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작성자 LichKing
작성일 2005-03-29 23:35:05 KST 조회 10,728
달의 여신 엘룬 (번역은 안했습니다. 영어 그대로 배꼈어용)
엘룬, 달의여신

85-레벨 치유자
거대 외계생물체 (불멸)

체력:: 85d8+1,275 (1,995hp)
공격우선권(Initiative):: +17
속도:: 60ft (23squares), fly 90ft. (perfect)
Ac::67 (-1 size, +13 dex, +5 natural, +30 deflection, +20 circlet of the moon)
touch 42 flat-footed 54
기본공격보너스/붙잡기:: +48/+66
공격:: -
총공격 ::-
점유공간/근접전 범위:: 15ft./10ft
특수공격:: Spells, spell-like abilities
특성:: Darkvision 250 ft, low-light vision, ture seeing, song of peace, divine power, diviin knowledge, noctural power, moonglide, worldtongue, truth sense, healing aure, undetectable, booming voice, damage reduction 40/epic, Eternal immunities, Eternal pres-ence(8,500 Ft., DC 73), fast healing 43, immortalit, keen senses, eternal resistances, spell resistance 35, un-canny dodge, Eternal traits
내성굴림:: Fort +66, Ref +60, Will +66
능력치:: Str39, Dex37, Con41, Int42, Wis49, Cha 53
기술:: Appraise +77, Balance +64, Concen-tration +83, Decipher Script +71, Diplomacy +88, Handle Animal +67, Heal +88, Intimidate +61, Listen +82, Move Silently +84, Perform (singing) +86, Ride(뭘타길래-_-) +85, Search +79, Sence Motive +88, Spellcraft +88, spot +85;see also "Divine knowledge" below
재주::Alertness, Balanced COmmand(이상한표시), Be-loved Commander(이상한표시), Block Spell, Brew Potion, Brilliant Leadership, Capture Spell(이상한표시둘), Combat Expertise, Courageius Command(이상한표시),Craft Rob,Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Defend, Deflect Spell, Determined Command(이상한표시), Devioted Leadership, Dismissible Spell(이상한표시둘), Dodge, Empower Spell, Endurance, Enduring Leader-ship, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Expert Flyer(이상한표시), Expert Rider, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, Fork Spell(이상한표시둘), Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Penetration, Haster Spell(이상한표시둘), Heighter Spell, ImprovedCounterspell, ImprovedDIsarm, Im-proved Feint, Improved Intiative, Iron Will, Leadership, Lightning Re-flexes, Link Spell(이상한표시둘), Magic energy Control, Master Wand(이상한표시둘), Maximize Spell, Mirror Spell, Mobility, Mounted Combet, Quicken Spell, Reflect Spell, Ride BareBack(바레백??), Run, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell penetration, Stead-Fast Command(이상한표시), Steal Magic, Still Spell, Transcendent Spell, Transfer Magic, Winden Spell
신화적 재주::Epic CounterSpell(뭔표신지;;), Excellent Com-mand(뭔표신지 x2), Expanded Command(뭔표신지 x2), ImprovedMetamagic(메타매직... 뭘까나;;), SelfCommand(뭔표신지 x2)
활동가능 환경:: Any
행동양식:: Unique
CR:: 92
재보: Circlet of the moon(얼마나 좋은 아이템일까요 ~_~?)
성향:: Lowful good
이점:: By character class
레벨보정치:: +13

※이상한표시? :: 이상한표시라는것은 십자가 모양과 비슷한 문자로 되어있는데.. 쓰는법도 모르고 뭔지도 몰라서 그냥 이상한표시라고 한글로 씁니당~

아하하 -_-

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