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작성자 아이콘헤헤
작성일 2005-05-04 11:55:49 KST 조회 4,134
북미 캐릭터 이전 소식
Character transfers are now available for the realms listed here. Transfers will be available to players until next Monday, May 9.

북미 서버 캐릭터 이전을 9일 까지 신청 받습니다.
이동 가능한 서버 목록은 아래 와 같습니다.

Warsong (PvP) -> Bonechewer (PvP)
Arthas (PvP) -> Nathrezim (PvP)
Bleeding Hollow (PvP) -> Crushridge (PvP)
Illidan (PvP) -> Stonemaul (PvP)
Blackrock (PvP) -> Daggerspine (PvP)
Stormreaver (PvP) -> Stormscale (PvP)
Shattered Hand (PvP) -> Bloodscalp (PvP)
Mannoroth (PvP) -> Destromath (PvP)
Blackhand (PvE) -> Windrunner (PvE)
Whisperwind (PvE) -> Azjol-Nerub (PvE)

PLEASE NOTE: Your character's Honor system rank (calculated each week during the Tuesday maintenance) will transfer to the designated realm. However, if you participate in PvP after the maintenance but prior to transferring your character to the new realm, you will lose the honorable kills and contribution points you earned for that period prior to the transfer. For example, if you log back on to your original realm after the maintenance, earn 40 honorable kills, and then decide to transfer to the new realm, then when you log on to the new realm you'll find that you've maintained your Honor system rank, but you'll have lost the Honor points for the 40 kills. To avoid losing any of your progress toward the next Honor system rank, please be sure to transfer your character to the new realm before you participate in PvP again

주의 할점은. 이동 기간 동안 명예 시스템은 이전이 않된다고 합니다.

북미의 캐릭터 이전 행방을 보면 저희 나라에서도 곧 어떤식으로 조취가 취해질지 예상할수 있겠죠.

write by 헤헤@XP Jupiter@이오나

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