작성자 |
작성일 | 2014-06-11 22:13:32 KST | 조회 | 374 |
제목 |
.@Celestalon Not to mention the increased number of General Macro slots.
@Vadren_k @Celestalon Character specific wasn't feasible unfortunately but you'll have over 100 account slots (up from 36 now).
매크로 칸이 100개로 늘어남니다. 근데 캐릭별로는 그대로 유지된다니 슬픈열대군요
Handy macro conditional added in 6.0:
/cast [talent:3/1] Ring of Frost; [talent:3/2] Ice Ward; [talent:3/3] Frostjaw
특성 매크로도 추가됨
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