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작성일 | 2015-11-05 15:34:42 KST | 조회 | 818 |
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스토리 관련 블루포스트
From what I got from you, demons are soulless right? How would they be animate then=[This is kinda confusing.
That I have no idea about, some like Xavius had their souls torn apart by Sargeras right? But does every demonic being have one? (Muffinus)
Well, according to some sources fel consumes souls. Then we have sources stating fel energy also burns life.
Seems to be both, right? Some things consume soul shards, others use life to create mana, others use mana to kill life. (Muffinus)
And if IIRC, the Nether is the realm of the dead?
No idea, man. What is the Light? Where did that one dude in Icecrown go when he ascended? Do the Naaru live there? Deep stuff. (Muffinus)
I have no idea lol =] Maybe there's two realm of the dead. Heaven and Hell-opps
That's kind of the fun of Warcraft mysteries... (Muffinus)
I love mysteries=]I can't help but think that the Observers are related to Old Gods tho. Dem tentacles
Old Gods are still super mysterious to me, I love their mythos and the creepy stained glass vibe. (Muffinus)
Hey Dave, could we ever see a return of the Aspects?
The dragonflights will continue to have a big influence on Azeroth! (DaveKosak)
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