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작성자 아이콘 egernya
작성일 2016-11-17 11:51:36 KST 조회 851
이번 홈스토리컵 이후로 규모가 상당히 축소될거라고 하네요



Thank you very much to NEEDforSEAT and MIFcom but also to all the other partners who are always supporting us.

But also for partners like this there is a limit and they have to think about money and even if they love this event they can not invest that much money in a product where they dont have a return they need. You can do that once or twice but at some point it hurts.

All these partners wanna keep working with us and invest in us but they also have to see how they can invest in the market and where it makes sense.

What i wanna say is that we definitly SOMEHOW have a HomeStoryCup but having the same budgets of our sponsors we have right now will not happen and that means we most likely dont have the HomeStoryCup "that big" anymore.

This would / makes me very sad and i wanted to share this for you and i know this text is a HUGE WALL but i feel like i have to explain all of this to you.

We had a great support of our community to donate for a lot of koreans to pay them flights / Hotels which i am very greatfull for and was SO awesome but this is just a "kinda small cost" of what we overall have with a 25 - 30 man crew working on it, the location, food, shuttles, prizemoney, external people etc etc etc

If there is a way to keep doing it I WILL and even if i have some losses I will do it! I will try to find new sponsors but i try to be realistic - It is not that easy nowadays. I will not stop doing Starcraft and not stop to do a HomeStoryCup but we have to see how we can do it in the future.

I hope you can understand my situation. 


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