작성자 | Deadlights | ||
작성일 | 2015-07-01 14:55:02 KST | 조회 | 987 |
제목 |
근데 디아 다크위스퍼 던전도감 설명이...
Dia Darkwhisper, born of the Shadowmoon, was the first among her clan to embrace calling of the Dark Star. Void magic was prohibited in the Shadowmoon clan, and she was cast away as an exile. She spent decades in solitude, consumed by the void, until she heard its final command: "Heed the call of Gul'dan."
이 던전도감 설명 어디로 갔나요? PTR 때는 지옥불 의회 3인들 각각 설명이 따로 있었는데 지금은 다 없어지고 의회 전체설명만 남아있넹... 또 삭제된 공허떡밥인가
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