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작성자 qqqq20001
작성일 2006-01-24 19:02:26 KST 조회 5,520
[인물] 타이탄 노르간논(Norgannon)

Male Aesir Titan. His platinum-skinned body flashes Arcane power, he wears a long cloak covering his head and a tunic. Long beard. In combat, he gazes in Eonar, Aggramar and Aman'Thul. He avoids melee, and prefers to cast from a ranged distance flying above and afar. If in jeopardy, he casts mirror image as an illusion and casts AOE(area of effect) while the other Titans take care of melee. He can teleport his fellow Titans to safety if needed. Polymorph, project image, phase, and many other spells described in Warcraft RPG: Shadow & Light.

Norgannon is master of the arcane magic, knowledge, secrets and mysteries. In many of the worlds created by the Titans, spellcasters revere him as paragon of their spellcrafts, and whisper his name when casting a spell. Azeroth doesn't know anything about him, except for his Watchers of Uldaman, Ulduar and Uldum.

The titans prefer not to use arcane magic because of its corrupting nature. Aman'Thul the Highfather charged Norgannon with the task of cataloguing all spells and magical currents in the universe, including Arcane magic which originates in the Twisting Nether. With the knowledge gathered concerning Arcane magic, the Highfather hopes one day to defeat the Burning Legion and other enemies. Norgannon is passionless, his face is expressionless and rigid. He is the historian of the Titans and holds a massive disc on his hand, with sculpted glyphs and recordings, similar to the Discs of Norgannon within Uldaman.

(Possibly inspired by the Viking Aesir Bragi, god of poetry and lore, or Mirmir, God of Runes and knowledge.)

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