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작성자 아이콘 트럴임
작성일 2013-02-08 06:05:26 KST 조회 624
악마들에 대한 새로운 정보가 나왔네여

살게라스가 풀어주기 전까지

악마들은 타이탄의 사냥개였다고 하네여 비전 마법을 사용하는걸 감시하기 위한

Doomguard: ... before Sargeras freed us, we were the Titan's hounds. Forever enslaved to police the use of arcane

흑마 녹색불꽃퀘중 파멸의수호병 대사

새로운 떡밥인가

황천의 폭풍에서

Jubeka Shadowbreaker: Such strange creatures. Why do they remain so long after the legion has left?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: ...there's a slight flaw in that supposition.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: Oh?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: The Observers were in the service of Illidan... not the legion.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: Well, he's gone too... so why are they still around?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: How should I know?
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: Well, I've spent weeks trying to understand how to summon one of these things. If you know something I don't, I'd appreciate it if you'd share it with us "lesser" mortals.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: What's the problem? You handled the binding of the Fel Imps and Voidlords effortlessly.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: They were trivial by comparison! These things are never in the same place.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: There's something... strange about them... something out of place...
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: Oh dear..


Kanrethad Ebonlocke: I tire of your evasive babble, doomguard. Explain to me why you and your kind are drawn to sacrificial magics.
Doomguard: My contract is to fight for you, not to reveal the legion's secrets, mortal.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: Do not attempt to decieve me, demon!
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: Your kind far predates Sargeras's betrayal. What WERE you?
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: This knowledge is useless... what are you trying to achieve, Kanrethad?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: STAY OUT OF THIS! The demon will answer, NOW!
Doomguard: What an odd demand. Not even my own kind care about our origins. Why should you?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: If you do not care then there is no harm telling me.
Doomguard: ... before Sargeras freed us, we were the Titan's hounds. Forever enslaved to police the use of arcane.
Doomguard: Sacrificial magic was considered the greatest violation of life and we were attuned to instantly punish those who delved into such... delicious sorcery.
Doomguard: You have your petty secret, Kanrethad. Now, I demand knowledge from you... why do you care?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: I don't believe that is part of our contact. We are done here.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: Jubeka, complete the ritual.


Jubeka Shadowbreaker: What is it you wished to show me...?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: ... I've seen the fear in your eyes, Jubeka.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: What...? No! I.. I have... no idea...
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: Gul'dan destroyed this world in his bid for power... you're concerned I will do the same to Azeroth.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: ...
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: No! Stay back...! You... you're dangerous. I remain content summoning demons, but you...
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: toy with becoming one yourself!
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: There are two sides to the blade of Demonology...
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: ... the threats that besiege us from the outside...
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: ... and those that threaten us from within.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: I chose you as my companion for a reason.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker: And what depraved reason is that...?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke: ... If I fail, I need you to banish me forever.

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아이콘 프레리닭 (2013-02-08 06:37:32 KST)
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우물나온개구리 (2013-02-08 08:48:49 KST)
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아이콘 CLOCKWERK (2013-02-08 11:46:42 KST)
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아자토스는 걍 등장하면 게임끝
아이콘 CLOCKWERK (2013-02-08 11:46:59 KST)
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아자토스가 깨어나기전 몸의일부만나와도 대격변급인데
[YOGG-SARON] (2013-02-08 12:44:53 KST)
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아이콘 Mr.Hadron (2013-02-08 13:58:36 KST)
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근데 저기서 풀어줬다는 앙마는 하급 앙마들 아닌가요
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아이콘 일령 (2013-02-08 15:13:15 KST)
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