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작성자 아이콘 Mr.Hadron
작성일 2014-05-14 10:35:54 KST 조회 846
가로쉬 계귀무기 아이템 레벨을 8 올린다네요

Thanks everyone for your feedback, we will be bumping up the ilvl of all Garrosh Heirlooms by +8 in 5.4.8, since they are not upgradeable with Valor. The intent of the 5.4.8 VP upgrade change is to let people continue to progress, and we don’t want those who are using one of the Garrosh BoA weapons as their primary weapon to feel like they need to go get a brand new weapon due to this change.


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아이콘 불꽃의영혼 (2014-05-14 10:50:27 KST)
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