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작성자 공부해라
작성일 2014-02-22 00:37:33 KST 조회 162
USA 투데이가 좀 회의적인 시각 보이지 않았던가요

What happened tonight in the women's figure skating competition was worse than the 2002 Salt Lake City pairs judging scandal because, this time, we'll never find out who might have done what because all the judges' scores are now anonymous. In 2002, French judge Marie-Reine LeGougne's scores were easily identifiable. But in 2004, the International Skating Union adopted a new judging system in which all judges scores are now totaled into two numbers: a total element score and a total program component score.

The idea was to help eliminate bloc judging and cheating, but the result is that the system now hides, and even can protect, those who are not playing by the rules

근데 이 기사는 오히려 2002년보다도 심각한 문제일수도 있다고하네

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공부해라 (2014-02-22 00:38:52 KST)
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이미 국내에도 내용은 나왔구나
아이콘 DieKatze (2014-02-22 00:42:47 KST)
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