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작성자 아이콘 로코코
작성일 2015-11-16 17:05:10 KST 조회 587
제 아몬 팬픽이 현실이었던걸로

"It’s very much a Lucifer story on some level," Waugh says of Amon. "It’s a character that had the opportunity to become a great being, and then realized he didn’t like that; at the end of the day, he was part of this ancient, infinite cycle. He realizes that that’s not what he wants, he wants to shatter that cycle. He wants to break everything. He feels lied to. In his mind, he’s the hero of his own story." 


Amon was a tough villain to craft; after all, all-powerful beings tend to be boring when the most interesting thing about them is their power. In early readings he felt a little like a one-note character, Waugh says. Internally, the team knew what his motivations were. In the game, they weren’t as easily readable. 


"I really think that your protagonist is only as good as your antagonist," Waugh says. "In many ways, Amon is kind of the thematic inverse of Artanis. Where Artanis kind of takes on the burden and realizes that there is a lot of flaws in what is the world, that there's a way to work with them and improve them, Amon decides to shatter it all. 


"I think the real answer there is finding, at the end of the day, the humanity of this dark god. Why he does what he does." 



하 블리자드 입사해야할듯 

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