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작성일 | 2013-11-09 03:03:51 KST | 조회 | 271 |
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이번 확팩은
Warlords of Draenor Domain Changed
The WarlordsofDraenor.com domain we mentioned last week changed early this afternoon to a Forbidden error from the domain parking page previously used.
It also is now pointed to an IP address that Blizzard owns. Keep in mind
that anyone can purchase a domain and point it to a Blizzard IP, as
those servers currently respond to requests for any domain.
드레노어의 전쟁군주로 확정났네요.
드레노어의 전쟁군주 닷컴 사이트가 몇시간전에 차단(Forbidden)상태가 되었고, 소유 IP가 블리자드 것이라고 함.
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