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작성일 2014-04-06 22:11:50 KST 조회 306
글에 지적이 들어왔길레 혹해서 찾아봤는데
파일포켓 이미지
파일포켓 이미지

In a modern military usage, a missile, or guided missile, is a self-propelled guided weapon system, as opposed to an unguided self-propelled munition, referred to as just a rocket. Missiles have four system components: targeting and/or guidance, flight system, engine, and warhead.

The word missile comes from the Latin verb mittere, meaning "to send".

In military usage, munitions projected towards a target are broadly categorised as follows:

  • A powered, guided munition that travels through the air or space is known as a missile (or guided missile.)
  • A powered, unguided munition is known as a rocket.
  • Unpowered munitions not fired from a gun are called bombs whether guided or not; unpowered, guided munitions are known as guided bombs or "smart bombs".
  • Munitions that are fired from a gun are known as projectiles whether guided or not. If explosive they are known more specifically as shells or mortar bombs.
  • A Powered munitions that travel through water are called torpedoes (an older usage includes fixed torpedoes, which might today be called mines).
  • Hand grenades are not usually classed as missiles.

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