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작성자 아이콘헤헤
작성일 2005-05-05 19:54:53 KST 조회 3,507
명예 시스템 정보
북미 서버에서 렐름 다운 이후 적용 될 내용이라고 합니다.

제 추측으로는 이번 1.41 패치 이후 우리나라 서버도 잠수함 패치로 적용 되던지, 이후 우리나라에서도 서버 점검 이루어 질거 같네요.

전부 세세히 해석 보단 포인트만 말씀 드리겠습니다.

1. Divine Shield, Feign Death, and Vanish do not wipe your contribution points on a target. Contribution points are calculated by the target, the target does not know that you used Divine Shield, Feigned Death, or Vanished, only how much damage you have done to the target in a set amount of time, so these do not impact your contribution points. Leaving combat also does NOT erase your contribution points. If a target player does not take any damage for 1 minute, then contribution points are erased. Until that time, contribution points are added to the tally.

타겟을 데미지를 입히지 않고 1분 정도 지나면, 이전에 입혔던 데미지로 인해 명예 점수는 얻을 수 없습니다.
단, 천상의 보호막, 추방 등으로 인한 시간은 포함 되지 않습니다.

2. Levels affect how much honor you can gain in a given week. Level 60 players will be able to gain greater amounts of honor than a level 40 player even if they have the same amount of performance. This is designed so that 60 players gain more honor, as should be the case, instead of lower level players killing higher level players to outpace level 60 players.

명예 점수는 만렙에 더 최적화가 되어 같은 데미지를 입혀도 만렙이 더 많은 기여도를 얻게 됩니다.

3. If a player has 25 Honorable Kills or less in a week, they will not receive a ranking the next week. Start with the next content patch, anyone who has over 25 Honorable Kills in a week will be given at least the rank of Private/Scout. If a player already has a rank (eg Sergeant), then the normal PvP rank system kicks in, with the limited decay, and the 25 HK limit does not impact these players.

매주 25 이상의 명예 점수를 얻어야 자신의 등급이 유지 됩니다.

write by 헤헤 주피터@이오나

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