 11 million. Patch 4.3 and Transmogrification are also announced shortly after, a customization tool that has been begged for, for years: WoW is STILL DYING, ANY DAY NOW.
Tier 13 armor screenshots are released, a new Armor Designer had been hired and the newest armor has a new spin on appearances that hasn't been seen since Vanilla: WOW IS DYING.
4.3 legendary daggers announced for ROGUES ONLY. And they give you WINGS. WoW is DYING.
Let's not forget all the WoW killers while we're at it. Warhammer so was going to kill WoW a few years ago. Rift was supposed to be the next big WoW killer. Yesterday I was on my hunter doing bgs and some guy in bg chat is postive that the new Star Wars The Old Republic is going to be the next WoW killer. Any other WoW killers out there? For some reason the names escape me.
Courtesy of: Sullie of Drenden.
(And lets not forget Age of Conan.)
Man, that is one resilient game amiright? Must have like, 6k resil or somin' y'know? It's probably a Holy Pally. Damn bubbles.
Special thanks to the General Forums for much of the content of this post.
Sources:Google, WoWpedia,
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