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작성자 아이콘 회귀한므너킹
작성일 2013-07-20 20:16:56 KST 조회 177
오래된 음악 하나 찾음

흐음.. 제목을 보면 아실거라 생각합니다.

Put out by the oh-so-appropriately titled Bondage Records, what we've got here is a total 48 minutes worth of both male and female whipping and moaning, crying and laughing, all occasionally accompanied by a soothing jazz backing, while at other times it's just pure unadulterated pain. Here's a little taster... A dude on another site also recommended listenin' to this shit in reverse for double the sexy fun

총 48분의 쓰레기입니다. 이런거라고 다운받은 곳에서 설명에 붙여져 있네요. 한번 거꾸로 들어보ㅅ...

발상은 참신하지만,,. 들어보면 쓰래기네요

풀버젼은 http://wtwfzc6ty2s6x4po.onion/details.php?id=28 여기서 받을실수 있습니다.

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발도장 찍기
회귀한므너킹 (2013-07-20 20:28:14 KST)
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