Male Vanir Titan, shaper of Mountains and canyons, a craftsman. Eonar and Khaz'Goroth created the Earthen (Dwarves and Troggs) and Mountain Giants. His Bronze-skinned body sparks flames. His weapon is a giant smith-hammer. Among Khaz'Goroth's combat strategies are the summoning of Elemental swarms, Wish(teleport) and dispell magic. imprisonment, crushing fist, and Avatar before engagin melee. He is wise in building architecture and engineering. He created and shaped the mountains with help of his creation, the Earthen.
(Possibly inspired by Greek Hephaestus)
-중복되는 자료가 있으면서도 자료를 올리는 이유는, 이곳의 자료가 거의 모든 워크래프트 지식의 총합체이고, 미국 사이트 에서도 와우위키 만큼 방대한 자료를 수유한 곳이 없기 때문입니다. 그리고 게임 말고도 사이드 스토리들도 궁금해서;;;
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