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작성자 아이콘 루미야의트롤
작성일 2012-12-06 08:27:01 KST 조회 514
개발자 인터뷰(일퀘 PVE PVP에 관해)
Developer Interviews
Several developer interviews will be coming this week, and Gamebreaker has released their interview with Ghostcrawler. A summary of the main points is below, but watching the full interview is worth it if you want to hear the full answers!

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  • Mists of Pandaria daily quests have shown that competing with other players for mob tagging and such is not fun. You should be excited when there are other players around, not grumpy! Blizzard is still actively looking for a solution to make it a nice thing to have other people around.
  • It isn't likely that the concept of servers will ever disappear, but solutions for low population realms are still being looked for.
  • There is a lot of variation in realm population as new patches come out, so merging and unmerging realms as the population goes up and down wouldn't make a lot of sense.

Questing / Reputation
  • Blizzard may have overdone the daily quests a little bit in pursuit of the goal of always having something for players to do when they log in. If they had to do it again, something like the Golden Lotus unlocking more and more areas would have been changed to just unlock a new area that replaces the old one, keeping the number of quests that you have to do every day the same.
  • Golden Lotus and Klaxxi have enough daily quests to burn players out, while August Celestial and Shado-Pan have a more reasonable amount of quests.
  • Lowering the rep requirements on some of the rewards was an attempt to make the amount of rep required before you could spend Valor Points more reasonable. If they had to do it again, it might have been nice to lower the requirements on some of the gear more so that there were some things to spend Valor Points on without grinding so many reputations.
  • Historically, players would use alts as something to do after they were mostly finished with what they wanted to do on their main character. Mists of Pandaria's goal was to provide enough to do so that you never ran out of things to do, which is nice with one character, but less nice with many. Solutions to this problem are being looked at, but they want to avoid the extreme of giving every character everything or making everything account wide.
  • One alternative being considered for reputation leveling is bonus reputation from your first scenario of the day.

  • The difference in difficulty between 10 and 25 man this time around was much smaller than before.
  • When looking at raid DPS parses, you have to be aware of sampling bias. If all of the good players are playing one spec, then the DPS of the other two specs will be lower, as those players are messing around or don't know what they are doing.
  • It isn't okay for a class to be really really bad on certain fights, but it is okay if some classes are somewhat better on some fights. It is more important to have fun encounters than it is to have an encounter where each spec is the best.
  • Ideally we will never see a 5 or 6 boss raid tier again.
  • The new loot system has worked out well, as players don't have any reason to be mad at each other over loot in LFR anymore. It is possible that we could see it being used in dungeons as well, but that is still under discussion.
  • One thing being considered is offering another choice to players that get the same item from a boss repeatedly. This would be some consolation prize like loot, not another item from the boss.
  • The use of PvP gear in PvE is okay, as grinding points to get an item rather than relying on a random drop is an idea that some players like. The item levels are lower than what the player would get in PvE, so the gear isn't overpowered. Players shouldn't have to go and do PvP to get gear to use in PvE or vice versa.
  • Patch 5.2 is going to take a look at what talents are very popular or very unpopular and try and bring them back in line. Overall though, the new talent system is working out well. Ideally there should be at least two talent choices per tier that are good, if not three.

  • PvP will never be perfectly balanced, but it can be balanced enough to be fun and fair. The balance in Mists of Pandaria still has some tweaking to do before it is at that point.
  • Hybrids could see some PvP power going towards their off role damage or healing. It is okay for a DPS to throw out a few heals, but not okay if they are as good as a healer for their team.
  • It is possible that base resilience could be increased to compensate for the PvP Power increase on Conquest weapons, but they need more than a few days of observation before a decision can be made.
  • We may see some changes in the future to make things better for people who PvP on multiple characters, as far as earning Conquest Points goes.
  • Many of the changes in Patch 5.1 were to address issues of PvP balance, and most didn't have a big impact on PvE.

음영파와 천신회 일퀘숫자가 합리적이고 클락시랑 황금연꽃 일퀘가 거지같이 많다는걸

아는사람이 그렇게 많이 만드냐 ㅠㅠ

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아이콘 Kyrie. (2012-12-06 10:31:17 KST)
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아이콘 맹모삼천지교 (2012-12-06 12:20:49 KST)
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