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작성자 BrethrenMoons
작성일 2014-07-18 16:15:06 KST 조회 357
Sethe랑 안주랑 싸우나?
  • Shadow Strikes: Sethe employs his control over Shadow magic against Anzu. Every 3.5 sec. Anzu loses 2 health.
  • Shadow Strikes: Sethe employs his control over Shadow magic against Anzu. Every 3.5 sec. Anzu loses 2 health.
  • Sonic Strikes: Anzu employs his control over Shadow magic against Anzu. Every 4.5 sec. Sethe loses 8 health.
  • Sethe: Sethe's blood is caustic to all enemies when it explodes. Anzu loses 1% of his maximum life.

Sethe랑 싸울 때 안주도 같이 나오는 것 같은데 Sethe가 흑마법으로 안주 지배할려하고 하고 뭐 그런 건감

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