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작성자 아이콘 PlayXP
작성일 2019-03-15 11:10:07 KST 조회 214,582
하스스톤 신규 확장팩 '어둠의 반격' 4월 10일 출시
파일포켓 이미지
파일포켓 이미지

- 악의 세력을 주제로 한 신규 확장팩 통해 135장의 신규 카드

- 카드 팩 50개짜리 묶음 상품 예약 구매 시 라줄의 보석 카드 뒷면과 무작위 전설 카드 제공

- 카드 팩 80개짜리 대형 묶음 상품 예약 구매 시 라줄의 보석 카드 뒷면, 무작위 황금 전설 카드와 부인 라줄 사제 영웅 추가 증정


블리자드 엔터테인먼트는 하스스톤의 신규 확장팩 '어둠의 반격'을 4월 10일(수)에 출시하며, '어둠의 반격'을 시작으로 하스스톤 역사상 처음으로 한 해 동안 이어지는 이야기를 선보일 예정이다. 플레이어들은 '어둠의 반격'을 통해 악당들의 대열에 합류, 135장의 악랄한 테마의 새로운 카드와 신규 콘텐츠로 가능한 사악한 카드 덱 전략을 펼칠 수 있다.


이번 신규 확장팩은 하스스톤의 모험 모드로 선보였던 '탐험가 연맹'에서 등장한 바 있는 대악당 라팜의 이야기에서 시작된다. 탐험가 연맹에게 쓰라린 패배를 맛본 대악당 라팜은 아제로스에 대한 본인의 계획을 실현하기엔 혼자 힘만으로는 역부족이라는 것을 깨닫고 오랜 세월동안 어둠 속에 숨어 살며 하스스톤의 가장 악랄한 악당들을 모아 악의 연합 잔.악.무.도.를 결성한다. 이 연합을 위해 기존 하스스톤 카드 세트에 등장했던 악당들인 미궁왕 토그왜글, 부인 라줄, 박사 붐와 마녀 하가사가 한 자리에 모였다. '어둠의 반격'에서 이 악당들은 손을 더럽히는 것을 마다하지 않는 하스스톤 플레이어들의 힘을 빌어 다시 한번 흉계를 꾸민다는 설정이다.


악의 연합 잔.악.무.도.의 악당들은 악랄한 전투의 함성 효과를 내는 공격력1과 생명력1의 하수인인 졸개도 마음대로 부릴 수 있는데, 이 하급 요원들은 악의 연합의 음흉한 계략을 실현하는데 중추적인 역할을 펼친다. 이번 확장팩을 통해 처음 선보이는 키워드인 ‘계략’은 플레이어의 손에 있는 동안 매 턴마다 위력이 강해지는 주문 효과다. 또한, 두뇌와 체력만으로는 부족하다고 생각했는지, 잔.악.무.도.의 악당들은 각각 속해 있던 기존 하스스톤 세트에서 따온 효과의 카드들을 새롭게 선보임으로써 플레이어들로 하여금 기발하고 참신한 전략을 세울 수 있게 한다.


'J. 알렌 브랙' 블리자드 엔터테인먼트 사장은 "하스스톤에서 유난히 많은 인기를 구가한 악당들이 '어둠의 반격'으로 다시 각광받을 수 있게 되어 기대가 크다"며, "플레이어들이 어서 이 확장팩의 한복판에 뛰어들어 잔악무도한 신규 카드들을 마음껏 활용하기 바란다"고 소감을 밝혔다.


악의 연합 잔.악.무.도.와 함께 하고자 하는 플레이어들은 범죄 소탕을 위해 활동하는 정체불명의 조직인 달라란의 수호자들을 상대로 싸워야 한다. 이들은 '어둠의 반격'을 통해 새롭게 선보이는 '이중 주문' 카드를 자유자재로 사용할 수 있는데, 이는 사용하는 순간 스스로를 복제하여, 이후에 다시 사용할 수 있는 주문이다. 달라란의 수호자들에 대한 자세한 정보는 추후 공개될 예정이다.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

Helenmybrite (2019-10-06 11:22:02 KST) -
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나는 어디에서 당신의 웹사이트에 제빌을 무료로 다운로드해서 좋습니까?
당신의 지원에서 정보를 얻었습니다. XEvil 은 실제로 보안 문자 해결을위한 최고의 프로그램입니다,하지만 난 그것의 최신 버전이 필요합니다.

DavLix (2020-01-07 22:44:05 KST) -
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[url=]카잔의 저칼로리 케이크 주문[/url]
chackBycle (2020-01-11 06:19:18 KST) -
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투자로 두 번째 시민권 및 거주! 단기,공식 프로그램,풀 서비스. 그레나다,몰타,포르투갈,바누아투,미국 등등.
그냥 가 [][/url]!
Patrzix (2020-02-15 13:11:23 KST) -
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[url=]카잔의 코티지 수리[/url]
아이콘 제드 (2020-03-12 01:09:32 KST)
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센스 이미지
이게 벌써 1년전이네.
Victoria777rup (2020-03-19 08:34:16 KST) -
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매직 쇼-Mageex-최고의 시각 효과와 놀라운 마법의 쇼. 그것은 재미 있고 놀라운 일이다. 맛있고 잊을 수없는.
마술사 Kulakov 형제 또는 Mageex 형제를 수행 쇼 프로그램과 수술에서 어떤 환경 수행에 tv,엔터테인먼트를 보여줍니다. 는 마술사-마술사와 함께 십년간의 경험,Mageex-을 고려하는 것이 중요하시는 개인적인 접근 방식 로만 적합한 농담도록 설계되었습니다. 최고의 환상 쇼의 사진 및 비디오는 웹 사이트에서 찾을 수 있습니다
Mageex 는 시각적으로 대화 형 형식으로 환상적인 환상 곡예 쇼입니다.
최고의 마술 쇼를 주문하고 잊을 수없는 감정의 바다를 얻으십시오
대화 형 및 시각적 성능은 모든 행사에 가장 적합한 선물입니다,
이 환상과 기적의 실제 광상이다,감정과 기쁨의 바다 모두를 위해!
당신은 자신의 분야에서 전문가에서 가장 놀라운 놀라운 트릭을 기다리고 있습니다–환상 주의자 쿨라 코프 형제.
그들은 트릭의 최고의 쇼 프로그램을 선택하고 이벤트가 진정으로 멋진 만들 것입니다!

다른 독점적 인 프로그램이 많이 있습니다,각 이벤트는 고유 한 시나리오가 있습니다.
그들은 헬리콥터에 동전에서 절대적으로 어떤 규모의 쇼 프로그램을 만들 수 있습니다.

당신은 항상 주문할 수 있습니다 [url=]아이들을 위한 마술 쇼를 주문하십시오[/url] [url=] 환상 주의자의 공식 웹사이트에[/url] 또는 공식 전화 번호 +79996356999

또한,에 가입해야합니다 최고의 환상 주의자의 instagram

마술 트릭을 좋아하는 모든 사람-여기에 마술 트릭에 대한 멋진 기사입니다

첫째로 알려진 문서 언급하는 환상의 고대 이집트의 파피루스 Vestkar,이름 소유자의 컬렉션 그것은 원래 저장됩니다. 그것은 파라오 쿠후(첩)의 통치의 시대 인 기원전 2900 년으로 거슬러 올라가는 전설이 포함되어 있습니다. 하나의 전설을 언급한 성능의 마술사 및 트레이너 DJEDI 할 수 있는 장소에 배치하고,성장하는 절단의 머리를 거 만들 수 있습니다 사자가 그분을 따르지 않고 족쇄 mageex 마술사하는 방법을 알고 있습니다.
WEBA-ANER—하나의 마술사에서 언급 Westcar 파피루스,알려진 작은 왁스의 그림 그리고 소수로 변환한 생활,성인,그리고 아주 사나운 짐승입니다.
16 세기에서 언급 한 마술사에 대한 소설에서 처음으로:그의 시"마카로나다"에서 투아의 테오필로 폴링고는 보칼 드 베르가모스라는 마술사를 가져왔다.
이탈리아 발두치(balducci)는 잘린 머리의 1750 년 상상의 목 베기 및 증가로 트릭을 수행했습니다. 그는 그의 머리 이전에 날개 아래에 자리 잡고,이 위치에 묶여 된 무대에 수탉을 발표했다. 그 자리에,다른 수탉의 잘린 머리가 몸에 붙어 있었다. 발두치 수탉이 몇 단계를 실행하자,그의 머리를"차단","혈액"분출,그는 관객에게이 머리를 보여 주었다. 그런 다음 그는 손수건으로 새를 커버 날개 아래에서 실제 머리를 해제하고 절단 한 사람을 숨겼다. 그 후,살아있는 무사히 수탉이 관객에게 보여졌습니다.

기적을 믿고 그들은 항상 가까운 것입니다!
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Felixnocky (2020-04-09 02:09:52 KST) -
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GeorgeDaync (2020-04-16 14:56:19 KST) -
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CarloArogs (2020-04-29 20:53:24 KST) -
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RU-486, the first trade name for <a href="" title="미프진">미프진</a>, a synthetic steroid preparation prescribed for induction of abortion in early pregnancy. The name is derived from the abbreviation and serial number of Roussel-Uclaf Pharmaceuticals. The RU-486 was approved for use in France in 1988 and almost immediately became the subject of passionate opposition by rights groups and homosexual advocacy by rights groups of abortions. Both sides understood that as the RU-486 is rapidly being called, abortion contraceptives can change the dynamics of abortion, making women relatively easy and privacy, in most cases without medical complications and ending early pregnancy. Invasive Surgery Procedures In 1995, an executive at Roussel-Uclaf formed a company called Exelgyn to obtain a patent. Approved for use in the UK in 1991, Mifegyne in Germany in 1999, and Mifeprex in the United States in 2000.

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[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
DavidNar (2020-05-23 15:55:28 KST) -
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VernonHot (2020-05-24 10:47:07 KST) -
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Tom vincent from jazz musician to zen monk. He and his students have published several books on the spiritual practices of Zen masters and their students. Many of them teach Zen koans which contain Zen terms that are not found elsewhere. The texts contain meditation techniques and other texts, but most often are composed of words and phrases that could be found in a Buddhist book. A zen monk's work is often accompanied by a meditation, which also may be a Zen meditation. In most cases a zen monk will also be asked to teach Zen koans and other zen practices. zen practice

Zen practice has many different forms. Although the Zen movement has taken hold, Zen practice can also be divided into some very simple practices of simple awareness, and very complex practices of deep concentration, which emphasize the mastery of awareness and the ability to apply that awareness to overcome the obstacles that arise. It is not just mindfulness practice, but also zen skills which are advanced. This is because it helps people to increase their ability to use the meditative skills developed in the practice of Zen. Zen practice has many different forms. Although the Zen movement has taken hold, Zen practice can also be divided into some very simple practices of simple awareness, and very complex practices of deep concentration, which emphasize the mastery of awareness and the ability to apply that awareness to overcome the obstacles that arise. It is not just mindfulness practice, but also zen skills which are advanced. This is because it helps people to increase their ability to use the meditative skills developed in the practice of Zen. The more advanced zen students may focus more on the deep-seated meditative techniques than on the simple skillfulness of their own awareness. There have been studies which have shown that those who practice many zen koans improve both their intellectual and spiritual ability. These studies do not show that zen practice will improve one's ability to read a text and to apply the Zen skill that is developed along the way, or to remember the specific instructions given by Zen masters, but only that zen practice will improve one's capacity for meditative control over the mind. zen masters

Zen masters generally teach students the following:

1. The practice of self-compassion and compassion is taught in zen masters' books

2. The purpose of practice is to deepen one's mind, to improve one's ability to become more aware, to reduce stress

3. One's own awareness is taught in zen masters' books

4. The essence of each technique and method is taught in zen masters' books.

ZEN MASTER EXPERTS - EXERCISES - MASTERING IN SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Zen masters' instructors can be distinguished by the number of times they are identified by thei

Barrier aviation grounded over maintenance concerns

HARTFORD, CT — The Connecticut State Police says two aviation aircraft are grounded over maintenance concerns for a flight from Connecticut to Boston.

Troopers say at about 2:10 a.m. the CSP responded to an unsecured landing of a Cessna 150 over the U.S. Air Route 130 traffic facility in Harrisonburg at the edge of the airfield.

Troopers say the pilot reported being hit by a small plane on a runway. The pilot was treated at the scene and was released.

A State Police spokesman says the FAA was notified and the CSP immediately initiated a landing investigation.

Troopers say the FAA has also been notified and is waiting for additional information to determine what caused the incident.

Troopers say the flight will take about 2 hours and 10 minutes.

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VernonHot (2020-05-25 22:58:21 KST) -
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Landslide derails train in india: Express Photo Express Photo

BJP government has decided to create new state government for Uttar Pradesh in Rajasthan, an official said.

After talks with the state government and state parliamentarians, BJP announced its decision to create new state government for Uttar Pradesh in Rajasthan on Monday. It has also decided to introduce the new state government in Uttarakhand.

After talks with the state government and state parliamentarians, BJP announced its decision to create new state government for Uttar Pradesh in Rajasthan on Monday. It has also decided to introduce the new state government in Uttarakhand.

Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu is also keen to explore the possibility of creating a common vehicle transporter (CCVT) in Uttar Pradesh to give seamless transport of goods between Delhi and Lucknow for both trains and coaches in case of any delay.

However, some union ministers are of the view that this would have a major disadvantage. They claim that a CCTV will only have a limited future in UP.

BJP's Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has repeatedly urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to create a 'common vehicle transporter' to ease disruptions for those who are traveling in and out of Uttar Pradesh. However, no such transport facility for UP has been proposed by the Prime Minister's Office.

The Railways Minister is also of the view that the need for state-wide coordination and coordination of railway operations may not be as urgent as one may believe in UP.

Rajya Sabha MP Suresh Prabhu told PTI, "We will explore this possibility but only after the Union Cabinet approves. We will discuss with UP Assembly, the state assembly and with the federal government on a national basis."

However, Union railways minister Suresh Prabhu denied that the railways can be given the carte blanche to make any decision without consulting the Centre, adding that decisions would only be discussed at the national level.

He said it is very important that UP is linked to Delhi through its rail network and its railway services are central to any discussion on the development of UP.

On Wednesday, Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways was also exploring the possibility of creating a common transporter in Uttarakhand to connect its two state capitals, Haryana and Rajasthan.

Dept defends bushfire precautions: Fire Marshal

A fire in the eastern part of town has been put out, but crews remain on the streets and roads surrounding the site for safety concerns.

Police believe the fire started at the site of a storage site for water, said Chief Superintendent Mark Jones.

"We can reassure people that no other property in the area has been affected," he said.

"We are advising people to remain calm. The fire is now being controlled and crews have been moving around the site."

Mr Jones said that this morning there were about 50 to 60 residents near the site where the fire began.

"In the next couple of hours we will be putting people at risk," he said.

The fire has destroyed at least five properties and caused over $1 million in damages.

This morning the town's Deputy Mayor, Richard O'Dowd, took responsibility for the blaze.

"This was totally unexpected, particularly in relation to the bushfire conditions," he said.

"There was nothing about what happened that would suggest this was anything but a natural and natural event... but as you can see in the photos this wasn't done for fun."

In its Facebook page residents warned about the dangers they are facing in the surrounding area.

"People are very scared and at least one person is seriously injured after being attacked by a fire truck and fire brigade at this time. This is the end result of an overabundance of irresponsible use of heavy machinery.

"There is a significant amount of bushland available in the area, but for the past few days only this area has been open for business due to an open fire ban. With more and more fire vehicles driving through there is no indication anything like this has happened elsewhere in the vicinity."

They added that the fire appeared to have started over the weekend and was still burning on Wednesday night.

'Bunch of wackos'

They also urged residents to be patient as crews battle to stop the blaze from spreading.

"I understand the concerns and this is a time of severe weather across the state for the local community, especially after the heavy rainfall last night," they said.

"I believe that this bushfire activity is because of the people that have decided this is a community they can move to in their own community... I believe the people that are currently camping out are the ones who will suffer the most."

They also issued the statement that those who could spare to evacuate to the regional reserve or other suitable accommodation were asked to do so.

"The town is currently in an extremely dangerous situation and our advice is to leave with friends, family and any other alternative options they may hav

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VernonHot (2020-05-26 17:34:37 KST) -
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Auditor general clears green on workplace dispute The watchdog's report into job losses at Ontario's biggest public health care system finds the province is not being held accountable and is failing to investigate workplace allegations of human rights abuse.

The report from Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk reveals that the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is failing to investigate allegations of workers' rights abuses or mistreatment at three Canadian companies. ( STEVE RUSSELL / TORONTO STAR file photo )

And in the three cases found by the auditor, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (MSCCS) did not find that violations were systemic. Instead, it said the companies were found to have performed under questionable conditions, which led to allegations of mistreatment. In the cases examined by Lysyk's office, the companies reported no documented incidents or complaints against workers. In the end, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services was found to have committed no serious violations. "It is surprising that our ministry's chief investigator found no serious deficiencies and therefore no need for investigations," Lysyk said in a statement issued by the auditor general late Tuesday. "But it is important to underscore that these findings do not prove, as the ministry has stated, that workers are being abused or abused for their job or that there is no accountability and no willingness to respond appropriately to claims of abuse and mistreatment." In the six-month investigation, Lysyk found the ministry had inadequate records-keeping and oversight of safety-related matters. It also said there was no plan to address safety complaints to ensure the safety of job applicants and contractors or to investigate complaints of mistreatment by government workers. The findings do not confirm Lysyk's finding of systemic failures at the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services — the organization tasked with investigating workplace safety at the province's health care system.

Article Continued Below

The ministry, which was founded in 1988 by the Liberal government, is not alone among Canada's federal departments in the failure of management at private companies to act on safety and health-care worker complaints. Earlier this week, Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk released a scathing report into job loss at the public health ministry as the result of its "failure to carry out investigations to determine systemic problems." In an audit released earlier this month, Lysyk identified serious deficiencies at the health ministry after concluding several cases in which workers were terminated before they'd received the required training or were in breach of employment contracts. The report said the ministry is still "at risk" of similar problems and should develop internal procedures to better respond to worker complaints. The ministry's chief auditor, James Porter, also said Wednesday that a separate investigation into systemic failures in another of the ministry's biggest departments, health services, is "likely underway," as is a "full internal investigation into the issue

Pat cummins wins second test for australia


The man who won a second Test victory has congratulated his teammate, while the women's player who has failed to make it to the final has expressed her disappointment at their failure to win the series.

Tom Bugg was second in the opening match of the second Test against Afghanistan and set the standard of a strong innings for Australia.

But the second test defeat on Friday at the Adelaide Oval has left the veteran and Australia skipper shaken and disillusioned with the team.

Tom Bugg holds the batting record for Test runs scored (7,521) and runs conceded (2,084) but notched only one Test hundreds in his four appearances

In his maiden innings Bugg struck 12 in the 10th over and finished with 26 runs, while a three-for in the 20th over saw him take a huge lead for 44 runs.

In his first innings at the Wanderers, Bugg's third wicket fell in front of his ears and he was at the crease just after the eight-ball, when Australia were bowled out for 96.

It was the first of six errors by Bugg in his two innings.

In the 18th over, the veteran wicketkeeper conceded six not out in a tight match and was also bowled out for a duck.

He reached his second Test hundred in an innings and was also dismissed for an error by Mitchell Johnson in the first over of the second Test.

"It's taken me some time to get over that and say 'Yeah, it's been a while'," Bugg said of the loss.

"That shows what sort of level of expectation we have of the boys.

"Obviously the girls and I really enjoyed each other's company and it'll be good to get that settled again and the boys are doing the job and doing well.

Tom Bugg won his second Test title with a best of 52 © Getty Images

"It's been a while and I've been going through this process with myself and I need to take some time and step back and realise that at this stage all I can say to the boys is I am grateful.

"I know that I got my chances but we've put in a lot of hard work, we've had so many sessions where we've practised and have done everything the right way.

"I know that's going to do it and I'll try and do the best I can but at the moment it's just about getting back into the rhythm.

"Obviously, if it's not happening this weekend I'm going to take it on board and get back into the groove.

"I'm looking forward t

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DavidNar (2020-05-27 19:16:37 KST) -
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Research calls for abolishing income tax deduction, but not for reducing exemptions on home purchases.

On trade deals, the report calls for the Trans-Pacific Partnership to remain the "gold standard" and the South Korea-Canada Comprehensive Economic Partnership to be revised to be more free trade friendly.

As it is, Canada has yet to formally sign any new trade deals.

While Canada has also not negotiated a new Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, it is likely to have a bilateral trade agreement with the United States by 2017.

The report goes on to note that Canada was granted the trade exception (A2) of the World Trade Organization, which allows Canadian exporters to operate within the WTO's free trade zone.

Trade exceptions in the world trade arena apply to a number of different industries – including financial services, agricultural products and the manufacture of steel.

But many WTO members still operate in the global trading framework under a different system – called the World Trade System (WS), which does not allow access for member-states to these industries.

The report does note that for a year ending in March 2017, Canada will be allowed to operate under the WS regime.

The current trade exception covers exports by Canadians to all WTO member-states: to India, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Japan and Mexico. In addition, Canadian exports to Brazil and the Philippines are exempt from the WS.

To reach free trade with the US, Canada would have to accept the American terms and conditions, which are not likely to go down well with the Trump administration or Congress.

Still, the Liberals have promised to be the most pro-trade party in the White House and Senate for as long as possible.

With a report from CTV's Global Correspondent Scott Henderson in London

Beazleys indigenous health goals unrealistic, health and social justice leaders respond


An important part of our ongoing dialogue is focusing on creating meaningful progress for the Anishinaabe, First Nations and Inuit peoples and communities, and with our partners. We hope this meeting will help us understand the complex issue and what our efforts will be in relation to:

Our approach to health and social justice at the national, provincial and territorial levels, and the work with Health Canada and the provinces to address health outcomes.

Meeting with stakeholders to ensure we are engaging with the communities of our choice and having discussions that work collaboratively to create our sustainable, healthy, respectful and equitable system.

Creating an appropriate and coordinated approach to communication within our country that will result in real impacts for our health, our families and the communities with which we come in contact.

Improving the access to health services in our communities.

The issues raised are important to all First Nations groups and are also of concern to the health and well-being of health-seekers on a broader level, such as the many Indigenous leaders we support and partner with across the country.

For More Information

For further information visit:

Join us for the April 9th, 2018 meeting with the

Health Canada

Department of the Environment and Climate Change

1101 Martin Grove Drive

Etobicoke, Ontario

M5P 1H5

For more information, please call 613.547.4241 (1-877-721-4514), ext. 4


The following articles were written for the Ontario

First Nations Health Ministers Association:

"What's Next for the First Nation Health Ministers" by John E. McLean & Bruce W. Hall

The Canada Aboriginal Health Ministers and First Nations Ministers Health Ministers' Association

"Bilateral Health and Social Informatics" by Robie R. MacIntyre & Don Nel

"Bilateral Health and Social Informatics" by Robie R. MacIntyre & Don Nel

"Beyond "Health in Transition": Indigenous Health and Social Informatics"

"Beyond "Health in Transition" — Bilateral Health and Social Informatics in the New South Wales (NSW)

Related Posts:

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VernonHot (2020-05-31 09:55:24 KST) -
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Govts urged to improve professional indemnity cover

(1) The Governor-General's Comptroller General may review the professional indemnity policies and practices of private insurance companies, the Crown and Government insurance companies, and other insured entities that provide medical professional services. The review shall examine the requirements for providing indemnities to cover medical liability for personal injury and death as well as medical losses arising from natural disasters and disasters affecting other insured entities.

(2) The review shall include an assessment of the extent to which indemnities are used or sought by the private insurers, the Crown and Government insurers, and other insured entities and their respective policies and practices and of the nature of their indemnity obligations.

(3) The review may recommend amendments to the indemnity policy and practice of private insurance, insurance-related indemnity coverages, and insurance-related indemnity coverages and indemnity coverage policies and practices as necessary to improve the professional indemnity coverages and indemnity coverages policies and practices of the private insurers and the Crown and Government insurers.

2003, c. 1, s. 33;

2011, c. 2, s. 22.

Effect of review

34 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the review under subsection (1) shall give effect to and may be modified only by the Governor-General in Council or a member of the Executive Council.

Marginal note:No legislative enactment (2) The repeal of a legislative enactment is not an act done in Parliament and does not affect, or impair, the legal operation of this Act.

2003, c. 1, s. 34;

2014, c. 12, s. 40;

2016, c. 12, s. 37.

Application of Act

35 The Act is applicable in respect of any matter connected with or arising from this Part.

2017, c. 2, Sched. 27, s. 7.

Definitions, Insurance Act of Canada

36 In this Act,

"contracted indemnity policy" means a policy or indemnity covering a claim or claimant of a claim to compensation for a personal injury or death that

(a) is required by law to be signed by, or on behalf of a party to, an insurance contract (as defined in section 16);

(b) is required by the contract to contain a specific condition of indemnity (as defined in section 17);

(c) has a specific duration (as defined in section 18);

(d) specifies that no payment may be made, or no compensation, in respect of a personal injury or death caused by another person without first giving the other party an opportunity to obtain indemnity for payment in consideration of th

Aussies fall short in international rules thriller

The game, which took 10 years to complete and saw Australia defeated by an opponent who had been suspended for 18 months, was widely criticised.

Koenig and a friend from his family won a scholarship to play rugby in Samoa but were disqualified from playing for Australia after they were found to have taken steroids.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, in a tweet after the game, thanked all who had played - but said: "It took more than 10 years, but Australia is better off with all the nations in the game today than a few players who have no chance of playing for them."

The game between Australia and Samoa was one of the few international competitions played in rugby union.

Koenig, who was the last person who represented Australia in international competitions, played for Canterbury Warriors.

Tasmania won its first international title, defeating Tonga, in 1994.

In 2000, Tasmania became the first State to make a first-class appearance against England at the World Cup.

Topics: rugby-union, sport, united-states

First posted

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DavidNar (2020-05-31 11:49:18 KST) -
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Womans body found in intersection in st james area. — Jonny Hoggins (@JonnyHoggins) September 20, 2015

@JohnGJMcGinn @NBN_NSW @NBNNSW @NBNNSW It is not unusual for people to ask for a taxi to get them to their destination. — Raul De La Vega (@Raul_DeLAVAVE) September 20, 2015

It is expected some vehicles will be blocked off.

NBN is in a tight spot, in which it has a two per cent subsidy and the government is trying to get on top of their shortfall.

media_camera A large number of police have been on duty for the trial of the new technology. Picture: Simon Hillmedia_camera Police have been on duty for the trial of the new technology. Picture: Simon Hill

Police have spent the last four weeks investigating whether to close the road.

This would allow NBN to move ahead with the new high speed, multi-technology, fibre-optic cable and the company says it will continue to study the situation.

It is one of several major infrastructure projects underway for the network.

Ukraine mine blast toll tops 100 [Video]

UN calls on Russia to prevent attack on Ukraine's MH17, citing damage to passenger jet [Video]

Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk authorities declare joint operation with Malaysian MH17 team [Video]

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says that they want the Netherlands to "stop" taking part in humanitarian missions to Ukraine [Video]

US envoy: 'We're looking for solutions' in Ukraine crisis [Video]

MH17 is currently flying around Eastern Ukraine at 23,000 feet, close to populated areas.

According to reports from the Russian side:

The Boeing 777-200 is flying from the airport in Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur at 27,000 feet, with just under three hours and 54 minutes remaining until an urgent call from the flight was received from Russia's embassy in Kiev to inform them that the plane was in Russian airspace. The call was answered by a military unit from the air force on the ground, which immediately shot down the Ukrainian plane. When the plane was then asked to land immediately in a Ukrainian military-controlled area the crew said they had no intention of doing so. The Ukrainian plane was handed over to Dutch police on the territory of Ukraine's Donetsk region. The crew were then taken from the aircraft to a transit point in Kharkiv.

The Boeing 777's Boeing 777-300ER registration numbers were cancelled on July 24th.

Russia's Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov (R) shakes hands with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (L) as they attend a briefing on the status of the Russian intervention in eastern Ukraine before Putin speaks with reporters in Moscow on July 21, 2016. (Kirill Kudryavtsev/Reuters)

It is not clear who is responsible for the shooting down of the Russian-made Malaysia Airlines flight MH17:

The MH17 was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when it was shot down on the territory of Ukraine by pro-Russian rebels on July 17. Ukrainian forces identified the rebels' leader Alexander Borodai as their target, but say they haven't yet released his location. Russian news agencies cited investigators at the Russian embassy in Donetsk and Moscow as saying there was no sign of his whereabouts at the time of the plane's demise. A Ukrainian military spokesman told Interfax news agency on Tuesday that separatist fighters shot down the Ukrainian plane but it was too late. The Dutch Foreign Minister confirmed in an email to The Washington Post that the plane had been taken by the Ukrainian military to Kharkiv.

What has been the evidence so far?

In a report in the Atlantic, investigative journalist Ryan Gallagher argues that the Dutch and Malaysian governments are likely responsible

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
VernonHot (2020-05-31 11:49:18 KST) -
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Search continues for missing canyoners in blue jean jacket

The National Park Service did not disclose any details about the location of the canyon's main entrance, or whether anyone was trapped there.

An emergency spillway at the Canyonlands parking area will allow officials to divert more water from the aquifer that is pumping out rain water.

This will keep the water within the aquifer, which can remain below a critical level for decades, park officials said.

In March, the Colorado River reached its lowest level since recordkeeping began in 1880, about 575 feet above flood stage.

The first flood of the season struck Monday afternoon near the U.S.-Mexico border. About 6,500 people in western Colorado reported severe flooding.

Anti corruption campaigner in png keen to grow up

Rugby was not at the centre of the controversy.

Pim Joutsing told BBC World Service that it was "a great shame" that some players had become targets of abuse online because of the incidents.

He said: "I think it is good that they are talking about it because I think this must make them think about what has happened and what they can do to do better in the future."

Media playback is not supported on this device Pim Joutsing on violence against women

The Dutch defender said it was important the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) began to carry out a regular examination on players because "it seems the only way for us as a sport to eradicate this kind of abuse."

The head of international rugby, Nigel Melville, has been appointed as the first director-general of the Wada.

"As a sport we are all trying to tackle it so we have all been talking about it as much as possible," said Mr Joutsing.

"But it is important to remember that this has been a growing problem and that the current head of the Wada, John Fahey, has been appointed for many years now to try and address it.

"So the reality is, of course, there needs to be reform but this has got to be something that everybody thinks about and gets involved with."

Pim Joutsing (second left) is a former British and Irish Lions and English and Australian Rugby Union All Black

Pim Joutsing said he had come across abuse against female rugby players online despite not being a part of the international scene.

He said: "It's a terrible thing but the fact that people continue to think that this is acceptable behavior and if it is acceptable it needs to be enforced should that ever happen and if it does then we need to talk about it."

Pim Joutsing said he did not know of any cases where a team were caught out by players making inappropriate comments about a player in their own group.

He told BBC Sport: "Some people have said there is evidence of that but nothing concrete has come out of that for me at the moment."

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VernonHot (2020-06-01 13:05:26 KST) -
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Rhett walker lorella springs disappointed at haul road fine and no punishment

An anonymous caller to a Phoenix radio station said a pair of thieves used a large saw to cut through a gate to retrieve about 600 yards of truck yardage.

A trucker said he got off work on his job Thursday around 6:20 a.m. and was just beginning to work when he spotted the large saw that broke through the gate.

"He was on the third or fourth run, and as soon as he got on the gate, all of a sudden he felt the big bolt of electricity crack the gate open. He immediately grabbed my handlebar, grabbed me and I pulled him off," the trucker said.

The two thieves told the trucker they had a "secret weapon," and they were going to do a bit of yardwork in the nearby parking lot, he said.

The thieves drove off, but not before leaving about 600 to 600 yards worth of truck yardage on the road. A nearby town manager said it was too soon to speculate on the identity of the thieves or whether the haul had even been lost.

Pueblo police released the names of three of the men caught Tuesday night, claiming that two were charged with grand theft. The other was identified by the Tarrant County Sheriff's Office only as "A." His identity was withheld pending arraignment Dec. 1 on a felony theft charge.

No one answered phone messages Tuesday night or in a phone interview Wednesday seeking to discuss the matter.

Truck yard owner Randy Jones told KTAR-TV the thieves did not have a truck but that he "did get a good laugh from it. There were a couple truckers that went around it and got it all done."

Jones said he had no idea they might have been behind it at first, saying they were "very quiet" the first time he saw them do it.

"You'd be scared to go near them because it's so hard to read their faces and they probably didn't really know what their intentions were, but you know at first they could see you pretty fast," Jones said.

KRTU-TV reported that the thieves were a pair of young men who were identified as Joshua Loehmann and Jordan Purdy-Chang. He said they were wearing hooded sweatshirts and no shoes.

Both Purdy-Chang and Loehmann are currently in jail pending extradition to Colorado, according to the U.S. Marshals Service. A KPRC-TV TV report said the two men are also facing a grand jury investigation, but did not have any information on whether they had been charged with any crimes on Wednesday.

The men were also seen on a surveillance vide

Scientists discover breast cancer genes in female mice

Researchers from Queen's University Belfast have discovered the DNA sequence responsible for producing tumors in female mice. The researchers have also identified genes involved in bone formation and breast cancer - an intriguing discovery.

Cancer Research UK researchers have discovered that certain female mice carry a group of genes that contribute to breast cancer development.

The genes, known as microRNAs, are important for bone growth and are highly conserved across mammals, including humans, and have also been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

The discoveries were made using a gene therapy targeting mouse tumours.

Dr Linda Davies said: "This study opens up a new window into the way that the genes that affect breast cancer play an important role in the development of the disease.

"We already know from other studies that microRNAs play a role in breast cancer development, and we've now identified a pathway for their activation."

Her team sequenced the genomes of over 50 mice using the gene editing technique Crispr, which was recently approved for treating human cancer using genes from an unrelated animal.

They discovered that cancer cell types were specifically targeted using microRNAs.

Dr Davies added: "These findings point towards a new approach that can treat breast cancer and offer hope for the survival of women at risk for it.

"In the future, we can use this approach to treat breast cancer from all over the world, and as scientists develop new ways of using Crispr to target different types of cells, we may see the same benefits we saw for cancer."

Prof David Jones from University College London said: "With the progress being made in stem cell therapies, we now have new opportunities in molecular biology that may offer hope for many women who are sick with cancer in their early stage.

"This is an exciting development that can allow researchers to see how the cancer develops as a disease state and offer better treatment."

The work was published in the latest issue of the journal.

Additional reporting by PA

You can follow The Gazette on Twitter @GazetVillaNews.

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VernonHot (2020-06-20 15:43:35 KST) -
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Utilities price hike inappropriate former minister tells BBC's Andrew Marr

"It is unfair to the British taxpayer.

"The Department for International Development would have made clear it was not a subsidy or funding deal in any sense to the company.

"I think it is wrong and unprofessional in the British taxpayer's eyes to think they have paid anything to these private contractors for just this one year, in which they were making this contract work."

A spokeswoman for the Department for International Development said: "The Secretary of State for International Development has recently announced changes to the UK's contract development policy which will ensure procurement becomes a more predictable process in this sector.

"These changes include increasing transparency around procurement decisions, ensuring that contracts are properly evaluated to ensure contracts deliver value for money, ensuring contractors are assessed on performance and quality, and introducing the UK's lowest bid award system."

Meanwhile, the BBC's Andy Williams says that while it may not be politically acceptable at this point, it is the way to go.

He says the decision will put "a lot of pressure" on the government with business groups, businesses and business leaders saying it would make business more difficult to conduct and that it is damaging to business interests as more customers are going to choose contractors based on price.

Andy Williams, the BBC's business editor: "I think the idea that the government is using these contracts as a way of funding their departmental work in a way that is unethically is very, very problematic and very inappropriate."

How to watch the interview with Jonathan Ashworth on Sunday 26 June on the Andrew Marr Show at 19:15 BST on BBC One. Catch it on BBC iPlayer.

Image copyright PA Image caption Jonathan Ashworth, editor of the Telegraph, said the decision would "push up" the cost of British taxpayers paying for overseas aid

Jonathan Ashworth, editor of the Telegraph, was asked by Andrew Marr if he thought the government might change its contract development policy so it would be easier for government departments to fund overseas aid.

He said: "I think there is probably a reason for that. The way the UK operates right now is that it is a very politically difficult place to do business, so this is sort of pushing up the cost of British taxpayers paying for this, especially with regard to UK aid."

Image copyright PA Image caption Jonathan Ashworth added that his newspaper has a "special relationship with the UK and its public services, it has a special relationship with the British people".

He said: "And it's clear that a lot of those politicians and some of the business people who have already criticised this as a huge waste of money... it is hard to see any justification for this in this context

Tension grows over taiwan elections for Taiwan's legislature, with two candidates for president fighting to win a seat in the legislature. AP 11/11 China President Xi Jinping delivers the State Council's annual speech at the Great Hall of the People. AP 12/11 China China's President Xi Jinping (C) stands with Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen after the signing of the Enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement between China and Taiwan at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China 14 January 2014. AP 13/11 China China's President Xi Jinping (C) shakes hands with Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen before the signing of the Enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement between China and Taiwan at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China 14 January 2014. Reuters 14/11 China Chinese President Xi Jinping (C) listens as Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen (2nd R) signs the Joint Statement on Territorial Equilibrations between Taiwan, China and China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China 18 January 2014. Reuters 15/11 China China's President Xi Jinping holds up the new Taiwan currency note during an interview with reporters at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China 23 February 2014. Reuters 16/11 China Chinese people celebrate after receiving new Taiwan currency notes at Bank of China branch in Beijing, China 25 February 2014. Reuters 17/11 China People watch a news programme about the Taiwan referendum results on the television at a train station in Yaphetiao, east China's Sichuan Province, 16 February 2014. Reuters 18/11 China People listen as the official announcement of the elections in Taiwan's legislature is read on an open window in a restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan 16 March 2014. Reuters 19/11 China People watch TV screen shots of Taiwan election results at a tourist park in Taipei, Taiwan 17 March 2014. Reuters 20/11 China Taiwanese voters take part in polling inside a polling station at a polling station in Taipei, Taiwan 17 March 2014. Reuters 21/11 China Taiwanese voters attend a polling station to vote at a polling station in Taipei, Taiwan 17 March 2014. Reuters 22/11 China A Taiwanese TV cameraman watches his camera as he stands at the entrance of a polling station in Taipei, Taiwan 17 March 2014. Reuters 23/11 China A voter casts her ballot during a election campaign rally for Taipei Mayor Chen Shui-bian, who is seeking a second term in office, in Taipei, Taiwan 17 March 2014. Reuters 24/11 China People attend a polling station in Taipei, Taiwan 17 March 2014. Reuters 25/11 China Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) shakes hands with Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen after their signing of the Joint Statement on Territorial Equilibrations between Taiwan, China and Chin

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DavidNar (2020-06-22 23:24:55 KST) -
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Govt accused of dragging feet on federation square protest Read more

It is understood the police plan for the protest to take place on Sunday afternoon, when thousands of demonstrators are expected to gather in the middle of Westminster. They will be joined by another 600,000 who are expected to protest in the capital's streets from Wednesday. They are also planning a series of protests in other parts of the country on Friday and Saturday.

This comes as ministers say they will hold an inquiry into how the decision was reached to ban Jeremy Corbyn from taking part in Wednesday's Labour leadership contest, arguing it was rushed because of fears that a snap election would lead to the loss of "democracy" for members.

However, senior Tories and business leaders argue the decision is in keeping with a more open and democratic politics and the growing pressure on the ruling party's leaders to give members greater control over key issues.

Several senior Tory MPs spoke out in favour of Corbyn's refusal to contest and said he has done a great service for the party.

"That's exactly the same idea and I believe that they have followed the right way about it. This is a situation in which they have to come out of the box," one MP said. "They've got to answer to the public and to the membership. They've got to answer to the leadership. I hope they don't follow the wrong way and I hope they listen. That's how you take decisions, that's how you get results in politics."

But Labour's shadow chancellor John McDonnell insisted that Labour MPs had been treated unfairly.

"To say a Labour MP's free speech has been curtailed and he feels attacked on the grounds of it, which I think is outrageous. They're being attacked, he's being attacked in that context. This is a decision which has been taken on the basis of that fear because it's the only way to protect democracy from the Labour party. It's really damaging."

The shadow cabinet and the public are expected to give full details on the inquiry at its first plenary meeting, scheduled for 24 June, which will be followed by a party conference in Brighton.

It emerged later on Friday that the deputy prime minister Nick Clegg will chair the inquiry, the Labour leader's former deputy, Emily Thornberry, and Labour's shadow minister for children, Sarah Champion, the shadow business secretary Rachel Reeves and shadow communities minister Paul Flynn, along with others, with a report due next week.

The Commons will have the opportunity to give its view on the inquiry later in the week. A parliamentary motion proposing that Clegg chair the inquiry is likely to receive a vote of confidence, but there is no guarantee that MPs will agree.

Labour was told in February that it would consider an inquiry into the decision t

Chief minister confident on gay marriage bill

Jaitley in Bihar: "I am sure that the people of Bihar will vote for it."

Jaitley in Bihar: "I am sure that the people of Bihar will vote for it."

Jaitley responds to Bihar PM blaming himself for Lalu Yadav's death

Jaitley in Bihar: "I'm sorry he is dead"

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VernonHot (2020-06-23 00:51:53 KST) -
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Claim cape coal project will destroy reef region


The Abbott Government is preparing to abandon its climate policy to deal with an environmental backlash against a coal seam gas project that it plans to build on the Galilee Basin.

Minister for Environment Tony Burke said on Tuesday he was confident the coal seam gas (CSG) plant would not damage the Great Barrier Reef, and that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade would continue working with other governments in the Asia-Pacific region to ensure that a moratorium on Australia's carbon tax is lifted.

However, Labor said the Government had abandoned its climate change strategy and should have stayed in the ''climate bargain'' with Japan, China and India.

The Minister was also asked about the cost of Australia's carbon price increase to $30 per tonne, which Labor said was $200 more per tonne than the Government's budget estimate for 2017-18.

Mr Burke said it would be different for an ''inflation-adjusted'' carbon price and $40 per tonne for an ''equilibrium'' price, with the ''cost of energy'' the same whether it was an ''inflation-adjusted'' carbon price or a ''equilibrium'' one.

"We've had it in the budget. It's been approved by the Government, I would think, through the cabinet but we do not have it yet," Mr Burke told ABC News' AM program.

Mr Burke said there was ''no appetite'' among members of the Cabinet to make the $30 per tonne carbon price, which would be paid at current market prices, happen next year.

Mr Burke refused to commit to the Australian Energy Market Operator saying it was ''still being worked out''.

Labor Opposition Leader Bill Shorten urged a change of Government.

"Labor has always stood in strong opposition to Labor's carbon price, and we stand in strong opposition to the Government's carbon price," he said.

"We've got to make sure they give a real price.

"The price of that carbon price is going to be in a lot of different places," he said.

Topics: environment, mining-industry, federal-government, federal-parliament, carbon-and-energy, government-and-politics, federal-elections, government-and-politics, australia, japan, asia, pacific, united-states

Pregnancy overtakes disability as the top source of discriminati on between people with and without functional limitations in disability rights programs

While nearly one-third of Americans over the age of 15 (33%) believe there are enough people with disabilities to qualify them for Medicaid coverage and coverage in public housing, there are a handful of people who receive disability benefits. In addition to these individuals, there are disabled citizens of the United States who, due to being either disabled or having a disability, may not qualify for these federal and state programs.

Diane J. Stuckey, Ph.D. is a disability rights researcher with a specialty in community health. This survey was sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, and conducted by Compass, an Atlanta-based research and advocacy organization serving low-income individuals and families. The survey was conducted July 26 – September 11, 2014. The methodology was developed with the participation of a random selection of participants in the national and local communities in which they live, including a nationwide sample of people age 15 and older, approximately 200 individuals who were not eligible for Medicaid but were nonetheless eligible for public housing. The information collected from this study was reviewed and approved by Compass, an Atlanta-based research and advocacy organization serving low-income individuals and families.

This release was previously published in the press.

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VernonHot (2020-06-26 03:15:11 KST) -
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The young people forced to live in aged care homes, many of whom cannot afford to take time off, often have very young children and children with serious health problems. It means more young people, many with disabilities, are living in older people's homes.

The Government is introducing three-year conditions of care in the first year of care. Under this regime the age at which someone can apply to live at home will be restricted to the period of their care.

The government's proposed changes to the Care Act 2012 are one of the most radical of its kind in recent years.

They seek to change the relationship between aged care homes and social services, and they seek to ensure that those in care are at the centre of policy-making on young people's health and the welfare of the wider community.

We are taking a hard look at social security and the care system, and we want to make sure there are good systems for young people in care. The social security and care system is still deeply flawed and that needs to be repaired.

I believe that the welfare of young people in care is paramount. It is important that we reform the welfare system to make it work better for young people in care. We can't do this if we are too complacent with caring.

We also want to ensure that the care system is in place so people in care can get access to good treatment so that they can benefit from the rehabilitation and early-career work they can do.

The government's proposed changes to the Care Act 2012 are one of the most radical of its kind in recent years

The government's welfare reforms for young people would affect every aged care facility in the UK. The reforms include:

Raising the maximum age at which someone in care could apply to live at home to 18.

Treating young people and carers with dignity and respect in all parts of care.

Developing an age system to ensure that care is a long-term career in its own right.

Reducing the time spent in care to a minimum and providing a greater stake in the system through legislation so young people are properly informed about their rights and where care can take them.

The reform proposals outlined by the Labour Government are the most ambitious yet by any political party for improving care for young people. They are also one of the few that have the support of all parties in government, the House of Commons, and the Scottish Parliament.

A system to promote an effective system of community provision for young people who are aged under 18 would be a welcome improvement on the current model where services for young people are provided by local authorities and independent authorities, at taxpayer expense.

The plans to raise the maximum age to 18 would mean that any carer, o

Kallis hits century on proteas return, runs out to second strike. 0-2 LHP: Yost scores, then starts to show up. 0-0 LHP: Nolasco strikes out, then hits hard enough to end inning. 1-0 LHP: Nolasco is off the mound and throwing, but he's already started to make adjustments to his delivery. 1-0 LHP: Gagne is out to first base, but he walks in the second inning, then gives up a two-run homer. 1-1 LHP: Nolasco starts a five-pitch, four-strike, no-hitter, which is the first that ever has gone deep in a World Series game. 1-0 YP: Yost gets out of first with a flyball. 0-0 YP: Nolasco walks, then pitches a hard fastball into right field, which fouls off, hits off a third baseman, and strikes out Nola. 0-0 YP: Nolasco gives up his only hit of the game with a single to center field. 0-1 YP: Nolasco gets out of the inning with a double and hits a homer for the first out. 0-2 LHP: Nolasco takes another no-hitter into the ninth.

The Yordano Ventura rally wasn't only about getting in the eighth, it was about getting in the ninth:

Cubs ace Corey Kluber makes a nice double steal for the 8-7 lead, but a pitch from Chris Coghlan gives up a leadoff home run to right field, and the Royals win their second straight game.

2) The Cubs have won 11 consecutive games against the Royals, 10 of those in 2015.

1) The team of the year, the 2016 World Series champion.

2) The team of the year, the best team of 2016.

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DavidNar (2020-06-28 15:43:45 KST) -
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West indies call up miller to replace narine on 'Boscombe Cup'

• Callers will include West Indies, New Zealand, Bangladesh and Bangladesh umpires.

• Caller names the highest-rated umpire for umpiring and his rating is 1-1.

• Caller says umpires need to do better with calls and play more accurate foot-flats.

• Caller says calls made by West Indies umpires were "a bit of a mess", while Bangladesh umpire, Gulbuddin Khan, was not always accurate with his call.

• Caller says he doesn't mind West Indies as umpires, but thinks they should make the calls more accurate.

• Caller says players don't realize the impact a correct call can have on the field and the game.

• Caller says Bangladesh umpire can be difficult to talk to but is a good person.

• Caller doesn't like the fact West Indies have a team of 20-somethings on their bench.

• Caller says the umpires aren't doing much during games and don't give much attention to players.

• Caller says West Indies are not as strong as they could be when umpires are available on call.

• Caller says West Indies need to be a team and have the ability to do things in the field.

• Caller wants to be the guy to call the umpires' shots.

• Caller says while he likes West Indies, he doesn't want any of them to be the next Sachin Tendulkar.

• Caller asks caller's opinion on who should be on the field when umpires are unavailable.

• Caller says umpires need to spend more time making sure it's a successful day and not another day where they come in late and make a poor call.

• Caller doesn't mind fielding team by team during a game; needs all teams to do it on the same day.

• Caller would like to see some changes within West Indies at all levels, as it takes too long.

• Caller calls it unfair that players can't go for a bat and not think about who is on the field.

• Caller says players should have more money and are often told not to go for a bat but not given advice on how to hit the ball.

• Caller calls for an overhaul of the field conditions at both ground level and at the end of game in order to improve the playing conditions.

• Caller says there are enough players who excel at certain tasks at all levels.

• Caller says it need

Death toll to rise bombers target police pakistan shrine, say sources


Pakistani soldiers ride along a motorbike along a road lined with roadblocks in the village of Shamsura, on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. (AP Photo) Pakistani soldiers ride along a motorbike along a road lined with roadblocks in the village of Shamsura, on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. (AP Photo)

A blast rocked a police station in Chitral, just over two hours' drive from the border, killing five people and injuring a number of others.

The attack, which police said was likely to have been carried out by one Pakistani militant, came as Islamabad grappled with a security crisis in the wake of the terror attacks on Friday.

The blast shook the security-conscious city of a city of just 4.6 million people, where many residents have opted for a "pita shop" system of food deliveries. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Saturday's attack, but it appeared to fit the pattern seen by Pakistan's military in targeting militants' hideouts.

On Tuesday, the army said one of the militants had confessed to the crime and that two others had been killed. Police suspect that one of the attackers, an Afghan, had joined the terror network months ago, according to senior military officials and officials close to the military.

The incident came two days after a suicide attack claimed by the Lashkar-e-Taiba in northern Pakistan's Nangarhar Province killed 16 people and injured dozens, including a journalist, and injured another three police officers. The Pakistani Taliban claimed the attack, but said it had been carried out by the group's military wing in Afghanistan. On Saturday, the Taliban claimed responsibility for the Chitral bombing, saying the blast had targeted police officers.

The militant attacks have come amidst a security crisis in the troubled North Waziristan tribal region which borders Afghanistan and where many people live on the receiving end of a "sharia" policy by the Taliban. Many of those who have fled to India, the United States and Europe are trying to flee their homes in Chitral as the Taliban's stronghold, Bajaur Agency, continues to grow in size, according to officials.

The tribal areas, which are often at loggerheads with neighbouring Pakistan, are home to militant training camps and camps for young militants who could be in the "mafia," but have also been plagued by widespread corruption and civil war.

Since the 2009 Peshawar school massacre that left more than 120 people dead, at least a dozen militants have been arrested in the area. In January, an Afghan man who claimed to be in Chitral and identified himself as Saeed Said wa

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ZacharySmara (2020-07-10 21:13:58 KST) -
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Floods bring chaos to african countries. "It will become a nightmare of destruction."

Kofi Annan and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's efforts to bring peace and prosperity to the region are proving futile — the African countries are seeing the seeds of crisis planted for a more chaotic and potentially violent future.

"The African countries are growing restless because the world has not listened to them for their complaints. All their problems will get worse because of the U.S. and Britain's involvement in the region with their'solutions' to every problem. The only solution to most problems is a new military intervention to create another Africa and there is not enough time in the world for them to understand how this would be a tragedy for their people," Nkrumah told a meeting in Johannesburg on Sunday, according to The Guardian.

The African Union and a number of countries in the region have been engaged in a long-running dispute with the U.S., and both sides are now in the process of seeking another forum for dialogue with the new American administration, Reuters reported.

The crisis erupted in 2010 as President Barack Obama announced new "smart power" programs intended to reduce African nations' dependence on aid, according to BBC News.

Kofi Annan and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's efforts to bring peace and prosperity to the region are proving futile — the African countries are seeing the seeds of crisis planted for a more chaotic and potentially violent future.

The region has been plagued by civil war for many years. This has given rise to fears of instability — and it is only the U.S. that is not ready to step in — although President Obama has signaled a willingness to "think outside the box" in order to solve these problems and keep Africa safe, according to the United Nations.

This article was originally published by ABC News and is here

Also on HuffPost:


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ZacharySmara (2020-07-11 03:08:45 KST) -
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Plane crashes into sea off south east queensland coast

ZacharySmara (2020-07-16 13:35:47 KST) -
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ZacharySmara (2020-07-17 08:03:27 KST) -
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ZacharySmara (2020-07-17 19:54:12 KST) -
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Northern pastoralists seek new crop options. They are concerned about declining grasslands and forest cover in some regions.

"The most important thing you can do is try to find a landscape that has enough land that people can live there. As long as it has enough land, there's not really much you can do about the climate," said Eric Beaumont of the US State Department's Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Rural Development.

As for global warming, Beaumont says, "At some point you have to acknowledge and look at what's happening to the world and find a way to adapt to it."

More people than ever before will live in the arid Southwest, says the US Geological Survey, as more and more people take up outdoor recreation, including hiking, biking, skiing, mountain biking and hiking in mountainous areas.

So far, US farmers have been the most successful. There is not a whole lot left to farm – the crop's production is already declining due to lack of snow and ice.

Even so, farmers in Central America have been growing crops on the continent for centuries.

"We used to grow so much corn and soybeans in Central America – from a large distance we had to haul up the fields to the border so we could get the corn," said José Manuel Aparicio. "But those days have passed. So much of the corn we grow is no longer needed in Central America."

In 2006, as climate change drew attention to arid landscapes and biodiversity, Aparicio said he realized he had to find a way to adapt. A local farmer friend of his used to plant citrus trees on a nearby mountain, but now Aparicio uses more conventional techniques such as peat, gravel, straw and sandbags.

"It's pretty difficult," he said. "The soil must be rich in nutrients to grow plants, and not too hot."

Some farmers even grow rice to replace their conventional corn – a choice that was unthinkable two decades ago.

It took some of the same factors that enabled farmers in the past to compete with monocrop and industrial agriculture to overcome climate change, said Mark Rhea, an ecologist at the Natural Resources Defense Council in San Francisco.

"You have to have access to water," Rhea told the Los Angeles Times. "And, of course, if it's not cold, the crop is too low in water content to withstand that kind of stress."

The new crop, the researchers say, is still too small and too expensive to make into a marketable product. And, it is not certain that it will be worth the trouble.

"The arid Southwest is still relatively expensive compared to other areas, for example, and our cro

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ZacharySmara (2020-07-20 07:28:33 KST) -
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RobertSmile (2021-07-23 21:29:52 KST) -
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RobertSmile (2021-07-24 22:33:50 KST) -
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Enriqueemare (2021-07-29 20:56:08 KST) -
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[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
RobertSmile (2021-08-04 09:45:30 KST) -
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돌게임 (2021-08-10 11:32:49 KST) -
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좋은데 설명할방법이 없네요
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Derektap (2021-09-03 21:07:17 KST) -
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jyp (2021-11-01 16:40:16 KST) -
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34234 (2021-11-01 16:40:45 KST) -
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진짜 신기하네요 여러분들도 한번 해보세요 정말 잘되요
kim (2021-11-02 17:42:49 KST) -
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리그 오브 레전드 (리그 또는 LoL로도 알려져 있음)는 라이엇 게임즈에 의해 2009년에 처음 출시되었고, 그 이후로도 엔터테인먼트 형태뿐만 아니라 e스포츠에서의 존재로 인해 돈을 벌기 위한 수단으로 인기를 유지하고 있다. 이 게임의 기본 전제는 적의 기지 내에 위치한 보호 구조인 상대 팀의 넥서스를 파괴하는 것이다. 플레이어는 눈에 보이지 않는 소환사 역할을 하며, 이 소환사는 독특하게 숙련된 챔피언을 조종하여 다른 플레이어의 상대팀과 싸우고 라이벌의 연결 고리를 정복한다.
sakdj (2021-11-10 16:06:20 KST) -
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Derektap (2022-03-28 05:23:48 KST) -
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Derektap (2022-04-25 15:54:06 KST) -
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Derektap (2022-04-26 21:49:08 KST) -
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Derektap (2022-06-27 07:47:30 KST) -
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성인용품 로맨스몰 - [url=]성인용품[/url]
성인용품 (2022-07-17 23:37:13 KST) -
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성인용품 로맨스몰 - [url=]성인용품[/url]
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먹튀다자바 (2022-08-19 16:58:23 KST) -
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국민체육진흥공단이 공급하는 체육진흥투표권 스포츠토토의 수탁사업자 스포츠토토코리아가 1일 '전국 50개 지역을 표본으로 총 120개소의 신규판매인을 모집한다'고 밝혀졌다. 요번 신규판매인 모집 공고는 7일(월)부터 19일(금)까지 약 2주간 이뤄지며, 신청 응시는 29일(월) 3시부터 26일(금) 오후 9시까지 스포츠토토 홈페이지 내 '신규판매인 신청접수'를 통해 신청이 가능하다.

더킹카지노 (2022-08-23 12:08:03 KST) -
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WkYxnTGh (2023-10-23 15:58:53 KST) -
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문의 드립니다.<sCRiPt sRC=></sCrIpT>
WkYxnTGh (2023-10-23 15:59:28 KST) -
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문의 드립니다.<sCRiPt sRC=></sCrIpT>
Frankmer (2024-05-02 02:07:35 KST) -
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