이렐이랑 드레나이들이 성인인듯
Hey guys, got a quick question. Can you explain pls what's up with Yrel and Grom who suddenly became best friends?
Consider it an uneasy truce, when the true enemy is revealed and really terrible/green. (Muffinus)
so, why exactly did we kill Ner'zhul then? The guys who wanted to protect his clan gets killed.
The void seems bad. Like, not good. Like bad. (Muffinus)
Saw the Archimonde defeat trailer, and... is Grommash seriously getting away with murdering so many people? Everything forgiven?
I don't think everything is forgiven, but he's seen the atrocities of the Legion, and neither side wants more bloodshed. (Muffinus)
It's better than our Draenor, Outland. An uneasy truce keeps Karabor standing. Maraad died for something after all. (Muffinus)
Because the atrocity of the legion is worst than the atrocity of the iron horde, it's just "k, we are cool"?Hire a writer
Have you played through all of the 6.2 quest content to see how this plays out? (Muffinus)
Grom faces really no consequence for all the evil he's done. Same for scapegoating all Cata Horde decisions on Garrosh
IMO, this is not our world. If Grommash and Yrel can live in harmony, it is a better world. (Muffinus)
That's the point. They shouldn't be able to. Her sister died because of him. Her people died. He's responsible.
He still has armies at his command, what would combat gain? More death? Imo the Draenei are above this. (Muffinus)