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작성자 qqqq20001
작성일 2006-01-24 18:55:11 KST 조회 6,436
[리플로 번역 - 인물] 반신 아감마간(Agamaggan) - 일러스트X
From WoWWiki
Agamaggan was one of the Ancients, an immortal Giant Boar which legend say was among the first living creatures to roam Azeroth. The creature’s body was surrounded by thorny vines. His immense appetite made his body grow as years passed, making him a juggernaut of raw strength, using his thorny vines and tusks as weapons. Agamaggan was often hunted by the trolls, unsuccessfully.

During the War of the Ancients, 10 milennia ago, Cenarius sought the assistance of Agamaggan, convincing the god boar that if the Burning Legion won the war, all life would be destroyed in the world. Agamaggan assaulted the stronghold of Azshara, slaying thousands of Doomguards and Felguards with fury. Among his abilities, Agamaggan could stomp the ground with his massive hoof, breath corrosive acid upon his enemies and cast a rain of thorns that would detach from his back causing considerable harm.

The battle between Agamaggan and the demons was lengthy, and ranged across the continent, toward the west. Agamaggan fought the Pit Lord Mannoroth – Archimonde’s lieutenant and servant of Sargeras. Finally, Agamaggan fell before the Legion sacrificing himself, but his assistance was vital, allowing Malfurion and others to enter the stronghold of Azshara to reach the Well of Eternity.

Agamaggan was slain in the land currently known as The Barrens, near the Valley of Giants. The Quillboar believe that wherever Agamaggan’s blood fell, the land grew the thick thorn vines that characterized him. The blood spilled created a mineral known as Bloodstone, which Quillboar use to amplify their magic in many uses to give them strength, intellect, agility, speed, nature spells and more. Legend says Amagamman might walk among the living someday, and the Quillboar await that day.

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