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작성자 아이콘 [바이킹]
작성일 2015-07-03 22:57:15 KST 조회 5,185
7/2 공허의 유산 커뮤니티 피드백 업데이트

Thank you for your constructive discussions this week. It’s been good seeing the more helpful threads and conversations develop over these last few days.

Chat Improvements
We’re just finishing up our most recent pass of chat improvements, and are currently planning on releasing them with the next patch. Below are the changes we have planned:

    • Re-addition of Member Lists
    • List of Active Chat Channels (with filtering)
    • Option for Increased Chat Window Height
    • Increased Contrast for Text vs Channel/Player Name
    • Pin Chat-window to Stay Active (Not Yet Implemented)

We’re continuing to work on the layout of the UI to ensure that chat doesn’t interfere with client functionality so that we can eliminate the requirement for window management. We’re also working on a details post on these topics, so please look forward to that coming soon.

Ghost Ability
Thank you for your feedback in this area. We realized that we completely agree with the fact that the new armor-debuff drone ability isn’t suitable for the fantasy of what the Ghost should be doing, and it’s more of a Raven type of ability. Additionally, we’d like to give a shout-out to the really well explained “Line Damage Snipe” suggestion from our community. It was very easy to understand and the screenshots attached were very straight forward as well. 

We made an ability like this previously in our internal testing and learned much about skillshots in StarCraft II. We realized that we don’t want splash damage units on the barracks as we’ve found it to be much more interesting when bio units are supported by such damage-dealers from the Factory or the Starport.
However, after testing out various “snipe” related Ghost abilities such as yours, we’re currently at the following version of Snipe:

    • Much higher single-target damage. Requires a 5 second channel before the shot fires, channel can be interrupted by damaging the Ghost.

The idea behind this version is that it fits the theme of the Ghost better: proper utilization of Cloak and excellent positioning where the Ghost is protected by other units will be critical to using the ability well. With that said, we’re not finalized on this ability yet, we just wanted to share the current state of our exploration into this unit to hear your thoughts.

Skillshots in StarCraft II
A topic we wanted to bring up is skillshots in StarCraft II. We’ve found that there are issues with clearly determining what’s going to happen when a skillshot is commanded while multiple casters are selected. There are two ways this plays out:

    1. Closest caster to the target point casts the ability. Because direction matters with skillshots, the closest available unit isn’t always what you want, and the only way to choose a different unit is to individually select it, which feels clunky. Also, if the closest available unit isn’t on screen, it can be confusing (you see a ghost on your screen, you pressed the ability, but no targeting indicator appears).

    2. All available units cast at the same time. This gives an accurate prediction of what will happen and lacks the confusion of which unit will perform the action (since all of them will). The gameplay, however, didn’t feel very strategic. With such a large spread of simultaneous attack angles, it felt more like a wide area AoE, and for the defending player the counter micro was to just retreat.

To provide some more information, we had tried skillshot abilities on the Mothership Core and Oracle since air pathing is simpler and you don’t usually make many of these units. The skillshots didn’t feel confusing, but the specific abilities we tried out did not fit into the game well. Seeing as our end goal is to make the gameplay fun and exciting, rather than to force abilitiy-types into the game, we opted to remove these skillshots. We’re open to trying this out where it might fit, but so far these abilities have not been a good fit for StarCraft II.

Overlord Individual Transport Upgrade

We definitely hear your thoughts in this area. The timing of it may be a bit too early right now, especially when the opposing player is teching up. It’ll be easier to find a higher tech place for it, such as making the upgrade have a Lair requirement. However, because it is something new, we’d like to test this a bit longer before committing to a nerf like that. 
Thanks for the testing and feedback in this area. We’re seeing a lot of tier 1 Overlord drop strategies in the beta as well and will continue to monitor this upgrade.

Minimap Icons added for Destructible Rocks and Towers
Because we’re rotating through ladder maps very quickly now, we really want to polish the minimap to display all of the critical info. Currently, we have icons for important pieces except the destructible rocks and towers. We’d like to try out a change for this in the next beta patch.

Map Diversity
We wanted to provide our thoughts in this area once more due to various discussions happening regarding this topic both for and against it. We strongly believe that map diversity is important for the longevity of StarCraft II. We believe there are three main perspectives to view the concept of map diversity from:

  • Regular players playing on Battle.Net
    • We believe each season feeling fresh, with new strategies and options to explore, keeps the game feeling dynamic and more interesting.

  • eSports and stream viewers
    • We have observed a trend from the past few years of StarCraft II: when new maps play too similarly to a previous season’s maps, it is not an ideal viewing experience.
    • One of the highlighting components of watching professional StarCraft II matches is being exposed to new strategies. We’d love to push map diversity for this reason.

  • Pro Players
    • We know that increased map diversity is not as easy for pro players. The very concept requires them to explore, discover, and practice new strategies that appear due to the diversity of map structures.
    • When it comes to choosing what is fun for viewers versus fun for pro-players, we believe pro-players having it a bit more rough is more beneficial than having a less entertaining experience watching competitive StarCraft II.

Admittedly, there is a downside to trying to push for new, interesting, and different types as there is a higher potential for slight match-up imbalances. We’d really like to encourage players not to overreact to a strategy that initially looks overpowered on a certain map. Rather, we would encourage players to explore ways to overcome these strategies throughout the game. We believe that even the very best players in the world can’t immediately account for every viable strategy on a given map, and that keeping an open mindset will be very important when pushing for more map diversity. 

However, it should go without saying that if a map does turn out to have irreconcilable problems, we will take measures to address those concerns – even if this means removing a map from the pool mid-season – as we have done in the past.

Terran Mech
We hear your feedback in this area, and definitely agree that mech usage has greatly declined since the Cyclone nerfs and mech upgrades being split off. We are exploring ways to scale back these nerfs to get a better ratio of bio play versus mech play in the beta. Current options that we’re considering are:

    • Combining mech armor upgrades, but leaving the weapon upgrades split.
    • Higher damage on Cyclones accompanied by rolling the range upgrade into the unit.
    • A change to lock-on functionality that causes the ability to break if the Cyclone loses vision.

Ravager Balance Suggestion
We saw a great tweak suggestion from many of you this week regarding the Ravager’s weapon range being increased to 6. We agree that Ravagers can be bumped up a bit more, and also agree that it makes sense that Ravagers generally should stay behind Roaches. We’ll be testing this out internally this week to see if it’s a good change to try in the beta. Thank you for your great discussions in this area.

We agree with you that the Liberator in low numbers against equal cost of enemy air units isn’t very strong, and that their anti-ground positioning play is very interesting. We also agree that this unit could use some help. Our current stance on the Liberator is to leave the AA in its current form (strong versus a player who is massing air units) while strengthening it’s anti-ground role.


채팅 개선할 예정

추가한 유령 신기술은 밤까마귀한테 어울리는 듯 그래서 단일 상대 차지샷 생각중(5초 차지)

스킬샷(히오스나 롤에서 스킬 누르고 있으면 마우스쪽으로 화살표 보이는 거) 추가할지 생각중

대군주 드랍 강하다는 의견 많음 좀 더 지켜볼 예정

바위탑 같은 거 미니맵에 아이콘 넣을 예정

레더맵 다양화

메카닉 방업 통합 공업은 분리 유지, 사이클론 사업시 데미지 증가, 시야 사라지면 락온 풀림으로 변경

궤멸충 사거리 6으로 증가

해방선 공대지 보강 


요약 출처:!4


지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 도란_ (2015-07-03 23:08:28 KST)
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센스 이미지
차지샷이 뭔가요? 5초 충전해서 높은 데미지 주는건가요?
아이콘 Api (2015-07-03 23:16:07 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
자날공허가 차지 아닌가
뭐 1초에 -1 2초에 -2 3초에 -3... 되는건가
IMsad (2015-07-03 23:33:48 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
차지샷이 자날 캠페인에서 야수의 소굴로에서 레이너가 쓰는 천공탄환같이 나가는거 아닐까요
아이콘 중복된아이디 (2015-07-03 23:58:10 KST)
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센스 이미지
해방선 공대지? 공대공이 똥인데
아이콘 Fisma (2015-07-04 01:07:12 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
스킬샷은 다수 유닛을 순간순간 컨트롤 해야하는 스2엔 안맞는듯
아이콘 오래국시골님 (2015-07-04 09:03:42 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
맨날 테란저그만 손보네 분열기는?
감염충 (2015-07-04 09:29:44 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
스킬샷은 감염충한테만 주는것도 괜찮
bourne907 (2015-07-04 11:53:51 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
일단 마지막엔 잘됬으면 좋겠다.. 일단 분열기를 어떻게 손볼지 고민 많이하고있는듯...
아예 깔끔하게 삭제가 제일 좋아보이는데
아이콘 coso520 (2015-07-04 12:37:20 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
공허 사업공3업 거신이 / 군심 사업거신보다 안 좋은데 .... 뭔가 메리트 좀
ongbak90 (2015-07-04 14:31:21 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
유닛을 여러 마리 끌고다니기 때문에, 스킬샷을 도입하기 힘들다는 것 같은데요.

한 마리만 조종하는 상황에서 스킬샷을 도입하면 되지 않나 싶네요.

AOS에서 스킬샷을 도입하는 것도, 한 개체(영웅)만을 조종하기 때문인데요.
아이콘 전역[민간인] (2015-07-04 19:46:39 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
스킬 샷은애바다;;
아이콘 돌격전차 (2015-07-04 20:01:14 KST)
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센스 이미지
해방선 공대공 소수대소수에 별로인거 아는데 냅둘모양
아이콘 Sonic2Da (2015-07-04 23:40:03 KST)
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센스 이미지
공격소리 타격감 상향좀
아이콘 저그의로망 (2015-07-05 04:46:28 KST)
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센스 이미지
그래도 마지막 확팩이라 그런지 공 많이 들이네. 굿
BANSHEEEEEE (2015-07-05 10:24:35 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
타격감 소리는 불곰 공격, 밴시 공격, 저글링, 불멸자 공격 소리등등만해도 충분하다고 생각하는데..
스타1 같은 단순 무식한 소음은 딱 질색입니다. 소리 변경 반대
아이콘 블루베리베리 (2015-07-05 12:53:47 KST)
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센스 이미지
분열기 제발 컨셉좀 바꿔서 다른유닛 출시했으면 좋겠다
159357 (2015-07-05 14:36:51 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
유령 스킬샷은 좀 궁금해지네요 천공탄환처럼 관통샷도 괜찮을듯
159357 (2015-07-05 14:38:22 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
그리고 해방선 공대공 공격이 너무 임펙트가 없고 은근 약하던데.. 오히려 공대공을 보강해야되는거 아닌가
아이콘 기라졸 (2015-07-05 17:28:36 KST)
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센스 이미지
일꾼은 아직도 12기인가?
아이콘 저그의적은저그 (2015-07-05 22:27:14 KST)
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센스 이미지
궤멸충 좀 쓸만해지겠군
아이콘 돌격전차 (2015-07-06 00:04:36 KST)
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센스 이미지
해방선 관련 말이 진짜 좀 이상한게
공대공 약한거 알어 근데 냅둘거야, 지상공격모드는 특히 소수교전에서 쓸만하지? 근데 좀 더 좋게 만들려고 그래
이게 말이야 똥이야
아이콘 명림답부 (2015-07-06 09:52:17 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
마지막 확팩이라 딱히 공들이기보단 예전에도 이정도 공은 들였음. 다만 결과가 망이라 그렇지...
아이콘 토스테란종빨사기 (2015-07-07 00:09:27 KST)
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센스 이미지
궤멸충 드디어 상향하네 바퀴랑 부비부비각이였는데
445 (2015-07-08 14:29:33 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
분열기 걍 없애라....다른 유닛 하나 만들자
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