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작성자 아이콘 NightFury
작성일 2014-08-07 03:02:52 KST 조회 558
드림웍스가 이렇게 장사질에 관심이 없었던건가

What’s next?

I’m about to start writing that script after I take a little break.  I have an existing outline already that was part of mapping the trilogy was kind of knowing what threads we would be drawing out of the first film and playing out in the second installment but then also what are we setting up for the third? I love the idea that something that Cressida Cowell had mentioned when she was visiting the studio and she is the author of the books from which the first movie was based. She said, “I plan by the end to explain what happens to dragons and why they are no more.” That was so compelling and I thought “Wow, it is such a powerful idea.”  Of course it’s bittersweet but I think it is  so emotionally powerful and fitting to be able to close a chapter on this trilogy with history returning to somewhat as we know it and what happened to the dragons and where did they go and could they come back. These are all mysteries that will be unveiled. But I loved that Hiccup learned stand on his own and made the toughest decisions of all for the betterment of mankind and dragons.

“I plan by the end to explain what happens to dragons and why they are no more.”

“Wow, it is such a powerful idea.”

영원히 팔아먹을 수 있는 좋은 소재를 끊어먹으려고함

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발도장 찍기
조향풀 (2014-08-07 07:19:37 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아니죠 3편으로 꿑내고
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용성애자들으 지갑을 터는 정으로운 강도가 될겁니다
알페와이쿠사이 (2014-08-07 08:28:54 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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