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작성자 qqqq20001
작성일 2006-01-25 20:25:42 KST 조회 4,715
[리플로 번역 - 인물] 반신 Aessina, 반신 An'she, 반신 Earthmother.
One of the greater wilderness spirits is Aessina. Her shrine was built ages ago by the night elves, and lies in the midst of a forest glade in Ashenvale's heart. The shrine is a clear forest pool with a statue of Aessina standing beside it, clothed only in ivy. Dryads are known to visit the shrine to venetrate Aessina.

Aessinas main sanctuary is the Shrine of Aessina in Ashenvale Forest.

An'she is the sun in tauren mythology. It was the right eye of the Earthmother, torn out and sent spinning across the heavens.

From WoWWiki
A benevolent goddess of the Tauren, the noble bull-people who believe that the deity is responsible for all the natural beauty of the world. They see her smiling face in the sky, the stones, the sands, and the seas. Tauren mythology describes her as the creator of the land, and the tauren. The sun (An'she) and moon (Mu'sha) were her eyes.

[edit]Philosophy and Cultural Purpose
The Earthmother is regarded in Tauren culture the same way Elune is in Kaldorei culture. Both are meant to be the stabilziing factor in the shifting lives of their respective peoples. Thus, the Earthmother is far more valuable the way she is now than as a physical being.

[edit]The Identity of the Earthmother
Many have speculated that the tauren's Earthmother is one and the same as various other beings. Some have contended that the Earthmother is Therazane the Stonemother, an elemental lieutenant of the Old Gods. Many believe that the benevolence of the Earthmother and the incomprehensible evil of the Old Gods and their servents makes this identification tenuous at best, however Therazane is noted as the most benevolent of all four Elemental Lords, with the only evil one being Neptulon. However, the primordial role that the Earthmother is described as serving, creating the world itself, the sun and moon, and the tauren, seems far greater than the power that a lieutenant of the Old Gods would have wielded.

Another theory contends that the Earthmother is Alexstrasza the Lifegiver, of the Red Dragonflight. However, the Dragon Aspects were empowered by the Titans to look over Azeroth, and are not recorded as taking such a major role in the shaping of Azeroth as the Earthmother does in Tauren myths.

Another being sometimes considered to be the tauren's Earthmother is Eonar, member of the Pantheon and patron of all life. In the shaping of Azeroth by the Pantheon, she would have likely been responsible for creating fields of grain and the tauren themselves, just as the myths describe the Earthmother doing. It was she who empowered Alextrasza and Ysera to watch over her creative works on Azeroth.

The possibility remains, though, that the Earthmother is not the the same as any other known entity, and represents a force even more primal and powerful than even the Titans.

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