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작성자 고철덩어리거인
작성일 2006-11-28 16:31:07 KST 조회 9,599
[인물] 일리단 스톰레이지(Illidan Stormrage)
"네놈의 자리를 빼앗으러 왔다! 넌 이미 구시대의 유물이다, 마그테리돈. 오래된 과거의 유령같은거지. 이제부터의 미래는 나의 것이다! 지금부터, 아웃랜드와 아웃랜드의 모든 생명체들은 나에게 복종하게 될 것이다."

종족: 나이트 엘프
직업: 악마사냥꾼
세력: 불타는 군단

일리단 스톰레이지(Illidan Stormrage)는 칼림도어 대륙이 갈라지기 전 아즈샤라의 '귀족(high-borne)' 추종자였습니다. 그는 영원의 샘의 힘을 교묘하게 이용하는데에 능통했고, 곧 그 힘에 중독되고 말았습니다.

얼마 후, 아키몬드(Archimonde. 불타는 군단 서열 2위)의 침공이 시작되고 아즈샤라(Azshara. 칼도레이의 여왕)의 부정한 음모(*역자 주:살게라스를 불러들이고 그의 첩이 되겠다는 야심찬 음모)가 드러났습니다. 그래서 일리단의 형인 퓨리언(Furion Stormrage)은 일리단이 여왕을 버리고 귀족들의 행동을 그만두도록 설득했습니다.

그 당시, 일리단은 혼자 마음속으로 엘룬의 대사제인 티란데 위스퍼윈드(Tyrande Whisperwind)를 사랑하고 있었습니다. 그러나 그녀는 퓨리언과 깊은 사랑을 하고 있었습니다. 그러한 티란데의 도움으로 일리단은 마법중독의 불타는 욕망을 참아냈습니다. 그리고 그는 퓨리언을 도와서 잿빛골짜기 깊은 숲 속에 은둔한 세나리우스를 찾아 앞으로 다가올 시련에 대항할 도움을 구했습니다.

세나리우스(Cenarius. 사슴신 말론과 엘룬의 자식)와 알렉스트라자(Alexstrasza. 생명의 위상. 붉은용 군단의 우두머리)가 전투에 참여하고, 퓨리언은 홀로 싸우는 것으로는 이런 무자비한 적을 쳐부술수 없음을 알았습니다. 그는 불타는 군단의 후속 지원군들의 노도와 같은 침공을 저지하고 모두를 위해서는 영원의 샘을 파괴해야 할 필요가 있음을 깨달았습니다(*역자 주:영원의 샘은 불타는 군단의 악마들이 아제로스로 침공하는 문의 역할을 했기 때문).

이 생각은 일리단을 그야말로 경악하게 했습니다. 영원의 샘이 없다면 그는 마법의 힘을 두번 다시 사용할 수 없을 것이기에, 그는 마법의 힘의 포기를 거부했습니다.

마법 중독에 이성을 잃은 일리단은 퓨리언과 그의 동맹군들을 배신하고, 아즈샤라 여왕에게 영원의 샘 파괴작전에 대해 경고하고 영원의 샘을 보호하기 위해 급히 아즈샤라의 궁전으로 돌아가버렸습니다. 아즈샤라는 일리단이 급히 달려와 전한 소식을 듣고, 그에 대한 방비로 즉시 전투준비에 들어갔습니다.

티란데와 퓨리언의 군대가 그녀의 궁전을 급습하자, 아즈샤라와 그녀의 광적인 추종자들은 파괴적인 마법을 퓨리언의 군대에 퍼부었고, 퓨리언의 최전선 병력들은 너무나도 쉽게 패배해 버렸습니다.

일리단은 전투 중에 목숨을 건지고 그의 마력을 영원히 잃지 않음을 보장하기 위해 도망쳐 나왔습니다. 아즈샤라의 궁전에서 전투가 격렬하게 벌어지는 동안, 일리단은 영원의 샘 옆에서 무릎을 꿇었습니다. 그는 전쟁에서 나이트 엘프가 패배하고, 전쟁이 끝난 후 악마들이 이 대륙을 지배하길 원했습니다. 그가 가진 능력을 간직하기 위해, 일리단은 자기 스스로를 위해 사용하려고 작은 유리병에 샘의 물을 담았습니다. 그러고는 전쟁이 정점에 달했을 때, 어둠속으로 은밀히 사라졌습니다.

영원의 샘이 파괴된 여파로 대륙이 갈라지고 난 후, 일리단은 하이잘 산의 꼭대기에서 작고 평온한 샘을 찾았습니다.
여기에, 그는 지금은 파괴된 영원의 샘의 물을 부었습니다. 혼돈스러운 힘이 빠르고 분명하게 샘을 더럽히고 새로운 영원의 샘으로 변화시켰습니다.

일리단은 이루 말로 할 수없을 기쁨으로 즐거워 했습니다. 그러나 곧이어 일리단을 추적해온 퓨리언과 티란데를 보고서 크게 놀랐습니다. 퓨리언은 일리단에게 마법은 재앙을 몰고 올 것이며, 결국 더 많은 파괴를 다시 불러들이게 될 거라며 진심어린 충고를 했습니다. 하지만 일리단은 아무렇지도 않은 듯이 마법에 다시 손을 대었고 그 힘을 쉽사리 포기하려 하지 않았습니다.

퓨리언은 그의 이기적인 쌍둥이 형제에게 대노하여, 그를 눈 멀게 하고 하이잘 산 아래에 가두었습니다. 그는 일리단이 부탁한다고 해서 그가 마법을 사용함을 허가한다면, 일리단이 이 세계에 악마들을 다시 꾀어 불러들일 것임을 알고 있었습니다. 일리단은 감금되었고, 신록의 수호자와 그가 신뢰하는 나이트 엘프 전사 동료들에게 감시되었습니다. 그는 만 년 동안 갇혀있었고, 마침내 퓨리언의 제지가 있었음에도 불구하고 감옥의 간수들과 싸운 티란데가 일리단을 풀어주었습니다.

일리단은 티란데를 사랑하기에 불타는 군단을 타도하리라 맹세했지만, 그것은 일리단이 그를 부당하게 위협한다고 생각하는 나이트 엘프를 위한 것이 아님을 선언하고 전투에 나섰습니다.

퓨리언의 이해심 부족에 실망한 일리단은 나이트 엘프 군대를 이끌고 스컬지의 대장을 사냥하기 위해 악령의 숲 속으로 들어갔습니다.

그 곳에서, 그는 죽음의 기사 아서스(Deathknight Arthas.)를 만났고, 서로 일대일 전투를 벌였습니다. 서로 실력이 비슷해 전투가 길게 이어지자, 일리단은 전투를 멈추고, 아서스에게 이 곳에 온 이유를 물었습니다. 그러자 아서스는 일리단에게 악령의 숲 오염의 원인인 악마적인 고기물, 굴'단의 해골(Skull of Gul'dan)에 대해 이야기했습니다. 그리고는 일리단이 굴'단의 해골을 훔쳐내 그 힘을 탐욕스러운 스컬지의 교활한 지도자, 타이콘드리우스(Tichondrius. 스컬지를 총지휘하던 드레드로드)를 살해하는데 사용하도록 설득했습니다.

비록 일리단은 믿지 않았지만, 아서스는 그 노력은 양 쪽 모두에게 이득이 됨을 보장했고, 일리단은 티란데와 퓨리언, 그리고 그 외 사람들에게 자기 자신을 증명할 수 있으리라 희망하며 그에 동의했습니다.

수 많은 스컬지의 앞잡이들 뿐만 아니라, 피에 굶주린 교활한 사티로스들과 타락한 고대 정령들과의 전투가 끝나고 일리단은 굴'단의 해골을 손에 넣고, 악마들이 수비하던 악마의 문을 파괴하고, 해골의 힘을 흡수했습니다.

그러나 그 힘은 갑자기 일리단을 어두운 암흑의 악마로 변형시켰습니다. 그래도 일리단은 타이콘드리우스에 대항할 수 있는 강대한 힘을 손에 넣었음을 알았습니다. 마침내 일리단은 타이콘드리우스를 살해하는데 성공했습니다.

전투가 끝나고, 일리단이 그의 편을 들어주리라 기대했던 티란데와 퓨리언이 갑자기 나타나서는, 일리단이 한 일을 보고서 둘 다 그를 비난했습니다. 퓨리언은 그를 비난하며, 일리단이 그의 영혼을 팔아넘겼음을 지적하며 분노하여 그를 숲에서 추방했습니다. 한 마디의 변명 없이, 일리단은 슬픈 심정으로 악령의 숲에 작별을 고했습니다.

그러나 이것이 그의 끝이 아니었습니다.

불타는 군단의 패퇴 이후에, 킬'제덴은 지난 날 일리단이 불타는 군단에 피해를 준 것은 기억에도 없는 마냥 일리단을 방문하여 그를 다시 섬길 수 있는 마지막 기회를 주었습니다. 킬'제덴은 일리단에게 얼어붙은 왕좌를 찾아서 그것을 파괴할 것을 지시했습니다. 흑마법사 넬'쥴은(Ner'zhul. 오크 흑마법사였으나 이후 리치 왕의 영혼) 지난번에 킬'제덴과 약속한 것을 어겼기 때문입니다.

굴'단의 마법 해골을 그의 것으로 함으로써, 일리단은 사악한 흑마법사(굴'단)의 기억을 흡수했습니다. 그러자 모든 계획이 그의 머릿속으로 들어왔습니다. 그는 그를 도울 협력자가 필요했습니다. 일리단은 이미 사귄 친구들의 협력을 얻는 것 보다 새로운 수하를 만드는 것이 났다고 결정했습니다.

일리단은 깊은 바닷속에 갖혀있던 나가들을 풀어주고 그들을 수면으로 데려왔습니다. 과거에는 일리단 그처럼 아즈샤라의 종복이던 쿠엘'도레이였던 나가들은, 나이트 엘프들과 육지를 걷는 다른 종족들에게 복수하기를 열망했기 때문에 탄력있는 여군주 바쉬(resilient Lady Vashj)의 지휘 하에 있던 무리가 빠르게 일리단에게 합류했습니다.

그러나, 일리단은 아직 교도관 마이에브 쉐도우송(Warden Maiev Shadowsong)이 그를 잡아 다시 가두기 위해 온 칼림도어를 뒤지며 끈질기게 그를 추적하고 있어 골칫거리였습니다.

일리단은 넨디스 항구로 탈출하며 그의 나가들과 사티로스 수하들로 하여금 뒤를 깔끔히 처리하도록 하였습니다. 일리단과 그를 따르는 부하들은 항구에 도착하여 일리단은 범선 하나를 탈취하였고, 나가 지휘관은 다른 모든 배들을 침몰시켜 일리단을 추적할 수 있는 어떠한 수단도 남기지 않기 위해 남았습니다.

범선을 따라 헤엄치는 나가들과 일리단은 굴'단과 부하 흑마법사들이 20년 전에 상륙했던 수라마르의 폐허이자, 살게라스(Sargeras)의 무덤이 위치한 부서진 군도에 상륙했습니다.

그러나, 남아서 추적자를 정리하는 임무를 맡았던 일리단의 부하들은 임무에 성공하지 못했습니다. 마이에브와 간수들은 부서진 군도에 일리단이 도착한 직후에 도착했고, 두 세력은 물기 가득한 곳에서 전투를 벌였습니다. 그 사이 일리단은 무덤에 도착했고, 마이에브는 곧바로 그를 뒤쫓았습니다. 굴'단의 지식 덕분에, 일리단은 빠르게 무덤 안을 통과하여 살게라스의 눈이 있는 방에 도달했습니다. 마이에브는 강력한 고기물을 가동시키는데 성공한 일리단과 바쉬를 뒤늦게 급습했고, 그녀에게 만년동안 감옥살이 했던 것에 대한 복수로, 일리단은 무덤이 마이에브에게로 무너지도록 살게라스의 눈을 사용했습니다. 그러자 마이에브는 나가들이 사용하던 물 아래의 통로를 통해 잽싸게 탈출했습니다. 비록 일리단이 무덤 안에 있던 모든 간수들을 죽이긴 했지만, 마이에브는 그녀의 마법적 능력을 사용해 탈출한 것입니다.

지상에서 일리단과 마이에브는 그녀가 지원군을 요청하기 위해 잿빛골짜기로 보낸 사신을 놓고 전투를 벌였습니다. 사신은 잿빛골짜기로 탈출하여 말퓨리언(퓨리언에서 '말'퓨리언이 된 이유는 예전엔 걸어다니다 프로즌쓰론에서 말을 타고다녀서 말 퓨리언입니다....가 아니고. '말'이 위대하다는 뜻이라고 하더군요. 그러므로 위대한 퓨리언 정도가 되겠습니다.)에게 고했습니다. 말퓨리언과 티란데는 공격받고 있는 마이에브의 진지가 위치한 부서진 군도에 지원군을 이끌고 도착했습니다. 지원군이 공격받고 있는 마이에브의 진지에 도착하여, 일리단의 군대는 패퇴당했지만 그와 그의 가신들은 심각한 피해를 받기 전에 탈출했습니다. 티란데는 그들을 쫓아 진지 밖으로 나갔지만 일리단은 그녀를 그물로 잡아 버렸습니다. 그리고는 그녀에게 방해하지 말라고 경고했습니다.

일리단은 또 한번 바다를 가로질러 도망갔습니다. 일리단은 로데론에 상륙하여, 북극의 만년설을 무너뜨리고 얼음왕관 빙하와 얼어붙은 왕좌를 파괴하는데 살게라스의 눈을 사용하기 위해서 은소나무 숲을 가로지르는 진로를 잡아 달라란으로 향했습니다.

그러나 일리단은 마이에브와 말퓨리온에의해 방해받았고, 주문은 실패해 버렸습니다. 일리단은 그가 야기시킨 티란데의 상실로 격노한 그의 형제가 건 휘감는 뿌리 주문에 의해 사로잡혔습니다. 일리단은 그가 사랑했던 그녀가 죽었다는 소식에 심장이 부서지는 듯한 고통을 느꼈지만, 나이트 엘프의 새로운 지원군인 케일 왕자(Kael'Thas. 케일'다스. 와우에서는 캘타스. 본인 귀에는 아무리 들어도 케일'다스로 들립니다만.)가 티란데가 죽었다고 단정하는 것은 너무 조급한 판단이라고 말했습니다.

일리단은 그 즉시 나가를 시켜 티란데를 찾을 수 있도록 강을 수색할 것을 자원했습니다. 나가들은 강 지역에서 언데드 군대의 강한 공격을 버티고 있는 티란데의 위치를 파악했습니다. 일리단과 그의 나가 부하들은 티란데에게 닿을 때 까지 언데드들과 전투를 벌였습니다. 티란데는 다시 일리단의 부하들에게 구출되었고, 그가 그녀를 안전히 말퓨리언에게 데려다 주자, 그녀는 그에 대해 깜짝 놀랐습니다.

말퓨리언이 일리단을 놓아주자, 일리단은 아웃랜드로 향하는 차원문을 열고 추적하는 마이에브로 부터 즉시 도망쳤습니다.

그는 넬'쥴을 죽이는 데 실패했고, 킬'제덴의 분노가 그를 가만 놔두지 않을 것을 알기에 킬'제덴의 분노를 피하여 살 수 있는 곳을 찾았습니다. 드레노어의 파괴된 잔해, 아웃랜드는 바로 그런 곳입니다.

일리단은 이 조각난 세상에서 다시금 그를 잡아 가두기 위해 추적하는 마이에브와 간수들에게 붙잡혔습니다. 그러나 그는 케일과 바쉬에게 구출되었습니다.

일리단은 킬'제덴에게 붙잡히지 않고 머물기 위해 아웃랜드의 악마의 영향력을 제거한다는 그의 독자적인 계획을 추진했습니다. 그러기 위해서, 그들은 아웃랜드의 지배자인 심연의 군주 마그테리돈의 요새에 포위 공격을 감행했습니다. 그러나 그 전에, 일리단은 불타는 군단의 악마 지원군대가 도착하는 것을 막기 위해 차원의 문을 하나하나 닫았습니다. 그 작업은 결국엔 성공적으로 끝났습니다.

그들이 검은 사원에 도착했을 때, 일리단은 그의 깃발 아래에 서고자 하는 의지가 굳은 아카마의 드레나이들과 접선했습니다. 일리단의 군대는 검은 사원을 포위공격 하여 마그테리돈의 방어를 뚫어냈습니다. 그리고 전투 중에 그 심연의 군주의 무릎을 꿇게 했습니다.

마그테리돈은 고통속에서 일리단의 강대한 힘을 인정했습니다. 그러면서 불타는 군단이 자신을 시험하기 위해 보낸 것이냐며 물었습니다. 일리단은 비웃으며, 시험을 하러 온 것은 아니며, 마그테리돈의 자리를 빼앗기 위해 온 것이라며 말했습니다.

일리단이 아웃랜드의 군대를 새로운 깃발 아래로 통합하자 마자, 검은 사원위로 화염의 폭풍과 연기가 서서히 내려왔습니다. 그리곤 킬'제덴이 그의 부정한 후광 속에서 모습을 드러냈습니다. 킬'제덴의 분노를 피하려 한 그 무모한 시도를 꾸짖으며, 일리단에게 악마를 만족시킬 최후의 기회인 얼음왕관 빙하로 가서 얼어붙은 왕좌를 파괴하라는 명령을 내려, 일리단의 새로운 부하들에게 채비를 갖추게 하였습니다. 그래서 일리단, 바쉬, 그리고 케일은 노스렌드를 공격하고 아눕'어락의 군대와 싸우기 위해 설원을 가로질러 얼음왕관 빙하를 향해 무거운 발걸음을 옮겼습니다.

그러나 넬'줄은 그가 감당할 수 없는 군대가 쳐들어 올 것을 짐작하고, 수 개월간 준비했던 계획을 마무리 하기 위해 아서스를 노스렌드로 돌아오게 했습니다. 이윽고, 아서스와 아눕'어락이 애줄'네룹의 고대의 길을 파헤치며 도착했을 때, 일리단의 군대는 얼음왕관 빙하에 도달했습니다. 그리고 두 세력은 빙하를 둘러 싼 네 곳의 신비한 방첨탑의 소유권을 놓고 거대한 전투의 준비를 했습니다.

방첨탑 통제를 위한 양 군의 치열힌 공방전 끝에 전투는 끝났고, 아서스는 모든 방첨탑을 작동시켰습니다. 그러자 아서스에게 얼어붙은 왕좌로 이어진 문이 열렸습니다.

그러나 일리단은 여기서 아직 포기하지 않았습니다.

빙하의 진지에서 아서스와 일리단은 조우했습니다. 두 전사들은 예전에 악령의 숲에서 그랬던 것 처럼 일대일 전투를 치뤘습니다. 공격을 주고 받으며 얼마의 시간이 지나고, 일리단의 방어는 아래로 늘어졌고, 아서스의 서리한은 일리단의 가슴께를 찢어놓았습니다.

일리단 스톰레이지는 설원에 쓰러졌습니다. 죽었거나, 아니면 죽은 것 처럼 보였습니다.

일리단의 의식 불명의 육신은 바쉬와 케일에 의해 수습되어 아웃랜드로 돌아가 건강 회복을 기다리고 있습니다.

비록 수치스럽지만, 일리단은 아서스와 리치 왕에게 복수할 것을 스스로 맹세했습니다.

General일반적 기술

Illidan Night Elf
일리단 나이트 엘프(??뭔소리??)
Twin Brother of Malfurion Stormrage.
말퓨리언 스톰레이지와 쌍둥이 형제.
In love with Tyrande Whisperwind.
티란데 위스퍼윈드를 사랑함.
Practiced Highborne magic.
귀족(Highborne)의 마법을 사용함.
Was influenced by Xavius, the first of the Satyr and servant to Sargeras
첫번째 사티로스이자 살게라스의 종인 사비우스에게 영향을 받음.
Created new Well of Eternity from water of old Well.
기존의 영원의 샘의 물로 새로운 영원의 샘을 만듬.
Imprisoned for creating new Moonwell by Malfurion, who couldn't bring himself to kill him.
새로운 달샘(달샘이 영원의 샘의 물인가요? 약간;)을 만든 죄로 말퓨리언이 차마 그를 죽일 수 없어 감금 함.
Maiev Shadowsong given duty of being his Warden, to make sure he didn't escape.
일리단의 간수로서의 마이에브 쉐도우송의 임무는 그를 절대로 도망치지 못하게 하는 것.
Tyrande set him free to help them with the Burning Legion.
티란데는 불타는 군단과 싸움에서 도움을 얻기 위해 일리단을 풀어주었다.
Contacted and influenced by Kil'jaeden.
킬'제덴과 접촉했으며 그에게 영향을 받았음.
Consumed the Skull of Gul'dan and took on Demonic powers and features.
굴'단의 해골을 흡수하여 악마적인 힘과 악마적인 외모를 얻었음.
Given the task of destroying the Lich King by Kil'jaeden.
킬'제덴에게 리치 왕을 파괴하라는 임무를 받았음.
Awakened the Naga, and became their new leader.
나가를 깨우고, 그들의 새로운 지도자가 되었음.
Helped Blood Elves find new source of magic power.
블러드 엘프들이 새로운 마력의 원천을 찾도록 도왔음.
Opened portal to Outland/Draenor.
아웃랜드/드레노어로 통하는 차원문을 열었음.
Defeated by Arthas when he tried to attack the Frozen Throne.
얼어붙은 왕좌를 공격하다 아서스에게 패배함.
Fled back to Outland.
아웃랜드로 퇴각함.
Is ruler of the Naga, Blood Elves, Draenei, Satyr, Fel Orcs, and Demons that still live in Draenor/Outland.
나가, 블러드 엘프, 드레나이, 사티로스, 타락한 오크, 그리고 아직 드레노어/아웃랜드에 거주하는 악마들의 지배자.

이하 Biography 부분이 있는데 아무리 봐도 이전의 내용과 다른 게 없는 그저 그런 내용이라서 번역하지 않았습니다.

오역, 태클은 환영합니다. 마구마구 걸어주세요.

도움을 주신 Pasak 님께 감사의 말을 전합니다.

<이하는 원문>
"I have come to replace you! You're a relic, Magtheridon, a ghost of a past age. The future is mine! From this moment on, Outland and all its denizens will bow to me."

Race: Night Elf

Occupation: Demon Hunter

Alignment: Burning Legion

Illidan Stormrage was one of Azshara's high-borne disciples in the days before the Sundering. He grew adept at the subtle machinations of the mystical energies of the Well of Eternity, and he soon became dependant on those energies.

After Archimonde's invasion began, and Azshara's unholy plot was revealed, Furion, Illidan's brother, managed to convince Illidan to leave his queen and forsake the high-borne's practices. Illidan was secretly in love with Tyrande Whisperwind, the High Priestess of Elune who had fallen in love with Furion. With her help, he managed to keep his burning addiction for magic under control. He then went about helping Furion find Cenarius within the woods of Ashenvale and acquire his help in the coming conflict.

As Cenarius and Alexstrasza joined the battle, Furion realized that might alone would not defeat these relentless adversaries. He knew that they needed to stem the tide of reinforcements and destroy the Well of Eternity once and for all.

The idea appalled Illidan. Without the Well, he would never be able to practice magic again, and he refused to give up that power. Abandoning Furion and his allies, Illidan quickly stole back to Azshara's palace to warn her of the coming conflict, and hopefully save the Well of Eternity from any harm.

Azshara took Illidan's news in stride, and immediately prepared for battle. When Tyrande and Furion's forces came upon her palace, Azshara and her crazed followers unleashed catastrophic magics upon them, slaughtering the front lines with ease. Illidan slipped away during the battle to keep himself safe, but also to ensure that his powers would not be forever lost.

As battle raged in Azshara's palace, Illidan knelt beside the Well of Eternity. He expected the night elves to lose, and the demons to control the lands after the war was over. To ensure that he would retain some prowess, Illidan filled a set of vials with the waters of Eternity, hoping to use them himself. When his work was finished, he disappeared into the shadows as the war's climax was at hand.

After the Sundering, Illidan sought out the summit of Mount Hyjal, where he found a small, tranquil lake. Here, he poured the waters of the now-destroyed Well of Eternity into it. The chaotic energies quickly manifested, tainting the lake and turning it into a new Well of Eternity. Illidan was joyous beyond words, and then he was shocked to find Furion and Tyrande tracking him down.

Furion tried to explain to Illidan that magic was chaotic by nature, and that it would only bring destruction once more. Illidan, however, was stalwartly connected to his magic, and would not relinquish his powers.

Furion was enraged at his selfish brother, and had him blinded and imprisoned below Hyjal. He knew that if Illidan was allowed to use magic as he pleased, he would only succeed in luring the demons back to their world.

Illidan waited, guarded by a Keeper of the Grove and his trusted night elf warrior companions. He waited for ten thousand years, until finally, Tyrande defeated the Watchers and freed Illidan, despite protests from Furion. Illidan, still in love with Tyrande, pledged to overthrow the Legion, but professed that he was not doing it for the night elves, who he felt had treated him unfairly.

Frustrated at Furion's lack of understanding, Illidan took a force of night elves into Felwood to hunt down the leaders of the Scourge. There, he met Arthas, and they fought. As the battle dragged on, Illidan stopped, and asked Arthas why he had come. Arthas told Illidan of the Skull of Gul'dan, a demonic artifact which was responsible for the corruption of Felwood. He convinced Illidan to steal it and use its power to destroy Tichondrius, the insidious leader of the ravenous Scourge. Though Illidan was untrusting, Arthas assured him that they would both benefit from this endeavor, and Illidan agreed, hoping to prove himself to Tyrande, Furion, and the rest of his people.

After battling through a bloodthirsty force of cunning satyrs and corrupted ancients, as well as the numerous agents of the Scourge, Illidan found the Skull, destroyed the Demon Gate that was defending it, and siphoned the power of the Skull. But the powers manifested unexpectedly, transforming him into a shadowy demon himself. Nevertheless, Illidan, knowing that he possessed great power, led his force against Tichondrius, and destroyed him.

Tyrande and Furion, expecting to reinforce Illidan, came upon him, and were both outraged to find what he had done. Furion rebuked him, saying that he had sacrificed his soul, and he angrily banished Illidan from the forests.

Without any argument, Illidan sadly turned and departed from Felwood. But he was hardly finished.

After the Legion's defeat, Illidan was visited by Kil'jaeden, who, while noting Illidan's sketchy track record with the Legion, offers him one final chance to serve them. He tells him to seek out the Frozen Throne, and destroy it. Ner'zhul had betrayed Kil'jaeden for the last time, the warlock promised.

By absorbing Gul'dan's enchanted skull into his being, Illidan came to possess the wicked Warlock's memories, and a plan came to mind, but he would need allies to help him, and so, rather than acquire new minions, he decided the enlist the aid of friends he already had.

Illidan freed the naga from their underwater prison and brought them to the surface. The naga, formerly the Quel'dorei servitors of Azshara like him, were eager to take vengeance upon the night elves and the other landwalking races who had been spared, and so were quick to join Illidan, under the command of the resilient Lady Vashj. But, Illidan still had the troublesome Warden, Maiev Shadowsong, to deal with, as she had persistently chased him all over Kalimdor. Illidan ran to the port of Nendis with his naga and satyr minions cleaning up behind him. When they came to the port, Illidan hijacked a boat and set sail, while a cadre of naga stayed behind to scuttle the ships and ruin all hopes of following him.

With the naga swimming in his wake, Illidan came ashore on the Broken Isles - the ruined remains of Suramar which Gul'dan and his Warlocks had raised twenty years before, and the home of the Tomb of Sargeras.

But, as it appeared, Illidan's servants had not been successful. Maiev and the Watchers arrived on the Broken Isles shortly after Illidan, and the two forces battled across the watery terrain. Illidan reached the tomb, and Maiev was quick to follow. With Gul'dan's knowledge, Illidan quickly traversed the Tomb and came to the chamber which contained the Eye of Sargeras. Maiev came upon him as he and Vashj were activating the powerful artifact, and, as vengeance for her imprisoning him for ten thousand years, Illidan used the Eye to bring the Tomb down around her, then quickly escaped through the underwater passages used by the naga.

Though he killed all other Watchers within the Tomb, Maiev escaped with her magical abilities. On the surface, Illidan and Maiev battled for supremacy as the Warden sent out a runner to gather reinforcements from Ashenvale.

Malfurion and Tyrande arrived on the Broken Isles with reinforcements as Maiev's base was being overrun. When they struck back, Illidan's forces crumbled, but he and his retainers fled before they were seriously harmed. Tyrande pursued them out of the base, and Illidan ensnared her to protect himself, and then warned her not to interfere. He fled across the sea once again.

Illidan landed on the shore of Lordaeron, and quickly made his way through the Silverpine Forest to get to Dalaran, where Illidan began to use the Eye of Sargeras to break apart the polar ice cap and destroy Icecrown and the Frozen Throne. But he was interrupted by Maiev and Malfurion, and the spell failed.

Illidan was entangled by his brother, who was furious at Illidan for causing the loss of Tyrande, who had been, apparently, killed. Illidan was heartbroken that the woman he loved was dead, but Kael, the night elves' newest ally, thought that perhaps it was premature to presume her dead. Illidan immediately volunteered the naga to scour the river she was washed away in. They found her under heavy attack by the undead forces in the area.

Illidan and his naga battled their way through the undead until they reached her. Tyrande was taken aback by Illidan's service, and when he delivered her safely to Malfurion, she was astonished.

When Malfurion let him go, Illidan created a portal to Outland and fled immediately, pursued by Maiev. Now that he had failed to destroy Ner'zhul, he knew that Kil'jaeden's wrath would not spare him, so he wanted to find a world where he could remain unmolested. Outland, the ruined remains of Draenor, was just such a place.

Illidan was chased down on the shattered world until he was captured by Maiev and the Watchers, and imprisoned once again. But he was saved by Kael and Vashj.

Illidan continued his original plan - to rid Outland of demonic influence so that he could stay out of Kil'jaeden's grasp. To do this, they laid siege to Magtheridon, the Pit Lord who had taken control of the world. But first, Illidan systematically shut down his dimensional gates to stem the flow of reinforcements. Eventually, they succeeded.

When they came to the Black Citadel, Illidan was approached by Akama of the draenei, who pledged the allegiance of his race.

They laid siege to the Black Citadel and destroyed Magtheridon's defenses, and then defeated the Pit Lord in battle himself.

Magtheridon noted wryly that Illidan had great power, and asked if the Legion has sent him as a test. Illidan laughed, saying that he was not a test, but a replacement.

As Illidan rallied the forces of Outland under a new banner, a storm of fire and smoke descended upon the Black Citadel, and Kil'jaeden appeared in all his unholy glory. Chastising Illidan for his foolhardy attempts to flee his wrath, Kil'jaeden ordered Illidan, equipped with his new servitors, to go to Icecrown and destroy the Frozen Throne in his last chance to appease the demons he had given himself over to.

Illidan, Vashj, and Kael laid siege to Northrend and battled Anub'arak's forces as they trudged through the snow towards the Icecrown glacier. But Ner'zhul, knowing he would be overrun if he didn't do something, called Arthas to Northrend to complete the plan he had sent into motion so many months before.

Finally, Illidan's forces arrived at Icecrown as Arthas and Anub'arak dug their way out of Azjol-Nerub, and the two factions squared off in a titanic battle as they tried to gain control of the four mystical obelisks surrounding the glacier. After hours of battle, and control going back and forth between the two enemies, Arthas activated all obelisks, and the doors to the Frozen Throne were opened.

But Illidan was not finished yet.

Meeting Arthas at the glacier's base, the two warriors engaged in single combat. After a few minutes of exchanging blows, however, Illidan let his guard down, and Frostmourne ripped across his chest.

Illidan Stormrage fell in the snow, dead, or so it seemed.

Illidan's lifeless body was taken by Vashj and Kael and rushed back to Outland, where he was nursed back to health. Though shamed, Illidan vowed to have his revenge against Arthas and the Lich King.


IllidanNight Elf
Twin Brother of Malfurion Stormrage.
In love with Tyrande Whisperwind.
Practiced Highborne magic.
Was influenced by Xavius, the first of the Satyr and servant to Sargeras
Created new Well of Eternity from water of old Well.
Imprisoned for creating new Moonwell by Malfurion, who couldn't bring himself to kill him.
Maiev Shadowsong given duty of being his Warden, to make sure he didn't escape.
Tyrande set him free to help them with the Burning Legion.
Contacted and influenced by Kil'jaeden.
Consumed the Skull of Gul'dan and took on Demonic powers and features.
Given the task of destroying the Lich King by Kil'jaeden.
Awakened the Naga, and became their new leader.
Helped Blood Elves find new source of magic power.
Opened portal to Outland/Draenor.
Defeated by Arthas when he tried to attack the Frozen Throne.
Fled back to Outland.
Is ruler of the Naga, Blood Elves, Draenei, Satyr, Fel Orcs, and Demons that still live in Draenor/Outland.

[edit]War of the Ancients
Taken mostly from Lunar Falls (

Illidan the BetrayerIllidan, twin brother of Malfurion, practiced the Highborne magic. In his youth, he attempted to master the druidic forces, as his brother had, but the sorcery called to him in a way that the magic of the land could not. Though he was not a Highborne himself, he bcame the personal caster of the military leader Ravencrest.

When Archimonde's invasion of Azeroth had begun and Azshara's treachery became known, Malfurion convinced Illidan to leave his queen and foresake the Highborne magic. Illidan followed his brother. But as Cenarius and the Dragons entered the battle, Malfurion came to understand that their adversaries were too powerful to fall in combat. To end the invasion, he brazenly plotted the destruction of the Well of Eternity.

The idea appalled Illidan. The Well was the source of his magic and its loss was a price far too dear for him to pay, no matter the consequences. The Satyr Xavius seized upon his doubts, exploiting his confusion to plant seeds of distrust and hatefulness into Illidan's mind. Xavius's actions were shrewd and magical and Illidan fell under his sway. The Night Elf found that he increasingly admired the powers of the Burning Legion, seeing a magical purity that underlay their chaotic behavior. Where the Night Elves struggled to maintain their ground, the Burning Legion seemed to grow ever stronger. The sight of Tyrande Whisperwind, the secret object of his desire, in the arms of his brother Malfurion shattered his final link with his people.

In secret he stole back to Azshara's palace. There he warned her of the coming conflict, betraying his brother in the hope of sparing the Well of Eternity. Upon learning of Malfurion's plan, the queen prepared for battle. When the joint forces of Tyrande and Malfurion reached her palace, Azshara and her followers unleashed catastrophic magics upon them, slaughtering thousands. During the battle, Illidan slipped away, fearing not for himself but for the Well of Eternity.

While his brother and his queen fought in battle, Illidan knelt beside the Well of Eternity. Convinced of the superiority of the Burning Legion, he fully expected the Night Elves to fall in battle. In order that he might maintain some power in a world ruled by Demons, Illidan filled a set of seven vials with the waters of the Well. His work complete, he vanished into the shadows.

After the Sundering, Illidan scaled the peaks of Mount Hyjal, where he found a small, tranquil lake. There he poured the contents of one of the vials into the waters. The chaotic energies quickly manifested, tainting the lake and twisting it into a new Well of Eternity. Illidan's joy was short-lived however, when Malfurion and Tyrande tracked and apprehended him.

Unable to accept that his brother had committed such treachery, Malfurion tried again to explain to Illidan the folly of his ways. The magic, he insisted, was chaotic by nature, and it could only bring about destruction so long as it existed. Illidan refused to listen, so enraptured by the magic's power that his brother seemed to him an unknowing fool. His preservation of the Well, he thought, vindicated his treachery. He had saved the power. Future generations would know magic. Sorcery would not perish.

The lack of remorse shook Malfurion to his core and he raged at his brother, understanding now that Illidan was lost forever to the magic's sway. He ordered him imprisoned deep below Hyjal in a jail kept far from sight and mind. To Tyrande he confessed his greatest fear: If Illidan were ever freed from his prison, his use of the magic would lure the demons back to Azeroth.

Califax, a Keeper of the Grove, and a trusted contingent of night elf warriors kept guard over Illidan's prison. For ten thousand years Illidan languished in the dark. His freedom came at the hands of Tyrande, who turned against the Watchers. Illidan's love for Tyrande had not lessened during his imprisonment and he agreed to throwback the Legion. It would be, he swore, a parting gift, not for the night elves, but for Tyrande.

Furion opposed Tyrande's decision from the start. Frustrated that his brother still did not see things his way, Illidan led a force of night elves into Felwood to hunt down the leaders of the Scourge. There he was approached by Arthas, whom he engaged in combat. It soon became clear that the two fighters were evenly matched, and rather than continuing to fight Arthas for hours Illidan put a stop to their duel and asked Arthas why he had sought Illidan out. Arthas told Illidan of the Skull of Gul'dan, the demonic artifact that was corrupting Felwood. Arthas told Illidan that all he needed to do to hurt the Legion was destroy the Skull. When a suspicious Illidan asked him why he would reveal such sensitive information to a Night Elf commander, Arthas merely told him that his master wished to see the Burning Legion defeated. Though he suspected that Arthas's intentions did not align with his own, Illidan did seek out the Skull.
Illidan after consuming the Skull of Gul'danThe battle for control of the Skull came with a heavy price and Illidan was forced to repel satyrs and corrupted ancients before reaching the Demon Gate that defended the great artifact. It was then that Illidan got the idea to consume its power instead of merely destroying it. He hoped that with that power at his command he could at last redeem himself in the eyes of his brother and Tyrande.

Calling forth all his might, he shattered the seal and consumed the Skull and its power. But the Skull was not a thing to trifle with lightly and its powers changed him. Taking on the form of a shadowy demon, Illidan led his forces against Tichondrius and utterly destroyed his foe.

When the battle was won, Tyrande and Furion arrived. But what they found shocked and outraged them both. Furion rebuked his brother, believing that when faced with the choice, Illidan had chosen power over his soul (see Miscellaneous notes section). He banished his brother from the forests.

Without protest, Illidan turned away from his brother and his eternal love. With a final look of grief he departed from Felwood.

But his role in this story was only begun.

[edit]Demon allegiance
After the Legion's defeat, Illidan was visited by Kil'jaeden, who, while noting Illidan's sketchy track record with the Legion, offered him one final chance to serve them. He told him to seek out the Frozen Throne, and destroy it. Ner'zhul had betrayed Kil'jaeden for the last time, the demon promised.

By absorbing Gul'dan's enchanted skull into his being, Illidan came to possess the wicked Warlock's memories, and a plan came to mind, but he would need allies to help him, and so, rather than acquire new minions, he decided the enlist the aid of friends he already had.

Illidan called the Naga to the surface. The naga, formerly the Quel'dorei servitors of Azshara like him, were eager to take vengeance upon the night elves and the other landwalking races who had been spared, and so were quick to join Illidan, under the command of the resilient Lady Vashj. But, Illidan still had the troublesome Warden, Maiev Shadowsong, to deal with, as she had persistently chased him all over Kalimdor. Illidan ran to the port of Nendis with his naga and satyr minions cleaning up behind him. When they came to the port, Illidan hijacked a boat and set sail, while a cadre of Naga stayed behind to scuttle the ships and ruin all hopes of following him.

With the naga swimming in his wake, Illidan came ashore on the Broken Isles - the ruined remains of Suramar which Gul'dan and his Warlocks had raised twenty years before, and the home of the Tomb of Sargeras.

But, as it appeared, Illidan's servants had not been successful. Maiev and the Watchers arrived on the Broken Isles shortly after Illidan, and the two forces battled across the watery terrain. Illidan reached the tomb, and Maiev was quick to follow. With Gul'dan's knowledge, Illidan quickly traversed the Tomb and came to the chamber which contained the Eye of Sargeras. Maiev came upon him as he and Vashj were activating the powerful artifact, and, as vengeance for her imprisoning him for ten thousand years, Illidan used the Eye to bring the Tomb down around her, then quickly escaped through the underwater passages used by the naga.

Though he killed all other Watchers within the Tomb, Maiev escaped with her magical abilities. On the surface, Illidan and Maiev battled for supremacy as the Warden sent out a runner to gather reinforcements from Ashenvale.

Malfurion and Tyrande arrived on the Broken Isles with reinforcements as Maiev's base was being overrun. When they struck back, Illidan's forces crumbled, but he and his retainers fled before they were seriously harmed. Tyrande pursued them out of the base, and Illidan ensnared her to protect himself, and then warned her not to interfere. He fled across the sea once again.

During this battle, Tyrande finally revealed why she had spurned Illidan: Too drunk with his rising magical and political power, he had forgotten his own inner strength. Malfurion, despite his increases in power, held on to that strength within him. Armed with this knowledge, Illidan finally came to grips with his feeling.

Illidan landed on the shore of Lordaeron, and quickly made his way through the Silverpine Forest to get to Dalaran, where Illidan began to use the Eye of Sargeras to break apart the polar ice cap and destroy Icecrown and the Frozen Throne. But he was interrupted by Maiev and Malfurion, and the spell failed. Malfurion had felt Illidan's spell tearing the land apart and concluded that he was a danger to the world and had to be stopped. Malfurion was unaware at the time that Illidan's goal was a far cry from world destruction or anything of the sort, but rather the death of the Lich King and the annihilation of the Scourge.

Nevertheless Illidan was entangled by his brother, who was furious at him for causing the loss of Tyrande, who had been, according to Maiev, killed. Illidan was heartbroken that the woman he loved was dead, but Prince Kael'thas, the night elves' newest ally, thought that perhaps it was premature to presume her dead. Kael'thas explained that Tyrande had not been "torn apart" by the undead, as Maiev had told Malfurion, but had instead fallen into a river and been swept away by the currents. Illidan immediately volunteered the naga to scour the river. They found her under heavy attack by the undead forces in the area.

Illidan and his naga battled their way through the undead until they reached her. Tyrande was taken aback by Illidan's service, and when he delivered her safely to Malfurion, she was astonished.

Malfurion told Illidan he was free to go on the condition that he never threaten the Night Elves again. Illidan, wishing for an end to the conflict with his brother and having never wished for conflict with Tyrande, agreed.

After Malfurion let him go, Illidan created a portal to Outland and fled immediately, pursued by Maiev. Now that he had failed to destroy Ner'zhul, he knew that Kil'jaeden's wrath would not spare him, so he wanted to find a world where he could remain unmolested. Outland, the ruined remains of Draenor, was just such a place.

Illidan Captured by MaievIllidan was chased down on the shattered world until he was captured by Maiev and the Watchers, and imprisoned once again. But he was saved by Kael and Vashj.

Illidan continued his original plan - to rid Outland of demonic influence so that he could stay out of Kil'jaeden's grasp. To do this, they laid siege to Magtheridon, the Pit Lord who had taken control of the world. But first, Illidan systematically shut down his dimensional gates to stem the flow of reinforcements. Eventually, they succeeded.

When they came to the Black Citadel, Illidan was approached by Akama of the draenei, who pledged the allegiance of his race.

They laid siege to the Black Citadel and destroyed Magtheridon's defenses, and then defeated the Pit Lord in battle himself.

Magtheridon noted wryly that Illidan had great power, and asked if the Legion has sent him as a test. Illidan laughed, saying that he was not a test, but a replacement, and slaughtered Magtheridon.

As Illidan rallied the forces of Outland under a new banner, a storm of fire and smoke descended upon the Black Citadel, and Kil'jaeden appeared in all his unholy glory. Chastising Illidan for his foolhardy attempts to flee his wrath, Kil'jaeden ordered Illidan, equipped with his new servitors, to go to Icecrown and destroy the Frozen Throne in his last chance to appease the demons he had given himself over to.

Illidan defeated by ArthasIllidan, Vashj, and Kael laid siege to Northrend and battled Anub'arak's forces as they trudged through the snow towards the Icecrown glacier. But Ner'zhul, knowing he would be overrun if he didn't do something, called Arthas to Northrend to complete the plan he had sent into motion so many months before.

Finally, Illidan's forces arrived at Icecrown as Arthas and Anub'arak dug their way out of Azjol-Nerub, and the two factions squared off in a titanic battle as they tried to gain control of the four mystical obelisks surrounding the glacier. After hours of battle, and control going back and forth between the two enemies, Arthas activated all obelisks, and the doors to the Frozen Throne were opened.

But Illidan was not finished yet.

Meeting Arthas at the glacier's base, the two warriors engaged in single combat. After a few minutes of exchanging blows, however, Illidan let his guard down, and Frostmourne ripped across his chest.

Illidan Stormrage fell in the snow, dead, or so it seemed.

Illidan's lifeless body was taken by Vashj and Kael and rushed back to Outland, where he was nursed back to health.

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