작성자 |
작성일 | 2016-01-23 02:01:26 KST | 조회 | 1,592 |
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(스포)사냥꾼 유물퀘라인에서
베리사랑 냥꾼이 알레리아 활을 얻으면서 나오는 대사중에
Vereesa: Was she here for days? Years? Centuries? The mage was right...time has little meaning in this place.
By the Light...There! It's her bow! Thas'dorah!
Alleria was here...her bow's presence is proof of that! I'd wager she escaped, and the inquisitor hoped to lure her back.
Thas'dorah is a bow worthy of a hero like Alleria...a hero like you. With this weapon in your hands, the Legion will tremble!
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